Chapter 2

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“Adler!” Colton exclaimed as he reached him and clapped him on the shoulder. “Is she your mate?” Colton was the other Alpha attending the university and they had formed a great friendship. “Fucking hell, Adler…what is the Goddess thinking?” Maxim, Colton’s beta, added. Adler’s best friend and future beta Trey leaned on the lockers casually, looking at where Jesse had walked off. “I don’t know…if he can tame her she’ll be a strong Luna.” They all looked at Trey with dead pan expressions. Finally Adler spoke up. “She’s a fucking fox, witch hybrid! No way will the pack accept her, let alone my father…I’m going to have to reject her…Jesus…I would rather take a human over her…” Trey met Adler’s gaze. “Don’t be too hasty…she’s not a Red Fox.” “What?” Adler paused, so not a vixen? “Just because you tried to date her a couple of times last semester and have simped after her ever since doesn’t mean she is right for me.” Adler scoffed. “Far from it! I’m better off rejecting her and just taking Emily as my chosen mate.” Emily was the heiress of a large pack from Europe that had been his father’s preferred match after their meeting at his birthday party. She was privileged, spoilt and a high maintenance princess, but completely his type in looks and came with her own package deal of an esteemed pack and business empire connections. “Don’t you dare!” Trey spat harshly, causing Colton and Maxim to look on at the two strong werewolves with concern. “Hey settle down you two…you’re drawing attention….” Colton warned. Adler looked at Trey with suspicion. “Why are you so agitated by this?” Trey huffed and shrugged his shoulders. “I just think you should take your time, don’t be hasty…she’s not twenty yet, she might not have matured enough to feel your mate bond…but with being a fox…who knows…like I said she’s not a red fox, so she’s not promiscuous…besides you can’t reject her yet anyway it’s against our rules.” Adler frowned, scratching his chin, since when did Trey care about rules? He nodded, conceding the point though. “You’re right…I can’t reject her until she’s twenty…whether she actually feels the mate bond or not.” “And you can’t tell her either…coerced rule, remember…” Trey smirked like he was quite enjoying himself. “Yeah, okay…well regardless let’s just avoid her…” Adler moved off down the corridor. Trey frowned and followed. “You think you’ll be able to avoid her, what does your wolf think about that?” Adler huffed. His wolf was not happy with him right now. “And what about your…?” Adler looked up at his hulking friend, silencing him with a glare. Trey was a giant at six foot seven and still growing…everyone knew his family was known for their height. Trey’s father was seven foot and it looked like Trey was set to easily become that height too. He terrified people with his brawny size and horrified them with his maniacal toothy grins, although he was actually quite handsome and was never short of a date, not at this mixed supernatural campus, but unlike Adler he liked the promiscuous red foxes who came for a good time with no attachments. Being on the football team and the basketball team also gave him plenty of chances to score with the girls, he was a player and proud of it. Adler ran a hand though his wavy unruly dark chocolate hair. “I can try…like she said, we don’t even have classes together…I’ve never really bumped into her in the halls up until now.” He frowned. “What is she doing?” “Her electives? Some art degree mostly…but arcane histories too…” “Huh…okay…that’s what she meant about my side and her side…” The sports fields, courts and indoor gymnasium were at the opposite end of the campus to the art faculty, separated by the large administration block, library and normal lecture halls where Adler did most of his business studies, including the area where their lockers were… Adler stopped and frowned at the ground. “Shit, her locker…” It was close to his so it would be hard to avoid her there. Lockers were paid for and allocated to those who wanted them, so placement was sometimes quite random. “And the cafeteria…” Trey added. Adler grimaced. “Damn it…maybe I should talk to her…” She would understand, right? All the super naturals at the university knew of each other, not all liked each other…and the rumours surrounding Jesse’s sudden entrance to the university last semester were still circulating and steeped in mystery, not that Adler had taken any notice…she was not his type. He grimaced as his wolf stirred in fury within him making his stomach and chest cramp up in a flair of pain. Damn it… . . “Hey Jesse, you okay…what was that all about in the hall?” Jesse huffed and collapsed down in her spot in the class room next to the young human guy who she shared history with. “I don’t know, stupid cliques think they rule campus…first I had that giant oaf try and date me last semester because I was ‘fresh meat’ as he so romantically put it…now I’ve got his mate bugging me!” Jesse tapped her fingers on the desk as she sank down to rest her cheek into her other hand, elbow on the desk and looked at her desk partner. “It’s probably just some stupid bet…well, I can assure them I will definitely go Carrie on their asses if they don’t leave me alone!” The guy chuckled. “Yeah…I’m sure you could, but be careful…they're bullies, you know.” “Yeah, I know…” I also know they’re werewolves, but can’t tell you that. “Rich jock jerks…think they rule the bloody place…just because their daddy’s went here…don’t worry I’ll just do my best to avoid them…” “Like we all do…” He chuckled under his breath as the teacher squinted at them. “Yeah…” Jesse looked away with a small frown. She hoped it was still because she was new to the school, only transferring last semester and causing a little stir amongst the ‘populars’ when they had tried to befriend her and get her to join the cheerleading squad, to which she had flatly refused earning the cold shoulder from then on, but that was what she preferred. The less people trying to find out about her the better… . . Trey caught up to Adler as he exited the main building and made his way over to the sports complex. “So what are you going to do?” He asked as he slipped into pace beside Adler. “About what?” Adler huffed. Trey side-eyed him, shoving his hands in his pockets and hunching his shoulders as he lurched along beside his friend. “Just don’t reject her out of hand, okay?” Adler frowned and looked at the ground before his feet as he walked. How could he not reject her? She was far from the ideal that his father would approve of to be his mate…his Luna…matriarch-to-be of the Fenrir Family. No, it didn’t matter that his wolf was stirring wildly within him, its raw wild instincts to claim its mate surging through his system making him feel hot, bothered and frustrated. Trey bumped his shoulder with his own and as Adler glanced up at him Trey grinned at him. “Don’t even mention it to your parents…not yet…” Adler stopped walking and turned to face his friend making Trey stop also and give him a questioning look. “And what?” He snarled, then clucked his tongue and looked away from Trey’s startled expression. “Man…why did it have to be someone like her?” Adler’s eyes searched the grounds, not looking at anything or anyone in particular. “Let’s just forget it for now…we have a meeting with Coach…” “Yeah…okay…” Trey shrugged. They both lifted their heads as someone called out their names. Adler rolled his eyes as Trey’s expression lifted into a huge wolfish grin as they both saw the group of cheerleaders heading their way. Trey sighed. ”Ah…cheerleader try outs…goodie…” Adler grimaced and decided to keep walking, waving out to the girls as they started to realise he wasn’t going to wait for them. “Busy girls…catch ya later…’kay?” Trey raised his arms and shrugged at the girls dramatically before turning to catch up to Adler. “Seems your wolf has already decided these girls aren’t your type…” Trey joked. Adler huffed as he banged the door open and entered the office area where the coaches held their meetings and did all their boring paper work. “Shut the hell up!” Trey chuckled, but didn’t say any more.
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