Chapter 2: I Shot His D*ck Off

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Whoever gave that snot nosed bastard my number can die. Ignoring the millionth text from Derek, I shoved the whole half of the grilled cheese sandwich in my mouth chomping it down in fury and anger. "Dayna! Maddi's here!" Moms voice echoed through the house, which is good and handy when you have three siblings. Pushing up off the couch, I headed to the door and looked Maddi's surprise and joy over. Her normally very curly hair was curled in big curls down the middle, and she wore a denim mini skirt with a white camisole and pretty cardigan. "Where are you going?" I looked over her outfit. She smiled wider, "Its where are WE going. The girls are all busy, and I need someone to come with me so I can drink bat shit and puke my brains out...please...I really need it." She seemed so puppy dog like. I sighed, "Fine give me ten minutes." She jumped up and down and pulled me over kissing my cheek. Wonderful. Going up the stairs I stripped off my clothes and yanked on a black cami with a pair of black skinny jeans and my converse. Yanking a denim button up around my waist I went to the bathroom brushing on some lipgloss and deodorant then hurrying down the stairs. "Done." She scowled, "How do you do that? Are these today's curls still flowing?" She ran her hand through my hair and let go it having it fall back to my waist. "Yes." I replied. "Mom I'm going out with Maddi! Be back in a couple hours!" I called out. Heading out the door, I shut it and we hopped into Maddi's Plymouth. She's got a classic car.  I hate parties. For multiple reasons. 1. Everyone is an idiot. 2. Everyone acts like more of an idiot. 3. Everyone does idiotic things and wakes up feeling like more of an idiot. "Dayna, here's my keys. I don't want to lose them again." Maddi said as she downed her tenth bottle of beer. I took them and hooked them to my pants. Ain't going nowhere underneath my denim button up. "Is that my girl?" The voice itself annoyed me, but it caught Maddis attention. "Priceless!" The dibshit called and I scowled. Maddis eyes lit up as he walked over and tossed an arm over my shoulder. "I told you not to touch things you couldn't afford!" I flung his arm back off me and he laughed, "awe baby come on." I hate this kid. "Derek, meet Maddi. Maddi, this is Derek, the new kid. Also known as the pain in my ass." I said introducing the two and then leaving them as they began talking. Thank god. "I hate boys." I sighed. I sat in a chair for almost two hours waiting for her to say she wanted to go home. Then I found out she went home with Derek. Which was honestly just that much more annoying. "Seriously Maddi?" I sighed and grabbed a bottle of Jack off the counter, popping it open and downing it. I like the taste of liquor, it feels as cold as my heart. Ha, cold hearted. Walking out the door, I scowled at the couple kissing on the porch and shoved them over. They fell and I laughed. Stupid PDA fuckers. Making my way down the street to Maddis car, I attempted to unhook it from my pants but after twenty minutes of trying, my intoxicatingly annoying eyes and hands wouldn't function to do it. So I decided to walk. Each step felt farther and farther from home. The issue was that it really was, especially when I realized I was going to opposite way. "Fuck!" I shouted and turned around walking back in the correct direction this time. I made it to the house again and then walked on waving bye to Maddis car helplessly. Idiot self. "Looking good pretty." The guy grinned as he stood in front of me with that gothic Emo look that screamed Satan. I scowled, "Go away." I don't like weirdos, they're just uncomfortable to be around, especially those 'Rawr' kids. He smiled and grabbed my arm going to pin me to the tree. What the fuck? Shifting I spit in his face "Off!" I tried to force him off and managed to give him a hard push but it didn't help. The guy nodded and then two other guys came and they each grabbed my arms, the weird creep held out a knife and nodded "You ever been sacrificed?" Did he just say sacrificed? How does this shit even-Am I dreaming? There's no way he just said sacrificed. What the fuck? "What are you talking about?" I felt infuriated as I stared in confusion. Weirdo! I heard a sound come from the left of me and turned to see a tall man walking towards the door, "Help! Please! I don't wanna be sacrificed!" I called to the man who stopped in his path, looked at me and sighed. Yes. He sighed. I'm here about to die. Asking for his help. And he sighed. He walked over and threw three hard punches, then he went to walk away. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm a small girl who's very drunk and needs a strong man to escort her home. I stumbled over to him following behind, "Can you walk me home?" I asked politely. He's ignoring me now. How rude. Try again Dayna, "Please, my friend went home with the new guy and I have her keys and I can't drive and I need to go home." I blubbered it all out in one long mushed up sentence. He stopped in his path, "I'm only here to get my brother. Have you seen him? Kinda short, believes he's the best at everything." The guy asked. Best at everything? Oh god. Yuck! I felt an annoying groan come out of my throat, "Derek's your brother?!" I asked with disgust beyond belief. The guy nodded, "You know him?" He asked eyeing the couple making out again. Gross. I looked at the guy remembering he asked me a question, "The guy won't leave me alone, he went home with my friend Maddi." I replied shrugging. The guy turned around and went to the sidewalk to a Jeep. He's leaving me? "Wait, can you take me home? Please?" I asked staring over at him carefully. Well, it was less of an asking and more like begging. He stared at the house then me, "Yeah, get in before I change my mind." He replied as he scratched his jaw. Yes! Jumping into the passenger seat, I looked around at the jeep, "This feels like driving a tank! Can I drive?" I wondered. He shook his head, "Hell no." He said low and annoyed? I think it's annoyance. I pouted. Guess sober man knows best. "Where do you live kid?" He asked looking down at me and then staring back at the road. Kid? I am no kid, I can assure that. I'm so not going to let that go, "Straight and turn left onto Werwick, then a right on Beracc." I muttered. He nodded, "Mind if we make some stops first?" He asked eyeing me over again. I shook my head, "Go for it kid." I used his word and got an estranged look from him, but he seemed to swipe it off as quick as it came. He's probably like that in bed too, leaves as quick as he cums. Ha. I'm funny tonight, really on a roll.  "So what's your name kid?" I asked tempting him as I changed the station for the millionth time. He said a small stop which ended up being about five stops. The longer I stayed in the car with him the cuter he got...I'm kind of thinking it's the alcohol, but at the same time the alcohol is definitely wearing off. I should nickname him 'Kid' "Don't worry about that." He said pulling into a building and parking before getting out and leaving me in the car locking the door. Hey! I wanna get out too! Unlocking my door I hopped out and shut the door looking up at him as he starred at me with a look on his face that I couldn't comprehend. He didn't say anything just continued walking while I followed, then he lifted a storage garage door open and tossed it up locking it into place. Inside was a couple crates and then some men standing around looking at their watches and talking. They all looked scruffy and middle aged, "Did you bring the money?" He asked the men who nodded and looked him over in slight fear. Yeah! Be scared! Kid grabbed one of the crates and tossed the huge thing on one shoulder grabbing another and tossing it on the other shoulder. As he turned around walking back to the truck, I noticed one of the guys lift his hand quick and in a quick move I shoved Kid to the ground with me as the sound of the gun went off. He looked over at the guy and pushed me off him pulling a gun from behind him and pulling the trigger. I felt my eyes bulge out of my skull as I watched the guy who had just held a gun, hold his bleeding hand cursing up a storm. "You know how to shoot Kid?" He asked me looking down at me. If I say no I have a feeling he'll leave me here, "Yeah." I lied standing up off the ground. He placed the gun in my hand and I gave him an estranged look "I'm going to load the jeep, if they move, shoot them. Don't hesitate, they'll kill you." His words came out as he grabbed the crates off the ground walking to the car. I wanted to say no and tell him to deal with his own problems but then I also didn't want to be left here alone. Fuck...I'm going to be so mad at myself in the morning. He got four crates in before one guy lifted his gun quick. I shot, missing twice nervously screaming before the third worked. My life was on the line and honestly their life is not as important as mine. The guy yelled as I realized I shot his dick. At first I thought the yelling was just him but then I realized there was me screaming too. He was on the ground and I looked to Kid who just looked at me with a curious stare "Ruthless" he said grabbing the last two crates. I walked back holding the gun at the men shakily as we walked to the jeep. All the other men starred in horror not moving a muscle, I guess they're smarter than him. Jumping into the passenger seat I stared at him as we drove off. He snatched the gun from me and flipped it to safety giving me a look over. He put the gun in a compartment or something under the steering wheel "You don't know how to shoot a gun do you?" He asked me looking at the road and then me. I shook my head and stared at the radio station, "That obvious?" I asked letting out a shaky breath. Kids POV: She stared at the radio with her big green eyes, reaching over and touching everything. Normally, I can't stand when people touch my things. In fact I'd have kicked her out or dropped her off by now, but she seemed intriguing. As she tucked her hair behind her ear, I tried not to think about her beauty. I've seen her before, at least ten times, always from afar. I can count how many times, the market, library, a few restaurants and the bank once. Its odd to put a voice to her face, especially since I always imagined it rougher, not as soft or sultry. Her eyes moved over to me and she gave me a drunken smile, "You're like thirty, how are you Derek's brother? Do you have another sibling?" She asked changing the station. Thirty? Really? I've gotten twenty five, at most but never thirty. After all I'm only twenty two, but I guess the facial hair does it. I shook my head "Just us." I said ignoring her age comment. She nodded "Interesting. I have three siblings, my older brothers off doing stuff but I've got my brothers at home. They're young too." She said as if it was okay and I shouldn't worry or some shit. The girl continued talking and at one point I wondered if she had a god damn off switch. I'm probably going to feel bad about this later, possibly. Pulling the needle out from the side compartment of my door, I reached over jabbing it into her neck and pushing the drug in watching her let out a small cry before shutting her eyes. As soon as she was out, I felt a bit relieved. She's pretty when she's not talking on and on. Let's take this crazy chick home now.
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