When Nila meets Jaden

1599 Words
Perspective: Nila K Life as an independent adult away from her family and friends was not easy. In fact, it was hard and it was humbling. It brought her down to earth so fast, she could have crashed into smithereens if not for the grounding practically of Cindy. Cindy has stayed on for a week to help her settle down in the bustling city of George Town with its rows of heritage buildings leaning against each other, its dizzying warren of maze-like roads that criss crossed the inner city and its warm and friendly people who speak in a gentle sing-song dialect.  She is still in the same country and yet, it felt so foreign in Penang. The food, the people, the laidback way they go about their business. It was like settling down in a foreign paradise island.  That first week was a nightmare. She couldn’t get a job. She couldn’t find a suitable place to stay. It was either a dinghy looking place that is surely infested with rodents for reasonable rent or gorgeous modern places that costs a bomb to rent. There was no in-between.  Then she met Jaden Forest. An infuriatingly cheerful mat salleh (a term used in Malaysia for Caucasians) from United States who would not leave her alone. She was sitting at the cafe of an art gallery she had just visited and sketching on her sketchpad when this gorgeous tall man with baby blue eyes stood over her, blocking the light. She had looked up and met the most genuine and sincere pair of baby blue eyes she has ever seen. There were laugh lines crinkling the corners of the deep-set eyes and his thick brown hair were swept back in casual waves. It was all she could do not to gasp at the gorgeous package of a man standing over her. Instead, she furrowed her brow and stared up at him. “You are blocking the light, I am trying to sketch here,” she told him, her tone abrupt.  He grinned at her and craned his neck to look at her sketches. She quickly closed her sketch book. She is still so insecure about her art. She is no longer sure that she is as good as some of the artists here in Penang. She had seen the art works in the numerous galleries in the city and each masterpiece had taken her breath away. Even the street murals were breathtaking. Instead of inspiring her, it left her unsure of her own talent.  “That’s kind of rude,” she snapped at him. He grinned again. “Hi, I’m Jaden, looks like you are all alone, do you want some company?” he asked cheerfully, ignoring her cold tone and frown. Without waiting for her to reply, he slid into a chair next to her. “So, are you here on a visit from Kuala Lumpur?” he asked. Her eyes widened in surprise. How did he know where she came from? She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. Is he a private detective sent to find her? She quickly gathered her things and stuffed it all into her bag. She wished she had asked Cindy to come along. Cindy had decided to go food hunting all over the city. Her friend wanted to taste and eat everything before she heads back home.  “I don’t know who you are, I’m leaving,” she said brusquely. She got up but he snaked his hand out and held her wrist gently. “Hey, hey, I am not dangerous,” he said gently. She glared at him and pulled her hand free.  “Don’t touch me without my consent!” she said, her dark eyes flashing angrily.   He held up his hands, palms out, to show that he meant her no harm.  “I’m sorry lady…I just liked what you were drawing and thought we could be friends, you know, fellow artists not from here,” he said. She was about to walk away but she had paused at his words.  “You saw my sketches?” she asked, curious if he was being honest or just lying to get her attention. He nodded in reply.  “You are doing some urban sketches…good stuff there,” he said. He leaned back on his chair and grinned up at her. “I am an artist too, I have just decided to settle down here and trying to make a name for myself,” She eyed him warily. She looked around the cafe. It was quite busy with most of the tables occupied and the patrons talking quietly among themselves. She supposed she is safe in this crowded cafe. Surely, he wouldn’t do anything to her in such a public space. She was also curious about this man. What sort of artist is he? Mural artist? Watercolour? Acrylic? Oil paint? Sculpture?  She sat back down.  “Alright. Let’s start over. Hi, I am Jaden Forest, a struggling artist trying to make a name for himself and you are?” he offered his hand, his blue eyes twinkling at her.  She felt herself taking his hands on its own volition. She grasped it and felt his large strong hands closed over hers, sending shock waves through her system. There was definitely a thrill of strong attraction there. His eyes widened and she was sure he felt it too. She quickly released his hand.  “I am…er…Nila K,” she said, quickly coming up with her artist name. She will not use her real name in public spaces. The whole point of running far away from home was to avoid people recognising her or for anyone to know her real identity. She had even forced Cindy to call her by her artist’s name. She can’t risk anyone hearing her real name.  “Hello, Er Nila K…that’s a unique name,” Jaden said teasingly. She rolled her eyes. Great, here is a guy who loves lame dad jokes. Turns out single men without kids can dish out lame dad jokes too. She quickly glance at his fingers. No rings and no pale lines to indicate that he had purposely took off and hid an existing ring.  He saw her looking at his hands and he held it up to show her. “Look, no rings, I am single and a carefree bachelor...although…we just met, I think we are going too fast,” he said cheekily. “Er Nila, you sure likes things fast,” he implied, winking.  She frowned at him. Now he makes it sound as if she wanted to jump on him and seduce him right there.  “I was just making sure no jealous wife comes after me for daring to sit with her husband and trying to entice him into an affair,” she replied haughtily.  He laughed and crossed his arms on his chest in mock fear. “Please, miss Ernila, don’t entice me, not here out in a crowded cafe!” he said.  Great, she thought. He is really one of those men who thinks they are so hilarious. She rolled her eyes at him. “First, my name is Nila and secondly, please don’t flatter yourself, I won’t touch you even with a ten-foot pole,”  He clutched his heart at this. “What a way to shoot a man down, that bruised my ego, almost fatally,”  A smile curl up her lips despite herself. The lighthearted banter with this gorgeous man is actually quite entertaining.  “Ahhh..so she can smile too! Oh, my eyes, that smile is too brilliant,” he covered his eyes theatrically.  “So, what do you paint and what medium do you use?” she quickly changed the topic. This silly banter will never end if she keeps pandering to his silliness.  He lowered his hands and grinned at her. “Oh, I dabble here and there, I am a mixed medium kinda guy, I paint mostly buildings and streetscapes, I simply love the uniqueness of this city where the modern and the old mingled and interweave to form gorgeous streetscapes,” She wondered if she could get him to show her some of his paintings. As if he read her mind, he told her that he has a solo exhibition coming up. “I’ve been working hard to get my pieces all done and the exhibition is planned for next month but the gallery is kinda short-handed so they can’t promise if they can hold the exhibition next month, it could get pushed to the month after that,” he said. So much for trying to make a name for himself, she thought. It was obvious that he is a successful artist to have a solo exhibition coming up. No amateur artist can get a solo exhibition in a gallery unless they are really good.  “You’ve not answered my question though,” he pointed out. She couldn’t remember what he asked so she looked at him questioningly.  “Are you here on a visit?”  “Oh. Not really. I just moved here. I am trying to find a job in the art industry, actually,” she blurted out. He clapped his hands and sat up. “Perfect! I know the perfect job for you!” he exclaimed. He stood up and gestured for her to follow him. “Come with me, I’ll get you a job pronto,” he said. Nila didn’t know what came over her but she stood up and actually followed this tall, lean and gorgeous strange man. 
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