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“Ow but these are the souls of the lost kids.” “Those are our souls.” The two were still looking up at the hanging beings disguised in children bodies. They had a glow radiating from inside. The surrounding atmosphere was an empty black fog. The surface below the fog was a long lake of ripples glistening from the light of the souls above.  “What?” What did she mean by that? I was becoming more and more suspicious of her. She kept spewing and revealing things I didn’t know about. I was doubting her loyalty and integrity.   “Let’s keep moving.” Francina launched another leap forward careful enough not to fall over the water lily. The baby sharks flared their spikes for teeth. Becoming much excited with the human’s approaching the centre of the big lake. The human’s dripping blood was becoming even tastier to the baby sharks. Kali could barely see anything with all the dust from earlier, and the amount of blood he was losing was draining his strength. The rod piercing through his abdomen was becoming even heavier. He held tight on both ends keep it at level. “Hey,” Francina had paused. She looked at him reassuringly, “You’ll get through this.” “They look like they haven’t eaten in days. And with my blood flowing like this, I—” “Don't worry. I’ll protect you.” Sure, the same way she protected Kamo, Mbali and Betty. And many more. Does she really think I’m gonna trust her after all that? Who’s to say she won’t just toss me in to save her own? The dark scene was not all that helpful. Their only source of light were glowing souls of children suspended up above. The entire of the surface was water glistening and reflecting the sizzling glow of the souls. Large green slates of water lilies dispersed across the water and they knew that was their only way to get to the other side. A next leap and she almost fell over. The lily leaves were becoming even weaker as they were nearing half way through. This was the centre of the lake; it was the hotspot for the baby sharks. The baby sharks matted the entire surface almost covering what’s beneath. These things ruffled about vigorously, each one sprawling in and out of the water hitting against the pedestrians. Wavering her arms in the air and she finally got grasp of her balance. She turned only to find Kali struggling against the sharks that bit his rod down. He spun and twisted to throw them off. She reached for her arrow in her backpack, she aimed and shot. The still wind seemed to have been creating some resistance against the arrow. It travelled at half its speed. “Look out!” she warned. Kali swayed away from the arrow headed for his pelvic. He grabbed the arrow, quick. He stabbed through the shark that was biting through his shoulder and he launched it back into the water. He could see the surrounding sharks sizing in on it. “Kill them and send them back. They eat anything that bleeds!” he heard her cry. She had already sent a few dead sharks. He saw her slicing through the air at the flying sharks that sprang all around her. She began sending some towards his direction to distract the flesh ripping little curses of nature.  This was his chance to get out of there. Right at the centre, there were no water lilies to land on. He took the dangerous chance. He began pouncing on their tiny little backs. They were slippery, indeed. He held on tight to the rode that poked from his back to his stomach. The pain was getting to him. The little creatures were especially drawn to that part of him, they kept biting on to it. One went for his face when he least expected it. The weight tossed him back, he headed for the water…
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