
Her Vampire Master Book two

Writing Academy
Fantasy Romance Ⅱ Writing Contest

"If I hear you say you want to die the next words out of your mouth will be 'I'm hungry' and it won't be for sweets, my love." Charles practically growled at Elizabeth as she looked at him feeling weak from blood loss.

Will Elizabeth finally find a way home? Or will she accept her fate and tell Charles the truth about her past?

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Chapter One
He frowned at her, and at himself for being so thickheaded. Mary was always sensitive to mood, and he was in a mood for violence. He looked down at Elizabeth whose eyes were closed, her face twisted in a grimace of pain. “Elizabeth!” he snapped at her. “Stay with me, love. I need for you to hold this," Charles said placing her hand over the makeshift bandage, he ran to the door. Ciaran was leisurely strolling down the hall, and he made a point of sniffing ostentatiously. “Problem?” he asked with a smirk. Charles rushed past him taking the back stairs two at a time. Once he was in the kitchen he chipped off a large chunk of ice and wrapped it in a clean towel, before practically flying back up the stairs to Elizabeth's room. Ciaran was in the room, he was leaning against the bed with Mary curled up next to him. When Charles returned he looked at him, "Lot's of blood going to waste." He calmly observed. The shirt was saturated and Elizabeth was still holding it, but she was no longer pressing down. Blood was soaking into the bedding beneath her. In Paris, he had carried her half a mile while her blood soaked his shirt and trousers down past his knee. The bullet had torn through her side, but it still had to be cleaned. There were fragments of wood and cloth that were embedded in the wound. Mary had been useless, moaning as Elizabeth screamed and screamed until she passed out. Fiona and Ciaran had refused to help. They were indignant about it. “It’s not that bad, baby,” he said. Her lips were pale, her breathing shallow. “Mary?” Ciaran lifted her chin. “Get another towel, Princess,” he said. Mary scampered to the bathroom, "You need to elevate her feet," Ciaran said still lounging on the bed, "And," Charles cut him off impatiently, "I know." Mary brought the thick white towel to Ciaran, he started ripping it in half folding the strips to make a pad and handed it to Charles. Charles quickly switched the shirt out with the bandage and wrapped the ice pack in place. "Who opened the tap?" She joked as she came into the room, looking around as the drama of having a human pet unfolded. As soon as Charles had the bandage tied off, he covered her with the blanket wrapping it around her body. He grabbed her jaw, shaking her as her eyes stayed shut, "Open your eyes Elizabeth!" He demanded. She cracked an eye open looking at him suspiciously, "Am I bleeding to death?" Charles let out a sharp bark of laughter, his fingers sliding to her wrist to check her pulse, it was rapid but strong. "No, darling you not." He knew that she believed him when he saw her grimace, he caressed her cheek leaving bloody fingerprints on her. It was at that moment that he realized how much of her blood was covering him. "Someone has been naughty." Ciaran said as he brought a hand down on Mary's ass, she let out a squeal of delight, "Should Charles punish you?" "Oooh, yes please." She said looking intrigued by the idea. Ciaran watched her for a moment, a cold smile forming on his lips, "It isn't much of a punishment if you want it, is it?" Mary looked at him, confusion painting her pretty features. She lowered her head, her shoulders slumping in a cringe that made Charles feel furious with Ciaran. "Excitement's over," he said rudely, "Shut the door on your way out." Ciaran ignored him, moving to sit beside Elizabeth, he could tell she was afraid even being half out of it. Unexpectedly, Ciaran took her hand is his, stroking the soft pale flesh, "There, there," he said, "Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine, it's just the shock." He tucked her hand back into the blankets, "You'll be fine in a few days." He looked at Charles challenging him, "Won't she?" He smirked, his eyebrow raised. It took Charles a moment to process what the older vampire was talking about. The bastard thought that he did this on purpose to keep Elizabeth out of his master plan, he rolled his eyes at the older vampire. "She'll be fine." He said. Fiona linked her arm with Mary's, "Come along dear." She said pulling Mary into the hallway with her. Ciaran tucked the blankets loosely around Elizabeth before leaving the room as well, the door clicked sharply behind him. Charles closed his eyes as he sat in the silence, he ran his hand through his hair, "If I hear you say you want to die the next words out of your mouth will be 'I'm hungry' and it won't be for sweets, my love." Charles laid down beside her, stroking her face and hair. "Just be quiet for a while, okay?" He added, "I'm so tired right now, I just want to sleep." He worked his hand under the blankets, to her hand entwining their fingers together. He opened his eyes, looking at her. He watched as she licked her lips, he closed his eyes, he was such an idiot. "You need something to drink, don't you?" He asked. Elizabeth nodded Charles sat up, she would need plenty of fluids, maybe something warm. "I'll take care of you, love." He said looking down at her. She met his gaze and nodded, "I'll be back in a moment, get some rest." He said. *** Charles found Milos in his room, "I need you," he said. He didn't say anything else as he turned on his heels and walked towards Chef's door. He hit it once hard, a chair squeaked across the floor before the door swung open, "Kitchen, now. Elizabeth needs food." He ordered. "I want her bed changed with fresh linens and start a fire with that stuff she likes to put in it." He ordered Milos who was right behind him. "After she's eaten I want another tray sent to her in four hours, and then do it again." He said turning to head back to her room, "First bring up a pitcher of water from the kitchen, before you do anything else." From Ciaran's room he could hear chains rattling and Mary, she sounded coherent, but the night was still young.

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