Wait for me

2427 Words
Silver hair dirtied with red colour of blood waved in the air, red eyes looked down on the mutilated bodies as the ground tainted red. Streams of blood were flowing through the ground. A man wearing black clothes kneeleddown and spoke to the silver haired man. “Master everyone has been defeated; we have conquered it all” The man looked down at his servant, his red eyes sparkled with bloodlust. Finally, he has killed everyone who betrayed him. The only man who followed him through out the journey is this servant. He looked down at his sword that was clutched by him, blood of traitors coloured its blade. “Get up” The servant got up; he was injured but that did not hold him back. He is a skilled man trained by the silver haired man himself. He looked at his master whose face was coloured by blood, he looked like GOD OF DEATH himself. The silver haired man flipped the sword and pointed the handle of his sword towards his servant making him look at his master bewilderedly. “Master?” He did not know why his master was giving his sword to a mere servant like him. He did not dare take it. “Take it Aovar, battle is over. This place needs a ruler” Aovar looked at his master in confusion, “Yes master but you are the ruler” The man smiled and nodded; he is the ruler but he needs to find his Queen first before he takes the throne. “True Aovar but right now I need to get to my Queen, and to win her I will need time. I cannot delay much longer so, till I come back rule this place for me”; if the man is being honest he does not really care but he knows that Aovar won’t rule the kingdom because he is too loyal and thinks that his master is the only one worthy for the throne. Until he gives a reason that he needs to find his love Aovar will not take the sword. “I understand Master, I will wait for you. Till you come back I will make sure that this kingdom is worthy of you”; The silver haired man smiled as he patted Aovar’s head and nodded. He walked away as Aovar heard his master’s last parting word; “Wait for me, I’m coming”   ………………………………………………… “Have you seen Miss?”; a maid asked the head butler Jeffery Hugh, who was in his early fifties. He had soft features, and well-built body; no one will be able to believe his age as he looked in his early forties and has a very smooth skin. “Miss is having a bath right now, she will be down in ten”, maid, Elisa who has asked the question, nodded. Elisa was in her early twenties and has just started to work in Darwin’s mansion. This is the first time she has been asked to serve Young Miss, otherwise she is kept busy with other things so much that she still has not seen the Young Masters and Miss. The thing that weirds her out is none of the workers talk at all about their employer, she just knows that the head butler Jeffery Hugh is very close of the three siblings and his words are respected by them. ……………………………………………….   A sigh was heard when a naked body submerged in mildly hot water, the girl stretched her hands and legs hearing a crack. The scented water made her mind relax, closing her eyes; a voice spoke from back of her head, “Wait for me”. She opened her eyes and sighed; she can still hear Yatsen’s voice. It has been two months since she returned home, Eric have not come to visit her since then as he has so many modelling projects piled up. Whereas her brothers have restricted her from entering her lab, so; she has been helping in company’s work from home. Everyone outside in the world has been dying to meet her since her brothers have announced that she has been found and is well, but she did not step a foot out. She has been thinking about the machine, which she thinks is not a time travelling but a soul transmigrating machine; but if that is it than why did her body disappear. She has no answers to these questions and whenever she thinks hard one statement always interrupt her, “Wait for me”. She does not know why but she is certain she is waiting, Why? She does not know. Is she waiting for him? She is not because she knows that unlike her Yatsen cannot cross over, they don’t have the technology. So, what is she waiting for, because she expects something that is for sure but she does not know what? She got up from the bath tub, drying herself she wore her blue pyjama shorts and a loose t-shirt, she opened her hair bun and let her hair loose. Combing her hair, she sighed, her hair was till her hips. She looked herself in the mirror, her emerald eye colour holds a twinkle in them and she can see it. She has noticed the difference in herself since has come back home; she has been able to read human emotions and she herself has become vulnerable to emotions. She wanted to stop this change as world is not good enough to waste your emotions on it but she was unable to do so. Emotions in business world might lead you to become bankrupt in one day. Shaking her head, she opened her room and went downstairs for dinner, her brothers now always accompany her to dinner no matter how busy they are.    …………………………………………………………………….   Elisa was swooning over the young masters, who were now waiting for their sister to come downstairs. She looked at the eldest Xavier Darwin who sat at the head position, talking about some business with his younger brother Arthur Darwin. She looked at them with fangirl eyes, they are just so handsome. She came out of her thoughts as she saw the brothers looking at stairs, she followed their gaze as she got star struck. The girl walking down the stairs was just beyond the word ‘beautiful’. “Come fast, Clayris; food is getting cold”; the girl nodded, coming down she sat down smiling at her brothers. Arthur and Xavier have come to notice their baby sister’s new behaviour, she has started to open up emotionally which makes them happy. Arthur returned back a big smile while Xavier gave her a subtle and calming smile. Jeffery clicked his fingers as maids started to serve them. Elisa was assigned to serve Clayris but she wanted to serve the Darwin brothers. She half heartedly served Clayris which was noticed by Arthur and Jeffery. Arthur narrowed his eyes as he saw Elisa doing her job but not putting her mind into it, while Jeffery was waiting for Elisa to finish so that he could punish her. “Who are you?”; Elisa was startled as Arthur spoke up. She stopped pouring water in the glass and looked at Arthur with blush on her cheeks. She was happy that Arthur was paying attention to her. Elisa was beautiful there was no doubt about it, her wavy brown hair reached till her shoulders, her hazel eyes twinkled as if portraying her innocence, her natural baby pink lips have lured many men who wants to taste them. Clayris frowned she does not want her dinner to get spoilt because a girl cannot keep it in her pants. These types of situation have happened in past and many of the maids that are now working diligently did have crush on her brothers and did everything to catch their attention. They could not do so as Jeffery handled it or they themselves handled it. “My brother asked you a question”; Elisa came out of her self-praising thoughts as she looked at Clayris she wanted to scowl but controlled. “I am sorry Miss”, her eyes teared up trembling which finally made Xavier snap. “Get out of dining room, you are ruining our dinner”, his voice held anger. Jeffery ushered Elisa out of the dining room who was now in real, terrified. She shakily walked out of the dining room; Jeffery shook his head in disappointment. He came forward to apologise but was stopped by Clayris before he could say anything. “Stop Uncle Jeffery it is not your fault. We have let you stay in the position as head butler because you insisted and you apologising to us will make it hard for us to let you stay in this position”, Clayris said looking at the old man in his eyes as Arthur continued. “Yes, uncle Jeffery, why don’t you retire and stay with us as our Uncle that you are”; Xavier nodded as he added. “Or if you want to work why don’t you work with us instead for us” Jeffery smiled at these kind kids. He himself does not have any kids and have hand raised these three siblings and he is so proud of them. “I love to work as our head butler, please let me stay” All three of the siblings sighed in defeat before continuing their dinner. They know that they will not be able to win. Jeffery is the only person who holds the power to defeat them completely because he is the only person they respect and think of as their parent. “Clayris how about coming to the company tomorrow?”, Xavier asked making Clayris look at him in question. “Why?”, Clayris never had to go to the company personally, she can always do work from home. Arthur too was confused, why was Xavier asking her to suddenly come to company. “We have a dealing with Wilson Company. They want co-produce an advance software that can develop itself and tackle any virus” Clayris raised her eyebrows in interest, “You mean to say that a software that has kind of an immune system and keeps on fighting and developing immunity side by side” Xavier nodded, Clayris blinked her eyes in thought. This idea is not bad but it is like giving too much power to common people. Arthur blinked in confusion and did not understand a thing his siblings said and neither of them cared to explain it to him in a simple language even though he too is the company owner together with them. “What do you guys are talking about? What kind of software?” Clayris and Xavier looked at Arthur as Clayris started to explain, “Wilson company wants to build a software with us. A software that keeps on improving with every virus attack. Meaning that they want a body that treats a full blow virus attack as a vaccine and keep building up its immunity.” Arthur finally understood, “But if that true then at first the body does not have an immunity right, so, how will it treat a full-blown attack as a vaccine before reaching to the whole system.” Xavier drank his water as he replied, “It has to build its immunity fast” Clayris nodded in agreement, “It’s not impossible but for sure it will be hard to build a software like that” Arthur frowned, “But even if you succeed in building one won’t it be too much circulating such a powerful software to public” Clayris nodded in agreement, they both looked at Xavier for answers. “Of course not, we are giving virus immunity but that does not mean that firewall cannot be breached in” Arthur did not understand again, if they are deliberately making firewall weak then they will be making their own product faulty because they themselves are co-producing it. “Don’t worry, firewall will be strong but not that strong. We cannot give too much privacy to people otherwise this pseudo sense of peace that everyone is living in might get destroyed in blink of eye”, Xavier responded, sensing his little brother’s worries. Arthur nodded as he looked down and started eating again and so did the other two. They were not able to see how Arthur was blushing in embarrassment. It took too much courage from him to actually ask these questions but it seems like his elder brother and his little sister have everything sorted out even though Clayris was listening about this for the first time. Why is he so useless? Why couldn’t be at least like Xavier? Of course, Clayris intelligence is too much but at least he could meet up to Xavier. He really worked hard to be like Xavier but it never worked. “Brother, are you okay?” Clayris asked seeing that Arthur did not look up at all after they stopped talking about the software deal. Arthur stiffened but looked up at her giving her a full smile, making Clayris relax. “Oh, is my baby sister worried about her elder brother”, Arthur asked in a cooing voice making her smile while Xavier smiled a little shaking his head. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Elisa who was asked to stay inside her room was pacing around, biting her nail. “WHAT DOES THAT GIRL THINKS HUH!!! I WILL HAVE THEM BENEATH MY FEET IN NO TIME. MEN ARE MEN AND THEY CANNOT RESIST MY CHARM. IF IT IS WAS NOT FOR HER, I WOULD HAVE INTRAPPED THAT ARTHUR. FUCK THAT GIRL!!! IAN WAS RIGHT THIS CLAYRIS IS THE MOST NOSY AND PATHETIC IN THE DARWIN FAMILY!!!” She shouted knowing that everyone was in the dining hall. She will kill Clayris, she knows that till Clayris does not leave she will not be able to have any of the brothers. That girl needs to leave and never come back and she will make sure of it. After she have both of the brothers, she will have every luxury she could dream of. She knows she has inherited her mother’s beauty and it will get her any man she desires because every man wants a girl that is delicate like her, a girl that a man can protect to show off their manliness; no man wants a girl who can overpower them like Clayris. Elisa finally calmed down knowing that men prefer woman like her not like Clayris. She is superior than Clayris and will always remain superior to her. She sighed, no matter how Clayris is she cannot deny that she is a genius and that is a problem. Ian has told her that the easiest person to manipulate is Arthur Darwin. Arthur Darwin has inferiority complex, especially because of Clayris because she is his younger sister yet she has achieved so much that he can never touch. She just has to make him believe that everyone sees her superior than him, and sees him as a black sheep of the Darwin family. This will be easy, she has manipulated many men, he won’t be difficult.
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