week 2, stary writing camp, characters

263 Words
Lucy is a kind hearted and clumsy orphaned girl. she is soft spoken and thinks that everybody is as good hearted as she is, even her step mom. she is of moderate height, slim and fair in complexion. she has a very long hair like Rapunzel and it teased about it every now and then prince Romero, he is arrogant, strong headed and mean to all the people around him. he is always angry and shouts at the slightest mistake. he is tall, muscular and a well built body. he has a brownish white skin which was later to be turned to thick furs. he has a black silky hair that lays on his head up to his shoulder. latana, Lucy's step mom, she is an evil who knows how to scheme. she has somehow convinced the little Lucy that she is better off hidden in the tower as she would be more safer but the truth was that she was jealous of tye girl and the fact that she is more beautiful than her own daughter. she is a manipulative person and always knows how to get people to do her bidding. intra, she is Lucy's step sister, she is a fool and always doesn't know how to make her own decisions and waits for her mother to do so. she is fairly beautiful at her own level. she has a slightly point nose and a huge mouth. she has a huge rounded face. her height is short and she is fat, just like how her mother once was as a maiden.
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