What do you want

799 Words
Nina POV: When I was looking at him, the man was also looking at me with his lovely blue eyes. I didn’t know why I was so nervous!My heart was beating so fast, several times faster! I felt like I was about to lose my breath. This strange feeling made me uneasy. I hurriedly dropped my head and sidled past him to squeeze out of the doorway of this convenience store. Tyler was waiting for me at the hotel, so I had to get back as soon as possible. I kept mentally suggesting this to myself and quickened my pace to leave. As I turned a corner, I was stopped by someone. It was the handsome man we had just met in front of the convenience store. He was clearly behind me, but suddenly he appeared in front of me. I didn’t know how he managed to do that. The sudden appearance of the strange man in black was like a dark night, full of unknown and danger. At that moment, I had no extra mind to think; I just wanted to get out of here. “Excuse me, please!” I said. The man did not respond but came closer to me. I did not know what he wanted to do, so I could only step back. But as soon as I took a step back, he took a step forward until I was leaning against a wall. There was no space left for me to keep backing up. When I realized that, I decided to take the initiative! “WHAT DO YOU WANT ...” I was so nervous that my voice trembled as I uttered my first sentence. “My Luna, surprisingly so charming ...” He looked down at me and uttered such a strange phrase. Who was Luna? Before I could react, his face suddenly closed in on me, and his lips had landed on my neck ... I stared in shock, staring blankly ahead. His lips carried a hot touch, and he licked back and forth twice, making my body shudder. Like a fire that ignited a passion within me that had never existed before, my body surprisingly did not resist but craved more! How’s that possible! It was the first time to see the man, but why would I have such a reaction? I didn’t even know him, and I had a boyfriend. My boyfriend was waiting for me in the hotel, so I should have pushed the man away, rejected him, and told him he could never treat me like this ... My sanity returned a little, but just as I was about to reject him, his lips left my neck and sealed my lips directly. He sucked on my lips and even used his tongue to pry open my teeth and entwine with my tongue ... It was an experience I had never had before. The desire was rising inside me. That incredible tingling sensation made me sink ... I didn’t wake up a little until the shopping bag slipped from my hand and made a sound. It was then that I realized that he had untied my jacket, and his hands were restlessly burrowing into my clothes. I pushed him away vigorously and quickly ran away. The man seemed to want to follow, but his cell phone rang, and he answered a call and did not continue to catch up. I was relieved and ran faster. When I went back to the hotel, Tyler had already left. I checked my phone and saw a new message from Tyler. It turned out that Tyler had a temporary commitment and had left. “Nina, if you’re not ready, let’s make another date; just don’t keep me waiting too long.” Tyler ended his text message with these sentences. I thought Tyler must have been angry, which made me beat myself up again. Tyler and I have been dating for two months now, and that’s the happiest time I’ve ever had. He was very tolerant of me. Even when he didn’t have sex, he chose to ensure our relationship and didn’t abandon me. He should be my dearest. But why was it that all I could think about was that strange man? His eyes, his voice, his kiss ...replayed in my mind like a movie over and over again. I don’t know if this is considered mental cheating because it has never happened before. My self-loathing deepened. It made me feel so sorry for Tyler. I shouldn’t have been thinking about other men when Tyler was angry. I pushed myself not to think about it, but I just couldn’t control my brain, and I would always lose control of it. Even my body reacted to the memories. What should I do ...
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