To the point!

562 Words
"So," Lizz started, "how have you been bunny?" I chuckled shaking my head. "Cut the crap Lizz, tell me why my mother has finally sought her child out after all these years." "Very straight forward aren't we?" "Get to the point Lizz, I have Game of Thrones re-runs to watch." If she thinks for a moment that I'll let her waste what was supposed to be my 'fawning over Khal Drogo time' then she's completely insane. "Okay, okay." She sighed, "I have a proposal for you." Silence. More silence Even more damn silence. "Vanessa dear?", she called. Wait, she wants a reaction? I believe my face clearly says 'bitch what?' "And what is this proposal Mrs Cambridge?" I mocked in a perfect British accent if I must say so myself. Sighing she started "Promise me that you'll hear me out completely before saying anything. I know you owe me nothing -" "Damn right I don't owe you shit." I muttered. "Look," she continued, ignoring my comment, "All I ask is that you hear me out, without interruption." "The floor is yours madam." I snickered. I wonder if she realized you just called her the head of a whorehouse... Well, judging by the relieved look on her face I guess not. You're pathetic you know that? The bitch that is my subconscious tutted. "I'm not sure how I should explain this but," she exhaled nervously, "As you know, Harry is, well, the face of Cambridge Clan. While it is currently making more profit than ever, I believe that an alliance with the, La'Vito family, can further our profits." "Okayyy. But what's does all that have to do with me?" "This is where it gets complicated, the form of 'alliance' we seek is, marital." "Okay, so let me get this straight," she nodded, as a signal to continue, "You, my dead beat mother, who I haven't seen or heard from in over ten years, shows up not because she loves or seeks forgiveness from her child for her absence, but solely to ask her to marry some guy she's never met to add more zeros to your husband's, who you cheated on her father and ran away with, bank account." "Well when you put it like that it just sounds bad." She chuckled nervously. The hell? This self centered, lying, cheating, no good, tea sipping, bitch. "It just sounds bad? You're fucking crazy, honestly bat-shit crazy if you think that I'd even consider giving up the rest of my life to some old rich guy, to put some more diamonds in your jewelry box." "This won't benefit solely me Vanessa. Think about this, marrying the Don can be an excellent opportunity to secure you're future, financially at least. You can start over, live a life of luxury, you don't have to stay married forever, this is merely a business agreement." I laughed. You sound like an evil villain on crack. My subconscious tutted. "You," I started, still recovering from my evil villain style laughter, "are bat-shit crazy." I stated standing from my chair, purposefully scraping it across the tiled floor. "We are done here. Take your proposal and shove it up your diamond studded ass mother." I turned, strutting down the aisle like the bad bitch that I am. "If you refuse this offer," she called, " It'll cost you Skii's life."  I stopped
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