
933 Words
McKayla We were patiently waiting for McKenna downstairs to help her with her make up. I felt so bad for her, I was going to miss her. I knew we were not going to the same community. She only got one offer, and none of my offers included the same community as where she got her offer from. It was rare that communities broke twins up, we were normally more powerful together but with me and McKenna it was different. And that day after her interview when she returned we all knew what her fate was going to be. We tried our best to help prepare her because she was going to be alone, in the wilderness, all by herself. I think she is ready but I still feel bad. Her first turn as a wolf was going to be alone, in the wild with no one to help. I heard the first time is the worst, after that you can shift whenever you want but most don't because it is so painful. You get used to it after a few times and then you shift whenever you have to, or want to. I hear McKenna walking down the stairs. She stops at the bottom stair, take a huge breath and centre's herself. I can feel she is nervous but not scared. She was ready. "You ready" I ask her. She just nods and come sit on the chair. We quickly start with her make up, trying to not use too much as we still want her natural beauty to shine. Just some primer, then concealer. I brush her eyebrows to be all in place adding touch ups with the pencil, brush some more. Then some eyeliner, just on her top eye lid, and some mascara. I add a touch of blush and add a red lipstick to make everything tie up. I think the red lips complements her shoes. She looks so good. I think to myself. She might not think so but she is the most beautiful person. Inside and out, but after her interview she changed, she was not the soft McKenna I once knew. She was strong and determined. Although she always struggled to submit to higher ranking Wolfe's. It's in our nature to submit to them and bow our heads. She only did it because she had to. Not to cause trouble.. But she did it out of her own free will. We had Alpha blood so we rarely bowed but we had to when we were in the company of other Alpha's. Mum and dad always said she was a late bloomer but we realised after a while that she would not change, she does not have special abilities. And we accepted that. I always thought I felt some sort of power radiating from her, but after a while I came to the conclusion that I only felt it because I believed she would eventually develop more, but that never happened. When we were finished I gave her a hug. "Everything will be all right." I told her. "I know" she said smiling and gave me a squeeze. My dad comes in to the living room, stopped in his tracks,takes a deep breath and smiles. He has a tear building up but quickly wipes his eyes. "You both look beautiful" he says. His chest swelling with pride. My dress was also white, tight fitting at the top, flaring at the bottom with pink flowers trailing up the left side. I had pink shoes on to match the flowers and my hair was curled. I had perfectly done my make up and decided on a pink lip to tie the look together. McKenna and I were not identical twins but we still have a strong bond that is unbroken. I could still feel what she was feeling, and when she got hurt that same scar would immediately show itself on my body. Mum and dad always kept that a secret, they said our enemies could use it against us. But with me having healing abilities it had it's upside, I could quickly heal myself without anyone noticing and she would also heal. "Thanks dad." I said smiling, turning in circles so that he can get a 360 degree view. I was so excited but I tried to contain myself as today was bitter sweet for us all. I could feel McKenna was nervous but I also felt that she wasn't scared, and that was calming. Dad said even if McKenna is banished we will still feel each other, the rest of the pack won't feel or even notice her scent but I will. Because we are twins, and that gave me comfort, no matter what, we will always be able to find ourselves back to each other. "Your luggage is packed, are you ready to go?" My dad asks. We had to take our luggage with as we had to leave for our new communities straight after the ceremony and celebrations. McKenna only had a back pack with necessities, what she would need to live rogue. I packed my whole wardrobe. But we still had a back up bag for McKenna if a community decided to bid for her after all. "Yes we are ready dad", I said nervously clutching McKenna's arm. This is our last time together in our house as a family. I will miss that. We have always been so close and it feels like we are going to be worlds apart after tonight. And I think we will, tonight everything is going to change.
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