

Just A Weirdo who loves helping the voices in her head tell their stories. you can follow me on IG page @Author_PW Facebook @Author PW Cassydoll Interact with other readers FaceB00k group @WIXXARD BOOK COVE Email:
Updated at Jul 23, 2024, 10:38
Jade knows what it feels like to have no one in her corner; she experienced it firsthand when her aunt sweet-talked her parents and took her to the Philippines' when she was 8 years old. The life and education Aunt Diwa promised Jade's parents weren't what she was given. After years of abuse and being used, the only thing Jade wished for was an escape to go home and be with her family finally. All Jade wished for was to experience what it feels like to be loved once again, and she got that when she finally escaped her aunt and made her way back home to her pack and family in Detroit. Finding out that the Alpha Heir Hunter was her mate was the best thing to ever happen to Jade, and Hunter gave Jade a home love and became the safety and comfort Jade had always wished for. Two years of blissful union ended abruptly when Jade woke up in bed with her sister's boyfriend after a party. Her life goes from sweet to bitter in a matter of days as everyone Jade once loved turned their backs on her, refusing to believe them when she said she didn’t cheat on her mate. How could she? Hunter was the love of her life, yet even Hunter wouldn’t give her the benefit of the doubt. Jade goes from preparing to becoming the Luna of the Blackwood Pack to being treated no less than a traitor. Hunter doesn't wait for a heartbeat before rejecting her, and Jade is soon branded as a defective mate and banished to the woods as a rogue. How will Jade survive life as a pregnant rogue? Did Jade cheat on her mate, or was she framed? The cursed brand on her neck makes it impossible for any pack to take her in; not even the fact that she’s pregnant is enough to convince any pack to help or take her in. Will her mate, Hunter, come after her? Or will Jade have to keep running until there is nowhere else to run? Or will Jade find her strength somewhere else and come back to enact her revenge on the people who hurt her?
Updated at Jun 21, 2024, 07:37
"Hello, Uncle." I sniffed, as the dial tone stops, and a beep follows as Uncle Wyatt picks up the phone. "Did you cry, what happened?" My uncle responds with worry lacing his voice, and I sobbed louder. "I want to come back home, uncle. I am tired of giving my all and get nothing in return. No one loves me, everyone only gets close to me because of my money. I am tired." I cried, heartbroken, and uncle Wyatt sighed. "I told you to come back home three years ago, you refused, even now, I know you would hit the club once this call ends and in the next few days you'll bag another handsome young heir. Anyway, if nobody loves you, I love you as much as your parents did before they died. Who was it this time? Did he cheat?" There is no way I am going back from my words this time. "I'll tell you when I get back to Phoenix, uncle. I am tired, why is it so hard to find true love." "Perhaps you're looking in the wrong places and for the wrong reasons. Come home Kimora, the company needs you. I also need to retire." ************ After many failed attempt at love and relationships, Kimora Reynolds gives up the desire to find true love as she packs her bag, embarking on her journey back to the city she left at the tender age of thirteen. The young billionairess is tired of men using her for her money, her position at her late father's company as the CEO calls for her and this time Kimora heeds the call. The first day back and Kimora's eye falls on a young office assistant working in her company. She wants him. What will Kimora do to have the oblivious office clerk, more so she believes it is love at first sight, but is love at first sight real? Or is Kimora just infatuated by the sight of the dashing, looking 5'9ft tall, grey eyes and auburn-hair office assistant? To what lengths do you think Kimora Reynolds would go to have Rehan, the shy office assistant?
Updated at Feb 11, 2024, 20:52
Another breakup with her long-term boyfriend, Deion Carver, has Nadia questioning things again. For the past three years, they've been together, and casual breakups have been a constant in their relationship, with Deion crawling back to her each time. However, this time, Nadia is getting worried because Deion is taking longer than usual to come back. It’s been three months since Deion asked to take a break—three months of the entertainment blog posting articles about him and his new handbags. Nadia is used to seeing Deion’s face splashed all over entertainment blogs with a different fling because they usually don’t last longer than a week, but this is taking the cake. With her mom breathing down her neck about being in-laws with the Carvers and the prospect of losing her boyfriend for good, Nadia takes up her best friend’s advice. Her interview with the CARVERS GROUP went without a hitch; if she gets the job, she’ll become Deion’s personal assistant, and her plan to seduce and win his heart back can be set in motion. Except Nadia gets the job, but she ends up seducing the wrong Carver Man on her first day at work. Soon Nadia finds herself in a tangled hot mess between the Carver men, her ex-boyfriend Deion, the elder brother of her ex, who has been in love with her since Uni, and then comes another. —————————————— "F*ck, don’t slow down. Don’t stop, oh god, don't stop.” I was shameless with my demands, not caring that if anyone were to ride the elevator all the way to the executive floors right now, they'd hear me moaning and begging for my boss's d*ck. “I'm not him, but he'll probably punish me for making you moan so ungodly.” His hands gripped my throat with a bruising hold as his thrusts sharpened with ardour. “When I’m done with you, you’ll go on your little date." His thrusts quickened, his breath was shallow, and his voice was gravely low. “And I want you to sit there, in these same f*cking clothes, with my scent all over you. You’ll look at him and smile at him like a sweetheart, knowing fully well that my c*ck was inside you. And he won’t know; he won't even know that you have my come soaking your pants." The possessiveness in his voice had heat pulling in my stomach, my hips canting to meet his brutal thrusts, and my spine arched with shocking electricity as I came with his name on my lips. ———————————————
Updated at Nov 29, 2023, 23:49
Rhiamon Lapahie grew up without the knowledge of her birth mother, all she knew or heard from her stop mom was a constant nagging that her mother never wanted. Rhiamon had no idea why, and never dared to ask her father, because it was a hidden topic in the house. Being a half-bred omega is one thing, but being secluded from the rest of the world was another. Without doubt Rhiamon knew her father hated her, that had to be the only reason he and his mate hid her from the rest of the pack. Barely no one in the pack knows of her existence, she was never allowed to step out of the house, or make friends. At the age of twenty Rhiamon knew was already accustomed to the walls of her room, and every scratch in her closet. She's never complained though, she was content with what she had, at least she doesn't get hit often. What happens when the Alpha guards come knocking on the door of her father, ready to round up another batch of sex slaves for the Arlo pack. Rhiamon has heard rumors of the Arlo pack, it's the largest pack in the region, and most feared. Alpha Keiser who leads the Arlo is known as beastly creature. Not only is Rhiamon chosen amongst the fifteen sex slaves, but what will happen on arrival to the Arlo pack and she discovers Alpha Keiser is her mate? Would he embrace their bond? Use her only for pleasure or cast her out because he wants nothing do with a mate? Would a second chance mate suffice or enemies from outside and within? Follow me, as we uncover the mystery between Alpha Keiser and Rhiamon.
THE PHOENIX WOLF (Book Three chronicles of HER GRACE)
Updated at Oct 23, 2023, 11:24
"I can help you gain your sanity back and of course help you with your revenge on the werewolves but..." The Sorceress paused, looking straight into the eyes of the human before her. "But what Delisha, whatever it is, I would do it. I am going crazy by the day. I don't even know who I am." The scrawny looking man pleads with Delisha the Sorceress. "First, you must swear Loyalty to me; secondly, you have to bring me the wolf with the power to regenerate. Only their blood can make you whole again." ....... *************************************** Following the crowning of Allison as the Alpha King, life in the werewolf world has been so far peaceful, none question the reign of the Alpha King nor try to go up against her. Until Eleven years old Alexus would wake up at nights with nightmares and screams of horror. Allison and Her mate try their best in finding out the source of their sons' nightmare, yet they couldn't get to the bottom of it. Alexus nightmare reduces when he starts sharing a room with his elder brother Paige and the family thought that was the end of it. Five years later, news of a rebel wolf group reaches the ears of the people, and male pup within the age of 11-15 starts going missing from packs. News gets to Allison that this Rebel group is on the hunt for the Male wolf who can regenerate. Allison decides to take her time in finding out the root of the problem and rumours, but things go sideways as one of Her Sons go Missing. Follow My Lilies on this Journey as we Uncover which one of Allison's pup went missing and why. While we also Unlock the secrets of the PHOENIX WOLF.
Updated at May 6, 2023, 20:30
How will it work? How will he break this news to his parents, his mother who is the Alpha King. Aloysius knows, this is a trying time for his family. While running through the woods in grief for losing his brother, Aloysius didn't expect to stumble into another realm. A different dimension. He had noticed the shift in the atmosphere and the change in his forest, he didn't know drinking from the water in this realm will bring him to face his mate, or even cause his Lycan to manifest. Aloysius knows how uncanny this bond is, but how will he explain to his mum that he has a demon lycan and his mate is the goddess of death? Is there more to his mate than meets the eye? How will Aloysius navigate being present in his world, and sneaking out to his mate realm. What if his mate wasn't always the Goddess Of Death? Perhaps it had something to do with great war 5000 years ago.
Updated at Mar 9, 2023, 11:51
“I am only five weeks pregnant, I don’t know if it’s possible to feel the child that early, I have the test result at home. That’s enough proof.” I said with hopes that if he finds it, he can finally agree to get me out of here. “Where?” Amir asked, fishing out his cell-phone from his pocket, “Where did you keep the result?” “In my room, the bedside shelf, in the top left drawer.” I watched as he tapped on the screen of his phone, without sparing me a glance as he dialed a number and he turned his back on me. "Hi logan.__ Yeah, can you run a quick errand for me__ Lani’s room- I need you to help me check for a medical report, the bedside shelf, in the top left drawer. __Yes I kept a medical result there, please help me check well, you can check the rest of the drawer___ It should be a pregnancy result." I listened as he passed information to Logan, I couldn’t quite pick up what Logan was saying. The sounds coming from the speaker were muffled, and it was hard for me to even concentrate on anything in this state. __Thank you, that means a lot, see ya later buddy.__ Amir hung up the phone, turned to me and I swallowed, seeing the look in his eyes. That look, the fury swimming in his eyes had the wheels in my head turning, and my wolf whimpered, because our mate has never ever looked at us like that, but I know that look all too well because I’ve seen it a few times when he was mad at others. “You really had to stoop so low?.” Amir gritted, stepping forward, “Of all the things you could add to your list of lies, how dare you lie about being pregnant!!” Amir bellowed with anger. “WHAT!!” I couldn’t hold back my own outburst, “Why would I lie about being pregnant, Amir I am with child, your child, our child.” I screamed at him. “SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!!” He growled clenching his fist in anger, “Logan didn’t see the stupid test result you lied about, I really cannot believe you’d lie about something like this__ What exactly is the truth with you Alanis? Everything all these years, has it only been lies?” “Amir you need to believe me, I would never, we can go for another test, right now, if you get me out of here, we can….” “Stop talking.” He cut me off, massaging his temple as he closed his eyes with a deep breath. When he opened those eyes again, I saw it, I knew what was coming. Those dark brown eyes I once looked into and found peace, solace, love and loyalty only held hatred now. The comfort I once found in those eyes seemingly vanished the moment he opened his eyes, and all I saw was disgust and undiluted rage. Rage that shook my insides and made my wolf keen in pain. There was no stopping what will come next, and I wasn’t prepared for it either, not once in my life, in our four years of being together, did I ever imagine a day like this. Nothing could’ve prepared me for this. "I, AMIR ZALE, REJECT YOU, LEYLANI TAVARES, AS MY MATE." __________ __________________ From being happily mated and preparing to be the second in command to the next Alpha King, Leylani's life makes a terrible turn as she's jailed for murdering the Alpha Prince. No one believed her when she begged that it was in self defense, not even her mate of four years, as it didn't make any sense that the Alpha Prince who is her cousin would attempt to rape her. Leylani is condemned to death while being five weeks pregnant, a few minutes to her execution the queen interrupts and Leylani is taken and sold to an auction. Will Leylani get a second chance mate? Will he save her from the nightmare she's found herself in, or is her savior a devil who is just as worse? BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW THAN THE ANGEL YOU DON'T, RIGHT? Follow Leylani on this journey.
Updated at Feb 24, 2023, 15:28
There was no such thing as sensing your mate, scenting them from afar, or that spark you feel when you touch them. It is general knowledge that the haze season wasn't just for pinning your mark; it was an entire night of sexual release; to imprint and copulate with your chase anywhere on the hazing ground. Every three years packs gathered on the hazing ground closest to their territory, no matter their hatred, three days is, set aside for peace. The day before the haze, the day of the haze and the day after the haze where each partner receives blessings from their Alpha. Aztec Romulus Alpha heir of the WOLF CLAW is ecstatic as his return from the Alpha camp falls on a day before the haze season. What more could an Alpha heir ask for, he is 20 years old the perfect age to Ascend as Alpha of his pack and once he completes the haze ritual with his long-term girlfriend, he would be more than qualified to Ascend as the new Alpha. What happens when on the haze day instead of completing the ritual with his girlfriend, Aztec wolf chases after a different wolf, and completes the sexual haze with the grey wolf imprinting on him. What if this grey wolf is Torak Skull, the 25-year-old Alpha heir of the SHADOW BLADE pack? Torak Skull was eager to have his mark this season because that was the only thing preventing him from Ascending as Alpha. He needed a luna. What will Aztec do when he finds out that not only did he claim a male wolf, which was a taboo, the male wolf had to be the heir of their rival pack? Will the elders permit a union between the strongest pack and the most brutal pack? Wolf Claw is a pack known for their strength and agility, the largest, most respected and powerful. Shadow Blade pack, known for their brutality and corny ways. What will their fathers say when they find out the truth? More so will Aztec and Torak accept the union or will they fight tooth and nail to break it. Follow me on this journey as we unravel their Story.
Updated at Apr 23, 2022, 18:18
BOOK TWO OF BITTER PILL(UNDESERVED). This can be read as a stand alone, but to get the juice and the hang of everything that happens in this book read book one first. ************ ***************** A month after Riley's disappearance, justice knocks on the doors of all his abusers, amidst all this Ronin is heartbroken and seeks for Riley. Trevor is back in town, but is it too late for him? What news awaits him and how would he deal with it? Is Jaidyn still alive? Would he come back to town in search for his brother? Most importantly, where is Riley? Is he alive or dead? Can we hope that he isn't dead? ******** ********* The roller coaster of bitter pill continues in this sequel, nothing is certain and no one is innocent. Justice must be served for Riley but who would take the first step to bring Justice for Riley? Follow me Lilies as we continue to uncover more about Riley and the people around him. This is an adventure you don't want to miss.
HER GRACE... (king of Alphas)
Updated at Mar 16, 2022, 19:30
*UNDER REVISION* From being the pack runt, and without wolf Allison is traded as a peace treaty to the Alpha of Black Blood pack to keep their pack safe from the anger of the largest and strongest pack in the state. Allison looses every hope she had in finding her mate after the announcement of her sudden betrothal but fate decides to play a trick on her. Her new Alpha is her mate but something he doesn't want her nor acknowledge her as his Luna but one of mistake, pain and regrets throws Allison back in the woods. Homeless without a pack or family only her best friend Jared. Will Allison survive alone without a mate or pack? Or will her come back for her? Follow me as we uncover the journey of Allison, an outcast without a world thrown into a world where she has to defend herself.
Updated at Jan 3, 2022, 10:07
This follows the story of Alexia and Tobias. After the mayor offers Alexia a contract marriage proposal, the young expecting mother is tempted to sign it because she wants a better life for her child. Tobias in his path to redemption, feels it unfair that his father is forcing marriage down Alexia's throat after everything the young lady as been through. In the quest to make it easier on Alexia and give her the choice to choose who she wants to live the rest of her life with Tobias makes a deal with his father. Years of refusing something, but push comes to shove, to protect the mother of his child Tobias accepts the one thing he has always refused from his father. What could that be? Would Tobi tell Alexia what he has to do for her to keep her freedom or will she find out the bad way? When she does would she understand him? Do we think Alexia has healed from everything that happened to her until this point? Follow me on this journey as we look closely into the journey of Alexia and Tobias .
Candle In The Wind
Updated at Nov 30, 2021, 12:22
*And it seems to me you lived your life, like a candle in the wind,never knowing who to cling to when the rain sets in* ABSTRACT "After accessing all the evidence brought before me, concerning the murder of Late Mr Jonathan Adams,all evidence points you 'Miss Isabella Maha Richardson' Guilty as Charged for the murder of Mr Adams.This being a Second Degree murder, you're hereby sentenced to 10years Imprisonment,..This is my judgement" And that's how I became an underage convict.Convicted for murder at the age of 16. No matter how many times I screamed that I am innocent, they didn't pay attention, my pleas never got to them, I'm innocent, why would I murder my boss, they said I did it for the money..... Why won't anyone listen to me.... ***************//**** ***********************/*/****** "Bella please I am sorry, I know what I did was wrong but please for the sake of Mireya please forgive me" looking at him in disgust "Your shitty ass dares to bring my innocent daughter into this, forgive you, you think I'll forgive you., I was 16 for crying out loud, 16years old, vulnerable and you didn't think twice when you defiled me, did you know how had it was for me when I learnt I was pregnant in prison, my precious Miracle was delivered in the cell room, you narcissist bastard and now you want my forgiveness?".. I screamed at him, I was beyond livid, finding out the person I started having feelings for was the reason for my many sleepless nights. "I'll do anything, Maha, anything just to have you,please Maha, give me a chance to prove that I'm changed,please" He pleaded falling on his knees begging in tears, and here I am torn between letting him in OR shutting the door of my heart.
Updated at Nov 24, 2021, 17:53
“Dance with me.” I tell him in a singsong voice and he advance to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, gently pulling me into him.  A sudden warmth danced around my body as our skin touched. He leans forward, burying his nose in my neck and he sniffs in my scent, inhaling as he did, making me wonder why he did that.  He attempts to pull away few seconds later, and I stop him. “Don’t.” Feeling his hard on press against my front also made me crave his touch more than I have ever wanted any human. “I want you.” I saynibbling on his ears as an intense urge of arousal surge through me, but somehow I knew such intense surge wasn’t mine but his. I could feel his lust for me. Weirdly enough, it felt like a channel open between us and energy left me to him, but I wasn’t the least bothered about it.  “Tell me your name.” He whispers in a gruff voice, and I choke out a quiet moan as he bites gently on my skin, making my legs jelly and my inside hot for him.  “Lorelei.” I moan out my name and he snarled, which surprised me “The temptress. How perfect.” I want to know his name as well. “Tell me; what name should I moan when you show me what this muscle and this rod can do?” ******* ******** When a mermaid princess and a vampire crown prince hook up for a night filled with passion and essence shared. Both not knowing the secret identity of the other and they depart in the morning However, fate has so much more in store for them because that night began the chaos of two great worlds. Asteamy romance between two most powerful creatures. What if Dragozani is not just an ordinary vampire and Lorelei isn't a mermaid but something more?
JARED'S ESTRANGED MATE(book two chronicles of Her Grace)
Updated at Nov 17, 2021, 00:09
Have you ever sacrificed for love? Would you sacrifice your happiness for love? Are you a selfless lover? Like Brandon. What happens when Brandon chooses to sacrifice his happiness to save his mate's life? What if he chooses five years of torture, sadness, and heartbreak over five years of love, pleasure, and happiness by rejecting his mate, his first love and friend. Will the selfless love and sacrifice of Brandon be acknowledged by Jared who felt betrayed, broken, and unwanted? All Jared ever wanted was a family of his own, a home he could call his then Brandon came along, promising him forever, while continuously giving Jared hope of a possible future together. Jared held onto this beautiful dream only for his world to come crumbling on his 17th birthday when Brandon rejected him. Not allowing Jared to experience what it truly feels like to feel a mate bond, the tingles, the spark, and that wonderful scent of your mate. Brandon Deprived Jared of that feeling. Broken and Betrayed Jared leaves the pack with his new friend. Now, what happens when Jared returns five years later as the Beta and Second in Command to the Alpha King? What happens when they finally meet for the first time in five years? Will Brandon finally be rewarded for his selfless sacrifice of saving his mate's life or Will Jared do anything and everything to cause the one who rejected him, pain? Follow me on the journey of Brandon and Jared. A roller coaster of emotions, secrets, sacrifice, and love to unlock the truth to their love story.
Updated at Sep 30, 2021, 15:01
"Run Andromeda, Run baby girl." And run I did, as my father's voice repeatedly rang in my head. I ran like my heels were on fire, like my life depends on it and did it? Yes, it does, my father gave his life to save mine. That means I had to stay alive at all. The sound of the men behind me caused my feet to move faster than usual; the only advantage I had was the cloak, my father used in hiding my scent and my figure. And as I ran, I prayed the deities to end shift of the Black Sun, that is the only way I can outrun them. MY NAME IS ANDROMEDA DELVAUX. The Abominable child born on the day of the Black Sun My coven calls me the Harbinger of death. My mom accused me of stealing her powers. I am the outcast of the coven, the one no kid wants to play with and Now the Vampires want my Blood for reasons unbeknownst to me. "RADOMIR ALESSANDRO DRAGOS" the name my chasers kept chanting as they attacked my coven. And as I ran, I had that name imprinted in my mind, the name of the man who wants me dead. The name of whose Blood I would avenge for my father and my coven ******************
Bitter Pill(Undeserved)
Updated at Aug 23, 2021, 19:06
Growing up in a religious, with both parents deacons and deaconess Reilly Corkett grew up with the knowledge of what's Right from wrong imbibed into him by his parents, The bubbly little Reilly soon began to withdraw himself from society and everything around him when he discovered his attraction to boys at the young age of 12, as the years roll by Reilly became selectively mute, hardly talks, never seen to express himself, would rather be in the confine of his room than hang around friends like boys his age would, the only person Reilly would willingly talk to was his elder brother Jaidyn. Despite the constant absence of their parents, Reilly was content with his life, rather be alone forever than have anyone or his parents discover his secret, for everything was ruled off as a deadly sin in the sight of his parents and he grew up with that guilt of being a deadly sin. But everything changed, for Reilly when his elder brother Jaidyn suddenly leaves for college without saying goodbye and this mystery boy Trevor Bates shows up in highschool hell-bent on making Reilly's life a living hell determined to take revenge of sins Reilly had no idea about on him. what would Reilly do when everything becomes too much to handle, would he rather fight through the pain with hopes or give in to the darkness brewing in his heart, and when all comes to nothing would he be ready to swallow that Bitter pill of love despite the pains or get swallowed by the pains. follow me on the journey of young Reilly and let's unveil his story together. Happy Reading. Cassy Cares. XoXo
Updated at Jul 23, 2021, 20:37
"What is the way out; Adrasteia is of your kingdom can you not call her to order? The killings are getting out of hand. The people are panicking?" The King of the Sotto Lunare's ask, eyes shooting dagger at the Vampire king. "You think, if I could, I would sit here, in this meeting for a solution?" The vampire king bites back. "Then why are you king, the three kingdoms have been living in peace for centuries until you let that rabid dog out." The statement angered the Vampire King, and he snarled at the Sotto Lunare king. "What? you want to bite me, go ahead, become a rabid dog." "King Erik, Lord Jarl. We gathered here for a solution. You both biting the other head off would only leave your people in disarray. The three kingdoms of Akeldama have maintained peace for generations. We cannot allow one rogue vampire to put a strain in years of harmony. Lord Jarl, would you be able to provide the witches useful information needed to capture Adrasteia?" The High Wizard of the witches question and Lord Jarl nods. "Anything you need as long as it gets rid of her." "Good, The witches came up with a solution. Adrasteia is getting stronger, too strong for a regular witch to face. But there is one person who can defeat her?." "Who?" king Erik asks. "Icarus Vardr Hreidmar The infamous warlock." The High Wizard replied "Icarus, the warlock your coven cast out for using dark magic when he was 12? The cursed one?" Lord Jarl questions and the wizard nods. "Yes, him." "Okay then let's invite him for dinner." King Erik says drop his hands on the mahogany table. "Yeah, the only problem is, he doesn't commune with the three kingdoms. He lives in the forest of bones and bloods. That's where you come in. He won't talk if I or Lord Jarl go to him. We need you to journey to the forest of bones and blood to fetch Icarus. " "ME!" king Erik exclaims. "Yes. If he still has his powers. That Warlock is the only one powerful enough to defeat Adrasteia. We Need Him."
My Roommate, My worst Nightmare
Updated at May 9, 2021, 06:15
Alexis Sinclair:",Lost her parents when she was 10, and her aunt took her in, life has been good to Alexis even after the death of her parents, made it through high school without being bullied, what happens when she gets into college and gets the attention of the most handsome hot guy(Tobias Coleman) little did she know that a monster lies beneath. Tobias Coleman:: first child of the town mayor also the heir to Coleman company's incorporation, A young billionaire at age 24,quite the rebellious type, he cares about no one but himself. well not until he found a new play thing, Alexis Sinclair, who he derives joy and pleasure from tormenting her.. To Allison he is the devil but some devils have a weak point, some weren't always devils, while some only seek for an Angel to redeem them.. OK guys I suck at description this is my first Story, I hope you guys like it.
Updated at Feb 25, 2021, 15:08
Prudence Dawkins is her name, but her school mates prefer calling her Pru_Dense or dense. It was no news in the entire school how much of a nerd prudence was, but contrary to what you know about nerds, prudence was different. She isn't your typical nerd. You may ask why? I'll tell you. We are all aware that nerds are smart, have high IQ, overly intellectual, introverted, lack social skills and obsessive about being right. Prudence is everything, except smart, high IQ and overly intellectual. No matter how hard she studies, no matter the pile of books she buries herself in day in day out, prudence never scores pass 40% in her exams. She comes amongst bottom in class and that earned her the nickname DENSE-NERD. That didn't stop prudence from trying though, it didn't stop her from burying herself in books, she never cared about the way her school mates treated her. The only thing prudence hates above all is being compared to her twin sister. She hated being the second option and she hated being mocked as the prude-virgin. One night Prudence comes out of her shell and attend a high school party. Her first high school party, prudence ony wanted to fit in for once in her life and when her sister offered her a drink from the green cup, prudence thought this was a chance to become popular, accepted, her chance to live out of her sisters shadow but was she wrong? if only prudence knew what awaits her life after, maybe she would have drank from a different cup. Follow me on this Journey as we unfold the story of Prudence.