
Perfect Match

opposites attract
friends to lovers

What will happen when two billionaires meet?

Lucas Grand, the heir of The Grand Hotels and Sofia Miller, the heiress of The Miller Restaurants.

He is an easy go lucky guy and she is prim and proper woman.

He is a woman magnet. Given not only he has wealth but also because of his undeniable good look. She is pure and never been to a man and his kind is obviously not her type or she thought...

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Chapter 1
Covered and pierced, hate each other guts... Sofia smoothed her dress when she stood up with a positive look. The man walking into her direction is the person she is about to meet. She was busy preparing herself mentally to present the proposal while waiting for the man in a suit to reach the table she reserved for the meeting. "Lucas Grand? I'm Sofia Miller of The Miller Restaurants." Sofia said brightly. She extended her right hand to the man that she already hates the guts. Lucas shamelessly eyeing her from head to toe, he was expecting a temptress woman in a dress but Sofia was wearing an all-black dress covering her entire body, no cleavage was seen and her long legs were kept hidden, very safe from Lucas' laser eyes. Sofia already wanted to slap the man who was rudely scanning her whole body, good thing she chose the right dress for the meeting. She cannot trust his kind and she gave herself a virtual tapped for wearing the right dress. "Lucas Grand from The Grand Hotels, Miss Sofia Millers." Speaking of distaste, Lucas did not accept her hand for a business handshake, instead, he took his seat immediately. He was clearly disappointed; how can he approve the partnership if the Millers were not even exerting effort to please him? He was expecting from the Millers. He agreed to do the meeting after he learned that the only daughter of the old Miller will meet him and he knew the meaning of it, she will be the bait but it was far from what he have had imagined. He was in front of a woman who seemed like a nun in the way she clothed herself. Is she aware of the saying, dress to impress? Women are important to business; they can be successful if they will use it properly and Lucas thinks that Miller failed to use it. "What's wrong Mr. Grand?" She can't help but ask Lucas who was obviously looked not pleased. Sofia was very formal; she doesn't know if her action tonight is indeed a good move. She was aware that Lucas rejected the idea of the Grand Hotels and the Miller Restaurant partnership, and she is meeting him to convince Lucas. She was debating earlier if she will act the other way around, like acting as Cleopatra of the night to get the approval she needed, but not after knowing his character. She decided to act what was needed rather than giving him a satisfaction like the other women were giving him, a business with pleasure. They are not both aware that they were busy staring at each other for a minute. I hate his pierce! Her words as she was staring his pierced ear. I think she forgot her veil. He would like to suggest that but kept it himself. If you want to stop staring at me, I'll take your eyes out! Her eyes were glowing as if she was shouting at him with real words that can be heard. I hate her guts. His comment seeing how far she is from sweet and lady-like. If only she was not here for business then she already left Lucas, same for Lucas, if he is rude enough then he already left Sofia not that he was not rude already. Their internal battle was interrupted when the waiter gets their orders. "Listen here Miss Sofia, I don't want to waste your time..." Lucas said and Sofia knew the meaning of it, so she butted in. "Mr. Grand, just take a look with our proposal before anything else." She cannot waste this chance of meeting him then still got rejected without reviewing the proposal she made. "No, my answer will be the same Miss Sofia." He said with finality, he was not in the mood in the first place for any further discussion. "Why did you agree for this meeting Mr. Grand if you will not allow me to even talk first, to take a glance at what we have prepared for your company?" Sofia insisted while trying to control her irritation. "I don't have really time for this Miss Sofia." Lucas deadpanned. "You are unbelievable Mr. Grand." She said, still with control. She doesn't want to lose her cool in front of the inconsiderate man. "I need to go; I still have another appointment." "Mr. Grand, you are not acting fair! How could you do this? Did you not think the time we spent on this meeting to happen?" Sofia shouted. She was beyond pissed and she was afraid if Lucas kept provoking her. Women and their mouths, Lucas was acting as if he is deaf in the moment, but his mind was planning on something when he saw how pissed the woman in front of him. She is something else and different from the other women. Lucas then decided to play with her first and see what will happen next. "Okay, I'll give you one more chance, but next time be ready." Lucas is now on his feet, standing ready to leave. "I am ready!" Sofia answered instantly. She can't believe her effort will be wasted just like that, maybe she really did a wrong move. She already knew the approach of his kind, but she chose not to do it and it fails her, immediately. "I think you are not, sweetheart," Lucas said it in almost whisper as he eyed Sofia once again. And Sofia knew what he meant. "How could you..." But Lucas already left her in the restaurant like a man without a manner at all. Sofia ate her meal as if it was the person who just left. Fine, I'll give you what you want but you will not even have the chance to touch me, even the tip of my fingers! I will get what I want, and I will not fail my father, Lucas Grand! Sofia swore that night as she stabbed the poor spareribs that she ordered. - - -  

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