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Third’s Person P.O.V.   Leave me pleeeaaaaase…….. the deafening heart-crushing pleas of that helpless woman was echoing in that dark alley who was continuously pleading in front of those b*****rds who were merciless ruining her. Her all clothes were shattered into pieces. It was a deserted area and no one was there to help her.   Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo……….. pleeeeeeaaaaasse……. Leave me……………..   The blood had started flowing from her genitals….. but it didn’t stop those cruel drunk men who were shattering her soul and body bit by bit…..   Her tears were flowing down with rain as it was raining heavily…..   They all were laughing cruelly on her helplessness……   In a corner, near a dark area around a big dumper, a small girl was looking horribly and crying silently in helplessness…..   Then she saw the shining blade of the knife in one of those men’s hands……   She tried to shout and but seemed that she lost her ability to speak….   She was crying hard and shouting in her heart….   “Moooooommmmm………………”   Steph…. Wake up….. she felt someone calling her…. But she panicked when he saw that man raising his hand with a knife in the air to attack her mom…….   Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………………. Pleeeeeeeaaaassssssssssssseeeee….. leave her…… Steph……. Wake up….. Steph… wake up…   She refused to listen the voice calling her and tried to run towards her mother but she felt someone grabbing her back…….   Steph……. Wake up hun…….. David was shouting and shaking her furiously to wake her up……   She suddenly opened her eyes and tried to push him hard but he knew that she would do this…. So he strongly pushed her back on her bed……   She was crying hard…… she was not able to see her dad in front of her…… but she recognized the worried voice of his father….   “Dad”, she engulfed her father in her embrace and started crying again.   “Shhhhhhh….. it’s okay dear…… no one is here…’s just a nightmare”, David, her father, rubbed her back slowly and tried to comfort her. He knew what caused her daughter to had these nightmares. It was almost 13 years since she had witnessed that incident but it was like a fresh wound for her.   From the night when her mother died a brutal death, she had this nightmare every single night. She never had a proper sleep in past 13 years.   She sobbed in her father embrace and refused to close her eyes again. All she wanted to go back at that time and saved her mother.   Both father and daughter remained in the same position until dawn. It was daily routine of David to comfort her daughter Stephany and then stayed awaked the rest night. He just wanted Stephany to come out from that incident and had a normal life like another girls. But he knew very well how that incident had changed her daughter.   “Steph…. Go and take the shower…. It’s almost your training time….. I am going downstairs to prepare breakfast”, he said to Stephany and she nodded silently. She had calmed down now.   David stood up and went downstairs leaving her alone in her room. She looked towards her bookshelf on a photograph. It was of her and her mother when she was of 5 years. She was in her embrace and both are laughing and smiling brightly in the photo. I tear rolled down in the corner of her eyes. She closed her eyes and sighed.   She pulled off her blanket and went in the washroom to had her shower. She saw herself in the mirror and smiled bitterly on her appearance.    Her eyes were again swollen due to cry and had bags under her eyes. She was looking so exhausted and a hot messed. Her Brown curly hairs were looking like a bird’s nest.   She did her business and took a cold shower instead of hot one. It was cold weather outside but the cold water running all over her body was soothing her inner wounds.   Wrapping her towels around her she came out from the washroom and headed towards a small closet in one corner of her small room. She pulled out her yoga pants and sports bra for her training. Once she finished, she headed towards downstairs.   Her nose filled with aroma of coffee and sweet smell of pancakes. She smiled lightly and headed towards the small kitchen where her dad was flipping pancakes for breakfast.   “Hey dad….”, she greeted her dad. From past 13 years, it was the same routine. They both work like a robots in human form.   Stephany’s P.O.V.   I am Stephany MacField. I am 19 years and am not a normal teenager. My dad takes care of me from the day since that horrible night passed in our lives. I lost my mother at the age of 6 when some drunk s******es stole her virtue by force one by one on that rainy night and murdered her brutally in front of my eyes.   From that night till present I am having those nightmares every night. There is not a single night when me and my dad has taken the full night sleep. I live in backward area of New Jersey. As we are poor so my father worked as underground fighter back then to buy bread for us. Though we had little but we were happy. We were a happy family until that night.   “Steph… come out”, My dad snapped in front of my eyes and I came back to my senses.   I gave him an apologetic look and grinned. I zoned out frequently. He sighed and passed me my coffee and my plate full of pan cakes.   “Steph… you need to move on from that night.”, he tried to convince me again and I sighed. It was our daily morning routine. Same zone out of me, same words for comforting me to move on.   “I am okay dad. I will move on”, I said carelessly while grabbing one of pan cake.   “No…. you are not okay”, he yelled and I flinched on his tone.   “Look at yourself Steph…. What are you doing with yourself”, he questioned me.   I was really fed up answering this question every morning but I had no choice but to answer the same thing again.   “I already told you Dad that I am good with my life style. I don’t want that sh*t life style of girls of my age. I can’t just dolled myself so that everyone can eye rape me again and again”, I almost yelled this time.   “Ms. Stephany MacField”, He used my full name and I knew that he was pissed now.   “Don’t you dare to use this line again in front of me. Do you understand?”, he almost roared while uttering last questioned sentence.   “Yes Dad”, I said in monotone while lowering my eyes in defeat.   I lost my appetite. I just drank my coffee and then marched towards that backyard.  
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