Hostile Take Over

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Alpha David's POV Alpha David and the rest of the warriors got to confront Alpha Eric and told him; "I, Alpha David, hereby declare you an unfit Alpha. And therefore, you are going to willingly give up your title and pack or challenge me, and I WILL win."  Alpha Eric said, "you can’t do that you have no right."  Alpha David said, "yes, I do. When I went to the pen to find out their side and picked up what they have been going through, I contacted King Alpha, and he gave permission." "I will never yield up my pack!" said Eric. "Then you will die here today, and your Luna will as well, do you still wish to fight?" Alpha David asked.  "We have not yet mated. I can reject her and make her accept, and she will remain out of this," replied Alpha Eric. "Then see to it immediately," said Alpha David. "Jake, you are to take him to Terri and see that it is done," David stated. Jake follows Alpha Eric into the packhouse. And stands by while Alpha Eric tells Terri, "I am going to reject you because I am going to fight to the death, and I do not desire you to die if I lose." What surprises Beta Jake is that Terri does not seem to be upset with this information. Almost like she is relieved. Alpha Eric stands tall and pronounced, "I Alpha Eric reject you, Terri, as my mate!" And Terri said, "I, Terri accept your rejection." Neither seems to feel the pain that comes with true mates. Which leads Beta Jake to understand that this was not a true mate situation. Alpha David is waiting outside for Alpha Eric to get back outside to accept the challenge. As Alpha Eric comes out to face Alpha David. He tries once more to intimidate Alpha David, saying, "I have never lost a fight, and I do not intend to lose now!"  Alpha David, however, does not flinch as he just asks, "are you ready to die?" And once you are dead, we will have each of my pack members check for mates and take any mates back to our territories. And any females from my pack that find their mates here will stay here once we get a new Alpha fit to run this pack. Alpha David informs Eric. "Let the fight begin, your choice, wolf, or man?" David asks Eric. Eric replies, "the wolf is my preference."  David ordered him to shift and get ready. They both shift into their wolves, and Alpha David's wolf is by far bigger than Alpha Eric's, and Eric lunges at David. But David is quick to sidestep and swipes out his paw and gouges Eric in the stomach. Eric retreats and growling, he lunges, again and again. David was able to grab Eric by the throat. And with a quick shake of his massive head, David snaps Eric's neck, and the conflict is over. Alpha David asks, "is there any other that would like to challenge me?" Not one wolf steps forward. Then he asks, "Is there anyone here that is an Alpha?" One man steps forward and announces, he was Eric's younger twin and is also an Alpha. Alpha David asks, "Do you feel you can lead this Pack with strength and integrity?" Roy answers, "Yes, Sir, I do." Alpha David said, "and now you shall. We will hold the official ceremony tonight and have a feast." Alpha David declares, "Oh, and before I forget, do you have a mate for the Luna?" And Roy nods "yes, my true mate is Terri, my brother wanted her so that I would not be strong enough to challenge him."  Terri runs into Roy's arms and hugs him, and says. "She would never have been Eric's, Luna." Roy holds her tight and told her he was planning on stopping the ceremony if Alpha David had not helped.  Alpha David asks for a meeting with Roy to discuss how things around here will change and how the two Packs will be allies. Alpha David mind-links his warriors to bring back the unmated pack members. So that a celebration and check for mates among the packs can happen before they return to their territories. The warriors answer, "Yes, Alpha right away."  Terri says she is going to help the Omegas get the feast together. There will need to be a lot of food to prepare. Terri asks, "Alpha David, how many will be attending from your Pack?" Alpha David said, "about 500 of our Pack is unmated, so plan for that many plus this Pack."  Alpha David and Roy go to the office to begin talking about the changes that will need to be made and the alliance that they will build together.
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