
Baby I'm A Sinner

opposites attract
friends to lovers

Danielle Piper has never been too popular at school. She gets average grades, has two best friends and all she wants to do is get through her last year of high school alive.

That isn't an easy task when she's got a perfect brother, two judgmental parents and a slutty cousin who moved in after her parents passed away. And just when she thought things couldn't get worse, Noah Hudson, the school's bad boy got held back a year for failing English and is now in her class.

All she has to do is stay away from trouble; however that proves to be rather difficult when all the boy does is cause trouble. Her last school year will be much harder than she thought; especially since she seems to have a thing for boys who aren't good for her.

But you know what they say: "Every girl wants a bad boy who will be good just for her, and every boy wants a good girl who will be bad just for him."

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Chapter 1
Dani’s POV “Wake the fuck up bitch!” someone yelled right beside my head, slapping me awake. If there was one thing I couldn’t tolerate, it was being woken up earlier that I intended. I blinked several times to get adjusted to the bright light in my room, before my eyes focused in on the guy up in my face. “Leave me alone Jamie.” I mumbled and rolled on my stomach, praying that he’d somehow go away if I couldn’t see him. “Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not here.” “What are you doing here, who let you in?” 
“Your mother. When is she going to realize that I’m not into vaginas?” he continued. “Literally everything you say makes my ears bleed. Right now I’m asleep. Come back another time. I’m begging you.” “It’s the LAST day of summer vacation! And you are NOT going to spend it sleeping in ’til noon!” 
“It’s not even noon yet? And you dared to wake me up?” “We’re going to McDonald’s.” I heard Emma’s voice from somewhere in the room. “Oh you’re here too. Amazing.” “If you don’t get your ass out of bed right now I’ll physically drag you out. I’m not about to miss McBreakfast.” “That’s not what it’s called and-wait. It’s not even ten? Are you out of your mind?” I asked, finally turning on my back to face them. Emma was sitting by my desk and Jamie was currently looking down at me with a hand propped on his hip. I groaned as loudly as I could to show them just how annoyed I was before getting out of bed with maximal efforts. “Go to the bathroom, get dressed and let’s fucking go before I lose my shit.” Jamie warned and sat down on the bed. I rolled my eyes and went to my closet to pick out some clothes for the day. I didn’t really know what the two of them wanted to celebrate because, if you ask me, the fact that tomorrow is the first day of school is pretty depressing. There’snothing to celebrate, but of course Jamie took advantage of every opportunity to go to McDonald’s. Which was kind of freaking me out because McDonald’s meant food and food meant calories and calories meant getting fat. Maybe I could get away with just a salad or something that I could throw up later. I picked my out jean dungarees, a plain tee and the moon necklace, before I quickly walked out of the room to go to the bathroom.   I placed the clothes on the windowsill and then pulled the scale out from under the sink. When I got fully naked and locked the door, I stepped on it, holding my breath. 60.5kg I sighed, relieved at the small weight loss, before I pushed the scale back where it came from and hopped in the shower. Sixty kilos at my 1.63 meter height was quite shameful but in my defense the scale read 72 three months ago, so it was progress. I still had some cellulite on the back of my legs and two tiny purple stretchmarks on my hips. After I came out of the shower and brushed my teeth, I dressed up and quickly applied some mascara. I knew Jamie would flip shit if he missed the ‘McBreakfast’ because of me. “Okay I’m ready to go.” I said as soon as I entered the room and threw my pyjamas on the unmade bed. “Finally.” He groaned and sat up, leading the way out of my room. I rolled my eyes. I got downstairs to see that everyone was already at the table, having a lovely family breakfast without me; as usual. And by ‘family breakfast’ I mean my mother was too occupied talking about her job, my dad had his nose buried in the iPad, my brother was texting God-knows-who and my cousin was laughing at everything my mother said. I rolled my eyes because all Jade ever did since she moved in after her parents died two years ago was suck up to my mother. It was kind of like American Horror Story living with Jade- her room was right next to mine, which meant that sharing the balcony which she used it for smoking. Also, the fact that I had to share my bathroom with her wasn’t my cup of tea, mainly because she used up three quarters of the space. That and I’m not a fan of thongs and bras literally hanging from the doorknob or the mirror. I was pretty sure that she became my mother’s favorite child (daughter, excuse me; my brother was her absolute favorite) because they were into the same things: boys, money and fashion. My mother never really liked me; she didn’t like the fact that I was an average girl with average grades and typical teenage hobbies like sitting on my laptop in my room all day. Was it so hard to understand that I’d rather spend my time on the Internet rather thanwith my judgmental family? “Mom, we’re going out.” She stopped talking to Jade and looked up at me, curious as to why was I interrupting her speaking. “Where?” 
“Out.” I knew if I told her I was having breakfast at McDonald’s she’d go on about how that only made me fat and blah blah blah, so it was better just to keep in simple with her. “Dad can you give me some money?” I directed my attention to him. He told the person he was talking to on the phone to wait a second, before he dug through his pockets and pulled out a twenty-pound bill. “This would be easier if you got a job.” He said and then returned to his phone conversation. I wasn’t even eighteen for Christ’s sake and they want me to already make a life for my own? Why didn’t Chris or Jade have to work? They were so unfair sometimes; it honestly made me want to punch them in the neck. “I’ll be back at…sometime today.” I said because Jamie had the habit of going to at least five different places whenever we went out. And it was easy getting away from them, mainly because nobody heard. I didn’t know whether I should be offended or happy about it. We took the bus from the station that was right around the corner. Literally the only good thing about school starting was that summer was over which meant that the bus wouldn’t be crowded with too many sweaty, smelly people. Then again, loud teenagers wearing twenty different types of perfume would take their place, so I really couldn’t decide which one I preferred. The McDonald’s was ten minutes away by bus from my house, and Jamie couldn’t have been more excited about finally getting some breakfast there. We’d been friends since ninth grade, when we got paired together for a project in history. At first I had an obvious crush on him and even kissed him but he then came out to me right after so that was that. We befriended Emma in sophomore year, when she transferred from Wolverhampton because she got expelled from her previous school for getting in a pretty nasty fight with someone. And because it senior year was starting tomorrow, I couldn’t really change my friends even though they woke me up at an ungodly time on my last day of vacation. If the roles were flipped and I had woken up Jamie, he would’ve thrown a fit and not spoken to me for a week. And yes, I speak from experience There was a line already when we got to McDonald’s but after five minutes of waiting and dealing Jamie’s whining, we finally got to order. I managed to get away with with coffee and a muffin. We took our place outside; because our favorite activity besides gossiping while eating was making up fake stories about the people we saw walking by on the street. It was funny and kind of mean but with a gay guy and a bad bitch as best friends I guess that’s just part of the everyday routine. “So I hear there are four new teachers coming tomorrow.” Jamie started before taking a large bite out of his double cheeseburger. “Where’d you hear that?” Emma asked, shooting me a confused look. “Okay so this bitch Kylie told Emily who told her best friend Ashley who told Josh who told me last night when we were fucking.” “You got laid?” Emma and I asked at once, almost spitting our food out. 
“Yes, but that’s not important!” Of course it wasn’t for him, but I was literally the only virgin in my group of friends and also probably in senior year. 
“Which Josh? The one with the braces or the one on the football team?” “He doesn’t go to our school. But that isn’t the bloody point! Kylie said that they’re all super hot, and that only one of them is married.” I rolled my eyes at that. Kylie Edwards had been head cheerleader ever since sophomore year, and definitely lived up to the cheerleader stereotypes with her blonde hair and bitchy attitude. Her sister Carly was more palatable. She wasn’t on the squad,  was a bit quieter and, unlike her sister, didn’t think the sun shone out of her ass. Jade was really good friends with her but I barely ever talked to her, usually just hello’s and goodbye’s whenever she’d come over. “So what are they teaching?” 
“Well they’re supposed to teach the juniors and seniors, since the last four teachers retired.” “I’m going to miss Mrs. Green.” I said and Jamie looked at me like I had three heads. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? She was so rude and I almost failed in history because of her!” “Yeah, well, she liked me so.” I shrugged my shoulders. Jamie rolled his eyes and continued filling us in. “Anyway, so they’re supposed to replace history, English, French and Sex Ed.” I had no idea which classes I would have with the two of them, but I really hoped Sexual Education was one of them because it was always funny for some reason. “Hey did he also tell you if we’d get new kids?” Emma asked. “We won’t get ‘new kids’, but Noah Hudson got held back in English. I frowned. “Didn’t he go to summer school?” 
“Of course not, he’s too cool for that.” Emma said and sipped on her drink. I shook my head, annoyed. Noah Hudson had been the captain of the football team for two years now, and apparently he’ll make it three years. His parents were filthy rich and he drove a Bentley; that was all I knew about him. “What do his parents do?” I asked. “His mother’s a surgeon and his dad’s CEO of an insurance company. He’s literally swimming in money, it’s kind of annoying.” “Yeah but I heard that he absolutely hates it. Like, his parents are never home and he got raised by maids so that’s why he’s such an asshole.” Emma added and Jamie nodded, confirming her words. “I’ve never spoken to him in my life and I never plan to.” I told them, finishing my muffin and crumpling the paper up in a small ball. “Bitch if he as much as threw a look in your direction you’d be soaked.” Emma laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh along with her. “So I’ve made my fucket list for this year.” Jamie changed the subject and I snorted. The ‘fucket list’ as he called it, was a list that had the top three guys he’d like to fuck by the end of the year. “Let’s see it then.” Emma said and pulled the paper away from him. “Luke Black, Noah Hudson? They’re not even gay, Jamie.” 
“Pardon me, I saw Noah snog Liam last year at a party.” “Liam’s not gay either, I can assure you,” she said and we both looked at her weirdly. I usually didn’t go to the big parties the ‘cool kids’ would throw, mainly because I wasn’t invited. Jamie however did, because his brother Zack was both Noah’s best friend and on the football team. They didn’t get along that well, they were kind of like Jade and I; a love/hate relationship. “Either way, I’ll at least suck-“ Jamie started.

“Okay, don’t, we’re eating.” Emma gagged and looked back on the small list. “One of the new gay teachers? How do you know any of them swing that way?” 
“Are you kidding? I bet you fifty pounds one of them is gay. A hundred percent. Probably the married one.” I shook my head and finished my drink, sighing. “I’m just not emotionally and physically ready for school.” “It’s senior year! Today we’re younger than we’re ever gonna be!” Jamie said excitedly. I huffed, although I agreed with him. This was my senior year and even though all I needed to do was make it out alive, I had to have some fun before I was officially and adult and my life would be flooded with responsibilities. We went to the park for two more hours after we finished breakfast and I ended up being home by one, since I had an appointment with Jade at the hair salon. I was going to get my hair dyed light brown instead of my natural almost black color. Jade was also a senior whereas my brother had just finished high school and was going to study law at Manchester University. That evening after Jade and I came back from the salon I spent about three hours on Tumblr, avoiding responsibilities. Eventually showered and got in to bed, knowing I wouldn’t be able to get up the next morning.   ***   The first thought that went through my head that Monday morning after I’d turned off the alarm was ‘fuck’. Today was the day officially the first day of senior year, which meant seeing all the other kids, doing work that I didn’t want to and studying that had to be done against my will. I knew the day was going to be a disaster, starting with me almost breaking my nose as I literally tripped over London-my overweight Persian cat-trying to get out of bed. She stared up at me with a bored, annoyed expression and I had never related to a cat more in my life than in that moment. She understood me, it was good to know. “Yes, I’m not in the mood for today either.” I told her as I scrambled up to my feet and walked over to the closet. And now I’m having a completely normal conversation with my cat I picked out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a Ramones sweater before I booked it to the bathroom, outrunning Jade who was just coming out of her room too. “Not fair!” she yelled from outside the door. ­­­“Deal with it!” I yelled back and locked it. When I weighed myself I had 59.8 kilograms, due to the fact that I threw up the other night. I made a reminder for myself to write my progress in my journal. I came out of the bathroom at fifteen past seven, and by seven thirty we were done with breakfast and piling up in my mother’s car. School was starting at eight but everyone had to be in the gym by ten ‘til so our principal Mr. Brookscould say a few opening words. We also gad to drop by the secretary to get our schedules. I was really hoping to have at least two classes with Jamie and Emma, because I knew I’d never make it if I were on my own. When we finally got our schedules and were making our way to the gym, Jade and I compared them to see which classes we had together. “We have French, Sex Ed, P.E. and Psychology together.” “Amazing.” I muttered sarcastically as we entered the gym. Half of the people in our school were already there (the other half didn’t bother to show up on the first day). I found Jamie and Emma, her own friends Eleanor and Kylie in the first row. “Okay, okay settle down everyone!” Mr. Brooks said in a megaphone as soon as he entered the room, followed by some of the teachers. “Oh bollocks, none of them are the new ones.” Jamie pouted in my ear and I smiled, leaning my chin in my palms, my elbows settled on my knees as I listened to whatever Mr. Brooks had to say. It was the usual speech; be good, don’t do drugs and all that crap. By the time the bell rang, he let us go and attend our classes. “Do we have any classes together?” Jamie asked as we walked to our lockers to get our stuff.

“Um let me see your schedules. They both handed me their papers and I quickly read over them. “Well I have psychology and English with Emma, History and Spanish with you, you two have Art history together and the three of us have Sex Ed, French and P.E. together.” “Aw yeah! High five!” he said and I ignored his raised hand so I could get my English things out of my locker. 
“See you at lunch then?” Jamie asked and I nodded, walking together with Emma to our English class. We entered the classroom just as the bell rang but a few of the seats were still empty. We found our seats in the back, far away from the teacher’s desk so we could cheat on tests in peace. I chewed on my bottom lip as we waited for the new teacher to make an appearance. It wasn’t long after that, because two minutes later the door opened and silence settled in. The guy was young and attractive, with cheekbones that looked like they could cut and piercing blue eyes. “Hello. I’m Mr. Sebastian White and I’ll be your English teacher this year.” Everyone started whispering and gushing over him while Mr. White turned around and wrote his name on the blackboard. It was 2014 and our school still used a blackboard instead of a whiteboard. Amazing. “So before I tell you a bit about myself I’m going to call out your names to see who’s present.” Mr. White looked for something through his briefcase and finally pulled out the attendance sheet. “Luke Black?” Mr. White started, looking around the room until his eyes fell on Luke, who raised his hand. I didn’t really talk to Luke because he was in the ‘popular’ group of our school except for the one time we were assigned to a project in French together. He was really nice, unlike his brother Sean, who had a mouth bigger than his dick. They were the masculine version of the Edwards sisters. Not to mention that their parents had more money than they could possibly spend. I swear to God our school was filled with rich snobs that didn’t get into private school because they were too dumb. “Noah Hudson?” Mr. White continued and looked around the room, but no one answered. He sighed and moved on, mumbling something under his breath. “Zachary Macqueen?” Zack raised his hand from his seat in second row. I could say that I was somewhat friends with him; even though he was on the football team he was one of the (few) smart people at our school. He could draw really well from what I’d seen and didn’t talk to people unless he was friends with them. “Danielle Piper?” I raised my hand and tried to seem calm when everyone turned their head to stare at me. “Emma Smith?” Mr. White called out and Emma smiled while keeping her hand up. Was it just me or did he stare at her longer than necessary “Harry Sampson?” Harry raised his hand and kindly smiled. I liked Harry; he was nice to everyone and always wore headscarves with plaid shirts. We were pretty good friends and he usually sat at our table during lunch. He always told the worst jokes but we would laugh anyway because they were just that bad. After Mr. White made sure to call all the twenty something names, he started talking about himself. He was born in London but moved to Manchester with his fiancée (that left him eventually) and had just graduated from University. Jamie would love to hear that he was about five or six years older than us. “Alright, now that you know something about me, I’d like to know if any of you read something over the summer?” Does fan fiction count A few hands were raised so I zoomed out completely because all this talk on the first day of school tired me. “He’s so hot!” Emma told me once the bell rang. “And you’re jailbait for him.” I replied as we exited the class. I had algebra next and that was honestly the last thing I needed. When the lunch bell rang I sighed relieved and stood up. I had just finished my fourth period, which was biology (I only knew Harry and Carly in that class). “Can I have lunch with you guys today?” Carly asked when we stopped by Harry’s locker for him to leave his stuff in there. “Of course.” I said smiling before we started walking towards the cafeteria. We got in line to get some food and I knew I could get away with just a small salad and maybe some orange juice. I was trying to stay under five hundred calories a day; I wanted to reach fifty kilograms by the end of October, which meant that I had two months left. Jamie and Emma were already at our usual table when we sat down. “What’s this I hear about the English teacher being hot?” Jamie asked as he stuffed his face with a hamburger that was probably not even that tasty since our lunch lady made it. “He’s like, twenty three or something.” Harry answered. “What’s your next period? “Um, history.” 
“Me too!” Carly said excited and Jamie started talking about how he was planning on trying out for the football team. “I wanted to try out for football too but I’m basically a giraffe with wobbly legs so I’m just going to join the school magazine.” 
“I need to join that too.” 
“My brother’s on that too.” Jamie said. “So you’re going to get in definitely. “Yeah? What do you want to study at Uni?” Harry continued, directing his attention back to me. “Journalism, you?” “A radio presenter.” “Then you should sign up for the school radio.” “It’s already full, I checked. So the magazine is probably the next best thing.” Harry said. “We can go after school?” I suggested. “Sounds good.” He replied, smiling. “You’re still going to come to my football practice right?” Jamie checked, looking at Emma and I. “I need my lucky charm bitches.” Harry laughed, throwing his head back and clapping; as if he were a seal. During the rest of lunch period we established that all of us had French, P.E. and Sex Education together. It was a big relief to know that I wouldn’t be on my own. Being in the company of complete strangers made me really anxious and I wasn’t really that fond of the idea of having a panic attack at school, or anywhere else for that matter. When the bell rang to announce that lunch was over, we all walked to give our trays back. Carly, Jamie and I got to history just in time before the bell rang and the new teacher (just as young as Mr. White) walked in. “What is it with young teachers at this school?” I whispered to Carly when we sat down in the third row, since some guys from the football team already occupied the last one. I spotted Kylie in the last row too, right next to Lucas Tatcher and of course; Jade. Lucas had been on the football team since freshman year and was dating Eleanor Cartwright, the president of the student council, and also head of the organizing committee. “Good afternoon class, I’m Mr. Tyler Flack and I’ll be taking over for Mrs. Green, since she retired.” The guy introduced himself and I made eye contact with Jamie, who wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the teacher, who was now calling everyone’s name to make sure we were present. “You can ask me question if there are any kind of-“ Mr. Flack started but didn’t even get to finish because Jamie’s hand was up. “Yes? Mr.…” 
“Macqueen. Are you married?” “Yes, actually.” He answered and every girl’s shoulders dropped, including Jamie’s. “My wife teaches French here, you’ll probably get to meet her soon too.” Jamie rolled his eyes, but that didn’t go past Mr. Flack, who frowned. “He’s so gay.” Jamie whispered when the teacher turned around to write something on the blackboard. “He’s married. “So? Elton John was married. And besides, look at his pants. They’re so tight, just like-“ 
“Mr. Macqueen I have zero tolerance for people speaking at the same time as me.” “Sorry, sir.” Jamie answered in a suggestive tone and I almost laughed at his pathetic attempt to seduce the teacher. Was I the only sane one here? The bell rang and we all immediately stood up to leave the room. “Oops. My bad.” Jamie said in an innocent voice as he dropped his books right in front of Mr. Flack. He bent down to pick them up, making sure he stuck his ass out for the teacher to see. “Good day, Mr. Flack.” “God you’re such a bad actor,” I laughed when we were out of the teacher’s earshot. He ignored me and checked his schedule. “Oh fuck yeah we got Sex Ed next, my favorite subject.” He smirked and we walked over to our lockers. “Do you think the new teacher will continue to hand out free condoms?” The classroom was already filled when we got there, and Emma made a sign for us to sit down on the seats she’d kept occupied for us. After I sat down I looked around the room, noticing that half of the football team was there and a lot of people from the ‘popular crowd’. The chatter in the room was interrupted abruptly when the door was slammed shut and in front of it stood someone who was probably a teacher. No shit “Alright listen up y’all!” he yelled as he walked over to the desk and let his bag fall on the desk with a loud thud. “I’m the new sex education teacher Mr. James. I taught school for three years in America so don’t even think about messing with me because I will not tolerate it! Ain’t nobody gonna be late to my class because I’ll be keeping your asses outside. And GOD forbid one of y’all tries to skip. I’m not afraid to assign detention to any of you, do I make myself clear?” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh because he was the funniest teacher (and at the same time most terrifying) we’ve ever had. “Yes Sir.” Everyone answered at once. “Good.” He walked around his desk to get the attendance sheet. “I’ll be calling names and I don’t need no raised hands or any of that bullshit. Just confirm when you hear your name.” He looked down at the sheet. “Luke Black! Sean Black! Eleanor Cartwright! Kylie Edwards!  Carly Edwards? Noah Ha-oh this should be good. Noah Hudson?” There was silence and Mr. James’ nostrils flared. “Noah Hudson?” Kylie stood up. “Uh, Sir? He’s not-he’s not here. “And who are you? His lawyer? Sit your ass down.” Does the principal now about his vocabulary? Mr. James continued calling out names as I leaned against the wall and turned to look at the whole class. That was my favorite thing about wall seats. You could relax for a bit. “Jamie Macqueen! Zachary Macqueen! Jade Morgan! Danielle Piper! Emma Smith! Liam Holloway! Harry Sampson! Lucas Tatcher!” He finished calling everyone’s name pretty quickly, and it turned out Noah was the only one missing. His team had saved him a seat in the back that was still empty. “Okay today we’ll be starting with the basic intro-“ he started and was about to go through his bag when the door opened. And oh great, Noah actually showed up. Everyone’s head turned to look at him. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept in days because of the bags under his eyes. He was wearing a plaid shirt over a white tee and blue skinny jeans with black Vans that were somehow still loose on his boney legs. There was a backpack slung over one of his shoulders, which meant that this was his first class of the day. “Sorry I’m late.” He said and that was the first time I’d ever heard him talk. “Noah Hudson. I’ll be damned. What an honor to have you in my class!” Mr. James said sarcastically. “Actually, I should be thanking you because you’re the reason I got the job in the first place.” I frowned, not really understanding what he meant by that. I thought Ms. Lancaster quit. “Can I sit?” Noah asked annoyed and I rolled my eyes because he could at least try to be nice to the teacher; after all he was the one that came in late and missed like half of the first day. “Yes, you may sit down.”

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