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Chapter 1 Elena’s POV Pain flowed through my body as I started to wake up. I know that the pain I was feeling is exactly what woke me up. I tried to roll to my side to try to breathe easier. I finally got into a position where I could take a full breath in, but I am having a hard time being able to move. I have no idea how I got so injured and I am confused as to what happened that resulted in my being in a cell. I need to try to figure out where I am. I attempted to mindlink my parents or my brothers, but I couldn’t get through to them. The first taste of fear hits me now, and I don’t like it. I have clearly been abducted, and I have no idea who would be bold enough to do it. I come from a family of strong warriors. It is a well-known fact that both my brothers are Alpha’s. They will stop at nothing to get me back. Whoever did this has signed their own death warrant. My family will be looking for me soon if they haven’t started already. I know, whatever the reason the person who took me had, clearly has a great hatred against us. I woke up lying on my back on this cold stone floor. I already knew that from the position I was lying in, that I had been thrown in there like I was a bag of trash. I knew I was inside a wolfpack. I just didn’t know who would have been stupid enough to take me. They made the choice to do this, they will have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. Oh no, Michelle. Where is Michelle? Is she here in another cell? Is she hurt? We went shopping together and that was the last thing I remember. I need to focus and try to recall what happened to us. I am praying to the Goddess that they did not hurt my friend. I closed my eyes and tried to replay what happened earlier today, at least I think it is still the same day. We found our dresses for the ball and got shoes to match. I grabbed my mother some extra magazines for her favorite weapon. She had upgraded to a Smithfield .45 about three years back and she loves it. I have one as well now for my weapon, so I grabbed two magazines for my weapon too. I don’t come to the city very often, and I try to get what I need when I do. I remember us exiting the mall talking and laughing. We headed out to the SUV and I remember we got attacked as soon as we started loading up the items we bought. The attack was very sudden, with about 10 men surrounding us. We did manage to get a few of them knocked out, but there were too many of them and I saw her being injected, a few seconds before I felt my own injection. That was all I remembered until I woke up. Those men were not rogues, and they were well prepared. They knew we were there, and I was clearly their target. I hope that Michelle is safe. I was worried about my best friend. We were fighters, trained since we were little and we were not to be taken lightly. These men knew that. The ones we were able to subdue were the younger ones who just rushed in. The more experienced ones watched what happened and made adjustments. They were clearly well trained, but this place smelled different than the men who attacked us. I am now wondering if they were hired by someone else. That would be a smart plan, and I can tell that little bit of information did not make me rest easier. I gave out a low groan as I tried to sit up. I can feel that at least two ribs have been broken, and the worst part is that I cannot feel my wolf, Storm. Probably because of what I was injected with. I am hoping that she can get past the drugs and come forward soon to help me out with healing. I need to get out of here now before they realize that I am awake. I need to focus and push past the pain to look for any weak points. I looked around the cell and managed to edge myself back towards the cot. My right arm is hurting pretty badly right now. I don’t know if it is broken, but I won’t be using it to try to get up. Normally, I can just get up using my core, but I am too injured to be able to do that. I know that I may do more damage to it trying to use my arm, and in doing so potentially complete the break. I used my left arm to awkwardly pull myself up onto the cot. The mattress was dirty, but the floor was dirtier. At least this was a little more comfortable for me. I know the window is probably solid and secure. Once I can stand and am less dizzy, I will test it. I can see that I am at the end of the hallway of the cells. I am basing that on the two walls outside my cell. I guess they are trying to keep me hidden from anyone who might recognize me. My kidnappers will probably have their most loyal warriors tending to me down here. They can’t take a chance and have me negotiate my way out of this. I try to keep calm as I know that this situation is a bad one. I am pretty sure that whoever took me was not planning on my ever leaving this place. I hope I can get an inkling of a good person around me like an Omega bringing me my meal. I will beg them for help, or at least contact my family and let them know where I am. I suspect that my time is limited. I think that they are going to toy with me just to upset my family, as their hands will be tied to help me. I heard steps coming down the hallway and knew that at least two people were heading this way. I school my face to not show any emotion, just like before I spar. I had an unworried look when they stopped in front of my cell. Their ringleader is front and center and I can’t keep my eyes from going right towards him. He is very handsome, with a strong jaw, and blonde hair. I looked up into his eyes and realized too late I should never have looked at him. We both say, “Mate” at the same time. Me in disappointment, and him with a laugh. He thinks it is hilarious, but the man to his right does not. I assume he is his Beta as he has enough courage to say, “The Goddess wants you to change your plans, Tucker. What are the odds that Elena was going to be your mate? Her family is nothing to mess around with, so I need you to think again before you act. Please, for the love of the pack, do not move forward with your plan.” He spoke in a low tone, but even without Storm, I heard him. I get hit by the finality of what he is saying. I knew that Tucker was going to try to kill me. I don’t know what his whole plan is, but he clearly had one in place before he managed to take me. The fact that he was able to do it at all is very unusual. I have been trained on numerous ways to lose a tail, and we were not followed, so this was not a coincidence at all. I was not just a random person taken to try to get a ransom. I also realized that he had help. That someone from inside my own pack was involved in this. I will give him a chance to make this right, as far as our being mates. I lifted my chin and looked at his smug face. He was just standing there, grinning at me like he had just won a huge prize. I have no doubt that I am the prize that he won. This abduction was a really bad start to our finding each other. I cannot just give him a pass. He will have to admit what he did to my family. As long as he is willing to sincerely apologize, and if Michelle is not hurt. I am willing to forgive him, but he had better have a great reason for doing what he did. “I am willing to overlook this whole thing if you stop right now and call my parents to let them know that I am safe. If Michelle is safe and unharmed, I am willing to accept you as my true mate.” I told him. I still kept my face unworried, but this had a 50/50 chance of going my way. From the way his grin kept growing, I already knew what his decision would be before he opened his mouth. “Oh. Well, I thank you for the offer, Elena, but I cannot accept it. I do not want to be involved with someone who doesn’t actually value the mate bond. I am sorry that the Moon Goddess decided that you should be my mate. I am a little sorry that you will be the one who has to be punished for the sins of your parents. It is their fault that we are even here, so feel free to curse them as your punishments are delivered to you. My plan will be going on, I just have to tweak it now. You do not come from good stock, so the odds of you being able to be a quality Luna are very low. I just wanted to see how you were faring. Apparently, you and your friend didn’t want to come along peacefully. The guys you knocked out wanted to have a little payback. I don’t blame them, but they were warned of your abilities before they took the job. Maybe they will listen the next time. Oh, and you were searched while you were out. You no longer have any hidden weapons, but even if you did, they would do you no good in there.” Tucker replied to me. “Then reject me now, because I refuse to be connected to you in any way,” I demanded. “Oh, this worked out so well. I can see the additional pain that me and my chosen mate will be giving you. There is no way that I won’t take this opportunity to take your punishment to the highest level I can before I kill you. It is nothing personal against you, but someone has to pay. I suffered, so now, you have to suffer too.” Tucker said, and then turned and walked away with the other two men. Tucker is obviously not in his right mind. My parents are good people. What could they have possibly done to cause this?
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