Mommy Dearest

783 Words
·        My head is throbbing, the loud car horn is only making it worse, and the copper taste is overtaking my mouth. When I finally open my eyes, my blood-stained sight locked in with the last person on this earth who loved me, my father. His head is leaning on the steering wheel facing me, eyes wide open: well that explains the loud ass horn. Any other person would, should feel hurt, afraid, emotional. But that's not how SGT. Jenkins raised me. Since my mother left us when I was 8, he has trained me to protect myself. There are no room for "feelings" or "affection” because they cloud your judgement. I love my father, I know I should feel something, but I cannot. The first thing I start to do is analyze my surroundings, locate my pistol, and my phone. My father was an excellent driver, so for us to be here is no accident or coincident. As I am reaching, something is wrong. The air is heavy, so are my eyelids. My shirt feels cold, when I look down the blood stain on my lower right side is growing, and so is the darkness. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  I wake to cold air rushing in my nose from the oxygen tubing, accompanied by the scent of bleach. I hear a constant beeping sound, and 2 people, no 3 people conversating in the background. Lady1: She's been with her father training on a ranch all this time? Does she talk? Can she read? Does she have a sliver of humanity? Lady2: Ma'am, calm down. I can not speak for her social skills in an induced coma for 3 weeks due to swelling on her brain. But we retrieved documents from their ranch and her father educated her very well. At 17 she is fluent in 6 languages, and her IQ is 146. Lady 3: You are her grandmother, her last living relative. Even if she were mute, would it matter? Lady 1: (growls) Yes it does matter and who are you to judge me for asking? My husband and I are old and need to know what we are signing up for! Her mother destroyed us if you must know. I know when you are dealing with the bull you can get the horns, and the bullshit. The conversation continued, but at that point I could no longer listen. MY GRANDMOTHER! And what did my ovary donor do to her? Guess she was a total fuck up. "Tracey", the woman pull me out of my thoughts. "Tra", I tell her. "My father calls me Tra. I haven't answered to that since she left". "Ok, Tra I am Kendall (Lady 2) your social worker. This is my assistant Tina (Lady 3) and this is your grandmother (Lady 1)." My grandmother crudely steps in, "I'm Elizabeth Madison-Hendrix honey. I'm the mother of Christina". <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  9 YEARS AGO This is the first time that we can settle down in years, due to dad's military job; mamma and I loved it. We should shop and collect everything. My mom is so smart, so home schooling is a breeze. Dad and I have been trying to convince her to let him teach me to fight. But no, she always says, "David, Tracy is young lady. She should have her head somewhere in a book, instead of her fist on a face." Mom always complimented me on how gorgeous I am, how I am her mini me so we should carry ourselves like ladies. My parents loved each other. They would play fight, and then dance around our house and play kissy face while I yell, "Nasty". Every morning, daddy would wake up at 4:30am to feed the cows, done by 7:30 or 8. Mamma would wake at 6:30am to start breakfast. The only day this schedule is different is on Fridays during the winter. Daddy stays out longer because he goes in the woods to cut down trees for firewood.    This Friday started out the same as usual; with mommy and I eating breakfast. I sat at the breakfast bar doing schoolwork, she gathered up the trash and took it out back. I finished four pages before I realized, mommy never came back in. I stared at the back door, I could not move, and I don't know why. I do not know how many minutes passed, then mommy came in. She had a blank, set, emotionless mask to her face. She stormed in and told me to go to my room and read a book, I did as she told me. As she walked by, she stopped and stared at me, then she closed my door. That was the last time I ever saw Christina.
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