
But I Want Revenge

kickass heroine

“is there by any chance anyone else here with you?”

“My son.”

“Where is he?”

“He is in his room.”

“How old is he?”

“He is only 10.”

“Oh ok....Anyone else here.”

“No officer.”

The officer who had for the most part been the spokesperson, stood up. “Ok Mrs. Jones, do you mind if we take a look at the balcony?”

She gave them permission and they both examined the area. No other clues but an alcohol bottle that laid empty on the ground.

“Could it be suicide… or simply a drunken accident?” The questioning officer quietly asked his partner.

“hmm, could be.”

“Ok Mrs. Jones, thank you for your time. We’ll be going now.”

As the officer who had been on the left, turned to leave, he got a glimpse of Timothy starting emotionless at him through the crack of the ajar door.

His partner was already out through the door and he simply followed behind him.

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The Perfect Host
“Hmm…interesting very interesting indeed.” “What’s it Master?” “I sense intense high levels of anger rising, a man desperate to get what he wants, but can’t because the one he wants is preoccupied with another. I don’t care if he really loves her or not, what matters is, he wants her but can’t get her….. He is a Prince Lycan and she refuses him, that's an out right insult to his authority. His desire for revenge makes him the Perfect Host.” “This is great, isn’t it? I’m well equipped to handle the job. Can I Master?” “Sure, but remember, in exchange for his fulfilment of revenge, he must help us find the Black Diamond Amulet.” “Yes Master!” --------- “Hi Falcón, your soul has summoned the Spirit of Darkness…..I see you seek revenge on the girl who refuses you….. it’s nonverbal, but she’s rejecting you. I see your pain, and your cry for revenge is heard. I can help you, if you want.” The sly voice, is nothing but the enticing hiss of evil. Falcón nods and immediately the darkness overshadows his wolf. “In exchange for your revenge, however, you must bring me the Black Diamond Amulet.” Falcón nods once again. “From now on, I shall call you Ven, for your soul seeks Vengeance.” Ven’s POV “Jackson!” Jackson stopped dead in his tracks, turning around to face me. I walked up to him, my tone demanding and my threats deadly fierce as I commanded him, not only to leave Vanessa but also to leave town, or else, the consequence of his refusal would be dire. I painted his options in black and white, there was no grey matter, either, he willingly leaves her, or I forcefully take her and in the process he loses everything... including his life, and that was not an empty threat. That was simply the price of defiance. I knew he wouldn’t dare retaliate because it could easily cost him, his Beta status in the Crescent Wolf Pack, which was the second highest honor of any wolf. The status was hereditary, but as easy as it came, even easier it could go. Betas were warriors but first they had to be masters of their own temperament. Like the good little wolf he was, he left town. Smart choice. I made advances at Vanessa but she still turned me down. Her refusal further fueled my anger and darkness grew. Only then did I discover why she had became so repelled by me. She was with child. The energy from the unborn fetus was strong. “Ven, the baby must die. I smell the rise of a Keeper.” It was still too early in the pregnancy for Vanessa to know, but in the fulfilment of my revenge, I solicited help from my minions, these who were dying to be associated with anyone of power, dispute how ruthless they may be and I watched mercilessly, the slaughter of the unborn. After that, Vanessa went on a temporary hiatus. Now, it was my turn to fulfill my end of the bargain, finding the Black Diamond Amulet. Time passed, and Vanessa finally returned to school and sought to humiliate me in front of everyone. I left. She probably though it was because I had become too embarrassed to show my face at school again, but the truth was, I didn’t need school anymore, not when I could now get anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, by any means necessary, without regret or remorse, so I went in search of the amulet. Years passed by without success. Another pair of trusted eyes was a very useful solution, so I had a son. Sebastian was to be my mini me. He helpless fought a losing battle, struggling between the seed of destruction planted within him by me and the kind hearted residue of his mother. He never really knew her, just the way I wanted it and slowly but surely there was less of her character in him as he grew. Pure evil had won, hands down. I had great plans for him and I…. Together we were going to be an unstoppable force and rule the most powerful group of Lycans. One day, I came across a little girl. She looked like a splitting image of….. Vanessa? She had a daughter? But this daughter did not have the same energy of a Keeper but I could sense she was covered by a protection spell. “Sebastian!..... I have a job for you. As you grow up, keep an eye on this girl.” I held a picture of her in my hand. “Yes father.” I patted his head. “Good boy.” Time passed, I became the Lycan King, the search continued, many died at my hands in search of the amulet, but there was not an ounce of remorse within me for any of my actions. “The girl, Allison, is leaving town. The hunters are after them.” “Well son, follow her and don’t lose sight of her. Her energy maybe useful in finding the amulet, after she has unlocked her full potential. And in the process, it won't hurt to use her to teach her mother- I’m a guy to be feared.” Sebastian's POV I watched her with keen eyes as she grew up. I was just a few years older than her. She wasn’t the average slim cut female, but I won’t say she was fat, she was…. well proportioned…. if meaty is your taste. Her face held reminders that puberty was still at work, but something about her captivated my soul, her short black hair always nearly braided, her melanin glow, a sight to behold. To me, she was beautiful, simply perfect. I guess it’s true, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ But still it baffled me when she was rejected by the one made for her. I hadn’t known love, but I knew he didn’t deserve her. I knew of her pain after rejection, I knew when she lost her wolf and I witnessed her loneliness, but I also witnessed the power of real friendship. She met Kelly, and the two were inseparable. I adored it. I was spending too much time living in the shadows of her life, to the point, I felt slightly drawn and connected to her. I sensed when her wolf returned, a bitter sweet moment, because now, she'll have to leave to secure her protection from the Hunters' attacks. However, I was slightly glad, because I saw the torment on the face of her rejecter, and I sensed his regret, but I hoped, in the end, it would be too late for him when he was ready to crawl back…. Maybe then I’ll have a fair chance. For three years more, I observed her. Her confidence had grown tremendously, and her sassy yet gentle wolf would occasionally peek her head, much to my amusement. She was like wine, only getting better with time, until finally, one day she saw me. I didn’t want to hide anymore. I knew it was against father’s plan, but I wanted her to know I existed. Our eyes made four, her hazel eyes pierced my golden orbs. The world around me ceased to exist, it was just she and I in that moment. My heart fluttered, a feel I never felt before or knew anything about. I remembered that day, it was forever edged in my memory. She wore a black rhinestone high neck sleeveless sexy dress. I felt my heart racing at the sight of her. She was absolutely stunning as she sat at the table with three new friends she had made while down here, living with her grandparents. I was glad that she noticed me but I wanted more than just being noticed. I wanted her, but I feared she’ll never want me back. No, I did not lack in the looks department. I knew I looked like a Greek god, it was in my genes and no, I am not being cocky, just confidence. That night I tried to dress to impress, my hair was faded at the sides, with my golden curls lying loosely to the top, I wore a white shirt, a few buttons undone, hoping to appear more appealing, while my muscular biceps remained define dispute the shirt's long sleeves. I paired it was a black fitted pants. I had height, something I knew girl went crazy over, along with that natural tan that I didn’t need the sun for. Our eyes remained interlocked for some time, no willpower in me to look away, until my attention was forced to focus on an irritating tap to my shoulder. Of all time, why now? I calmed down, realizing it had been Jack. Jack was the best pal anyone could ever ask for. He had been with me since childhood, through thick and thin, he was the most faithful friend and now my loyal Beta, I won’t trade him for the world. Yes, that's right, I was Sebastian, the Lycan Prince. “What's it Jack?” He sighed and I braced myself for the worst. “Your father wants you to mark the girl.”

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