
The Vampire Queen's System



These are creatures which are feared in the myths and stories of mankind. Immortals who command darkness and, sips human blood as a source of strength. Unparalleled creatures that brings terror wherever they appear.

But that is not how they are seen in Luminous.

Here, vampires are hunted down and killed to the point of extinction. Their numbers dwindle by the day and, the only hope for their survival is summoning Dracula's heir.

Meanwhile in earth, Elizabeth's prom night has turned to a disaster. And as she went through the gates of death, she found herself summoned to Luminous. Commanding darkness itself as she gains Dracula's System.

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Elizabeth the Bloodless
Prom night. An event which excites most teens. Making the women dress their finest. With some choosing to flaunt their curves through tighter dresses. While others prefer showing a bit of skin; revealing a portion of their cleavage, some of their legs, or even the whole of their back – from their nape up to their waist. Yet, that is only for most. Elizabeth wore a long, sleeveless white dress. But this isn’t by choice. She simply cannot wear any other color of clothing because, these would make her skin stand out again. Elizabeth the bloodless as they call her. A name which is only slightly more popular than the others. “Witch”. “Freak”. “Snowflake”. And, her least favorite...“Curse”.   She is the subject of mockery for the whole of the school. All because of her white skin and, for another reason which I will tell you later on. But for now, all you need to know is that our dear Eli is trying her best not to stand out.   Ironically, the only way she could do this, is to refrain from choosing colored dresses. Velvet. Lime. Midnight Blue. She can’t wear the colors that she wants because, ironically, the only thing that can protect her at that moment is the same hue which her curse has been associated with. White. “Don’t get noticed.” She thought to herself. “Be as still as possible Eli.” In other places she would be called a beauty. Her silk like hair extends up to her waist. Tied to a braid for the occasion. Her face is as flawless as the rest of the skin enveloping her body. Without a single scar, scratch, or pimple on it. Her eyebrows are a bit thick, enough to add more depth to her pitch-black eyes. With her lashes seeming like curtains that add to the beauty and mystery which eyes hold.   Truth be told, she would’ve made the boys of her school line up to court her. But because of her “curse” all of them backed away. Especially after the first attempt ended in the hospitalization of a football jockey.   That is why she has remained alone. Without any real friends nor any company. And the only reason why she attended that dreaded prom night is because of the grades that it would add on her card. Numbers which would skyrocket her chances to enter a prestigious university. But even this isn’t entirely true because, she has an ulterior motive in joining. “Okay, it’s time for us to reveal the king and queen of the prom.” The emcee announced, making the music die down while increasing the clamor and murmurs among the students. As for our dear Eli, her heart skipped a beat. She knew that her name wouldn’t be called. Nevertheless, she wished for it to be so. And of course, this is for a vain reason. But a reason nevertheless. “Our prom king is none other than...drumroll please.” The sound came with the emcee’s command. “Bryce Evans!” Eli almost stood from her seat. She knew that he was the one getting called. There was no mistaking it. Bryce Evans is the most likable guy in their school. The captain of the football team while, at the same time, the student council president and the second smartest kid in class (With Eli herself being the top of the school and, the country at that.) You can say that he has it all. And that may just be the case because, he is also the only guy who has shown Eli genuine kindness. When Eli was humiliated by Tiffany Chanders on one of the many occasions, it was Bryce who stood up for her. It was just a single act of kindness but, Eli has carried it with her ever since. Making her crush over this man.   “Okay it’s a bit anti climatic. We all knew that Bryce would get this spot, right?” The emcee announced, getting soft cheers and laughter from the crowd as he opened the piece of paper holding the name of the prom queen.   “Oh my.” There was a tone of disbelief in his voice as the grin on his face waned. “Is this for real?”   The emcee looked at the committee in charge of counting the votes. One of these went up the stage and read the name on the piece of paper. This got the crowd murmuring among themselves; caught in the hype of the mystery queen who wasn’t announced just yet. “Is it me? Is it going to be me?” Eli thought to herself. Hoping against hope that she would have this bit of luck granted to her. Even if it was vain. Even if it seemed petty. Eli wanted to dance with her prince charming before that night passed. And, with the emcee finally finishing his talk with the other student, she was finally going to hear the truth.   “Okay! Our prom queen for this night is none other than...” The drumroll began once again, matching Eli’s paced heartbeat. Time seemingly stopped momentarily for her. Only resuming as the name was called. “Jenifer Olsen!” It wasn’t her. Elizabeth slumped to her chair as the name of another student was called. Of course, it wouldn’t be her. Why would the school’s curse be voted by the student body? Elizabeth wanted to sulk. She wanted to simply leave early and go back to her bed in the orphanage. But she couldn’t because, there was something that began bugging her head at that moment. That is, the name that was called was just as unlikely as hers. Aside from Eli, Jenifer is the second most bullied girl in the school. Now I don’t mean to sound like a bad narrator but, she isn’t even as beautiful as our dear Eli. Nobody even thought of courting her and, she is just downright weird with all her beliefs in curses and witchery.   “Something’s not right here.” Eli thought. “The girls would never vote Jenifer of their own free will. Most of them should’ve voted for Tiffany...and the boys would definitely not work together to vote her.” Eli stood up and looked around for the first time. The lights were dim but it was enough for her to make out some of the more prominent people in the crowd. Namely, Tiffany and a couple of jockeys. She didn’t know if it was from the shadows casted or, if it was because of the dim light. But, for a moment, she saw Tiffany make a scheming grin – making Eli’s body shudder involuntarily. “I knew it.” Eli said as she watched Tiffany and the jockeys move to the backstage. She didn’t want to help out. Eli wanted to simply be in the background and let the night pass because, if she got herself involved, then that would surely spell trouble for her. But that is not how she was raised. Even with all the bullying and injustices done to her, Elizabeth knows that she couldn’t just turn a blind eye from what she found out. “Why did I have to find out?” Eli said as she stood up nervously from her chair. She didn’t know what she could do but, she was going to try for the heck of it.   All the lights finally turned off at that moment. A single spotlight focused on the prom king and queen. These two began moving to the center of the gym and, Eli has also begun her move as well. Navigating her way through the darkness as she waved one student after another.   “Is this even a good idea?” She thought to herself, her nervousness increasing by the second. Nobody was going to help her out. Everyone hated Elizabeth the Bloodless after all. That’s why she needed to do everything on her own. The whole ordeal is nerve wrecking for someone like her. With her hands shaking and her heart thumping louder by the second, she continued thinking if she should continue. This made her awareness of time disappear and, before she knew it, she was already at the backstage. A place empty of any person. “What? Where are they?” Eli looked around her. With how dark the place is, she needed to use her phone. Flashing its light around the area. The first thing which she spotted were the wet parts on the floor. Telling her exactly what it is that the mischievous group thought of doing. A typical caveman-like form of entertainment, getting someone completely wet and humiliated right in the spotlight.   “Honestly, these people just don’t grow up.” Eli said to herself as she followed the trail. Making her eyes widen in shock as she finally found what she was looking for. “This is definitely a bad idea.”   The light on Eli’s phone focused on a couple of shoes and a pair of heels. These are placed next to the steel ladder. This is connected to the beams situated at the top of the gymnasium. Ones which hold the same spotlight which was being used by the dance of the prom king and queen. All of these leading Eli’s mind to the realization of one thing.   Tiffany and the jocks are up there.

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