Pre-Reading Warning

150 Words
WARNING: This story is based and written off cliches that I find terribly irritating. I'm writing this for fun, and if you find the contents of this story to be cringy, annoying, barf-inducing, hard to read, mentally abusive, and all around terrible, worry not about my writing abilities and capabilities of storytelling for it's all intentional ;) If this book seems similar to any other books you've read, written, or listened to, that's normal, cause these cliches are extremely, well, cliche, and they're astonishingly abundant in a lot of reading material. However, this story is not meant to single out any specific person or peoples, nor is it meant to be necessarily offensive to any individual. It is written merely for the fun and enjoyment of my sanity, and because I took this old-fashioned saying to heart: If you can't beat them, join them. But I'm joining my way. C:<
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