I won't back down

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Storm and I were notified by the prison guards that the rogue I knocked out was awake. If he actually knows about an attack by the Dark Knight, we need to know as soon as possible. Twigs snap under our feet as we walk through the trees towards the cells. We walk in human form since it's not that far. Not to mention every time we run in wolf form, it turns into a race. "We need to think of a new bet. My mom is beginning to think I actually love penis." I burst out laughing at Storm as he gives an over exaggerated shudder. "Or, and this is just hypothetically of course. You could stop losing." He gives me a flat look when I start laughing again. "Shut up, Trev." he shoves me away from him as we approach the door. It's as if we became different people as soon as we walk in the prison doors. Both of our postures straighten and our smiles gone. We are the Alpha and Beta, stoic and lethal. "Alpha Storm. Beta Trevor." A guard nods his head to us as we approach the metal door of the cell. Both of us give a nod, almost in unison as the door is opened for us. It smells disgusting, the cells always do. Like blood, sweat and urine combined into one and it doesn't matter how many time we have them deep cleaned, it doesn't help. "Alright rogue. You've been given your chance to live by telling us what you know. Who are you?" Storm towers over the huddled figure in the corner. "M-My name is J-Jonas" He's scared, I can smell it. For dramatic effect, Storm cracks his knuckles as I cross my arms over my chest. It's the normal way we tell them we mean business and they either talk, or we beat the information out of them. "Dark Knight paid the boss to wreak havoc on Black Raven." His hands are in front of him in surrender, we didn't even have to ask that time. A part of me feels guilty because he is already obviously scared and is willing to tell us anything without the intimidation. But it is standard practice to keep the balance. If he thinks that we will go easy on him, then others will think the same thing. "When?" Storm demands, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I-I don't know! All we were told was to do it by Saturday." I could practically see Jonas shaking as Storm stomped closer to him. "Why?" I could tell that Storm was letting his wolf out a little bit for unnecessary intimidation. "All I know is that he is having some masquerade party on Saturday." "You have a lot of information for someone who doesn't know anything." I say, not moving from my spot. Storm nods in agreement. His stance changes to mirror mine as we both stare down at the rogue. "We talked. All of us were brought in and told that we would get to join a new pack. I never wanted to be rogue." His eyes drop to the cement floor as Storm and I share a look. There is no need for us to mind link, sometimes we seem to be on the same brain wave. In this instance it is perfect clear what we are thinking. If Jonas is sure that Dark Knight has something planned for after Saturday, then we only have two days to think of a plan or a counter attack. There is only one question more that we need answered. "Why are you rogue, if you didn't want to be?" I ask, coming to stand next Storm. Jonas looks distant for a moment. I can almost see the past dancing around in his eyes. His face became haunted as sadness washed over him. "I was from the Nightshade pack." His voice a broken whisper as he dropped his head into his hands. "You'll stay here until we research your story. If it's all clear, I will offer a thirty day trial to join the pack." Storm nods at the now shocked Jonas, before knocking on the door. The metal squeaks as the door closes behind us. We walk quickly through the halls of the prison, neither of us saying where we're going but we both know. The fresh air hits me like a Tom of brick, filling my lungs with the clean, fresh smell. It helps to clear my head, which is exactly what I need. "If he's from NIghtShade, how'd be survive?" I voice my thoughts as we move through the trees. "I don't know. NightShade was completely leveled by hunters. I didn't think it relevant to ask right now." We approach the pack house, making our way Alpha Dean's office. Luckily for us, the Alpha is in a meeting with my dad. They sit across from each other at the large mahogany desk. Papers spill out of the fills scattered between them and they look to be discussing something serious when we barged in. "Don't you know to knock?!" My father and I instantly bowed our head in submission, but Storm stood tall. "The rogue told us what we needed to know. Alpha Kellan is planning something." Storm said. My father and Alpha Dean share a look. I wonder if it is the same look that Storm and I share. Maybe it's an Alpha - Beta thing? "Did he say when?" My father looks to us, searching our eyes for an answer. Storm and I shake our heads at the same time. Jonas didn't really tell us anything useful. If anything he left us with more questions. "Wait. He did say that the Alpha was holding a masquerade on Saturday." I say, noticing the questioning looks they're giving me. Storm starts nodding and I know he knows what I am thinking. "We know where they'll be, so we attack first." Okay, maybe he doesn't know what I was thinking. "We can't attack. There are still innocent wolves and I won't have lives lost over the ramblings of a rogue, we may not even be able to trust!" Alpha Dean shouts, slamming his fists onto the desk. "You're right, Alpha. We don't know if we can trust the rogue. But I'll find out." I say, stepping forward to stand next to my dad. "Whatever your thinking Trev, count me in." I should have known that Storm would want in. "With all due respect, Storm. This is too dangerous for the future Alpha." Storm glares at me angrily. I can see his wolf trying to surface as his eyes flicker from their normal green to black. I knew that he would be pissed but I am standing my ground on this. He can't come. If this plan goes south, the pack can't go on without the future Alpha. "What are you thinking, Trevor?" My dad asks calmly, sharing a look with the Alpha. "Alpha Kellan is having a masquerade. So who's to say that I couldn't sneak in and look around." By the look from Alpha Dean, it seems he is thinking it over. My dad and Storm however look less than pleased. But the plan is sound. I sneak in, try to get the information we need and sneak back out. "Alright Trevor. In and out - You understand?" "Yes, Alpha." I nod stepping towards the door to begin packing, but Storm's voice stops me. "Dad, you can't be serious! At least let me go with him!" Storm growls. "No. If this goes south, it's for the good of the pack that the future Alpha is here." My dad says, looking at me with sad eyes. The reality sits heavily between us. A Beta can be replaced easier than an Alpha. Let's hope a replacement won't be necessary.
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