Big News!

324 Words
Hello everyone. I have a set date for Almost is never enough. The first chapter is coming in August, 25 2021. It's will come out with new chapters every Wednesday at 1:00, the old time and date as Teacher's pet. This story will also have nothing to do with any of the Sage-Blake, The new queen gangster ends that universe. If I have anymore news, I will edit this post but here an excerpt of Almost is never enough. He wrapped his hand around my hair, slowly yanked it. I dug my teeth into my lip and moaned heavy he pulled my face up with his index finger. His finger ran down my lips  " Stop, you know what that does to me,," He said  "What are you going to do about it," I said  He took his index and middle fingers and pulled them close to me as he slowed down his fingers in circle movement. His finger moved up and down, pulling at the fabric of my panties as he dug his fingers into the fabric I moaned lightly.  “This what you do to me.” "Do you deserve to cum?" He asked   I nodded as I stared his ocean blue eyes. I moved on top of his hands around my hips, my legs spread around his waist. I rode my hips up and down him, I could feel him forming in his boxers as he pushed me off of him. I laid side ways facing the window he pulled his cock in me; he raised my leg, jamming himself in me. 'Ugh' I groaned   He slipped out of me; I walked over to the desk and sat on it I stretched my legs open pushing my thumbs at my nipples. biting my lip. I grasp and I pushed my boobs until he got up from the bed before he picked me up. I pushed back his jet black crew cut. 
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