Chapter Three

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Colton POV   I'm finally home, lying on my bed and thinking of what a crap day it was today.    "What the hell was Brandon thinking?"   -Flashback-   I was walking down the hall at school after lunch with Matt and Jason. Matt was talking about Amanda when I hear a commotion up ahead. I can't really see anything so I don't pay much attention. When we are further up ahead, I hear a loud slap. I look in the direction of the sound and see May and Brandon looking like she obviously just slapped him, and I see one of May's human friends is on the floor gasping for air.    I'm stunned.    (Did Brandon just do what I think he did? Did he just hurt a human?)   Anger starts to grow inside me.   I'm about to act when all of a sudden, Brandon slams May on the other side of the lockers holding her by the throat. Now I'm not only pissed because a human was hurt by one of my best friends, but now Lucien and I are both pissed and he's fighting me for control because of the intent in Brandon's eyes.   He was about to kill her.    Before I can do anything, Matt rushes in and punches Brandon off of May. I hear Matt yelling at Brandon and they start to fight. Jason and I rush in, Jason pulls Matt back and I hold Brandon to the wall with one arm across his chest. He tries to get off of my grip but that's not going to happen.   I sense someone rushing from my left and I'm thinking that Matt managed to shake Jason off. I immediately lift my hand to stop the punch that is coming directly to Brandon's face.   My eyes widen when I look into her beautiful bright amber eyes, she is so close to my face. I can see the tears coming out and she is pissed. There was something beautiful about the way she looked. Vulnerable, almost broken, something she doesn't let people see very often. I've never seen her like this.   I sense Lucien's need to protect her surfacing, but as quickly as it came, I shoved it back down.    Matt grabs her from behind but not before she grabs Brandon's hair. Matt pulls her back but she won't let go. Brandon's head is being pulled in their direction while I hold him. No matter what, she won't let go of him. It's a tug war, she starts screaming at Matt to let her go, and Brandon's yelling for her to let him go while we all pull in different directions.    "FUCK!!" I yell.    I don't want to hurt Brandon by pulling him too hard, but I don't think I have a choice. I use all my strength to pull him away and they finally separate with Brandon yelling and putting his hand on his head.   I'm fucking pissed at this point and Lucien just wants me to go running towards May to check on her.    'Like hell I will!' I yell at him.    I take Brandon outside of the school to try and calm him down. When he finally calms down, he knows he fucked up. I tell him to go home to cool off.    I had no choice, I had to call my dad and let him know what happened today. Thankfully, the human wasn't badly injured and Brandon's never gone this far before, not that it makes it okay. He was competently wrong in what he did. But I'm hoping Brandon's punishment won't be too harsh. That's up to my dad.    -End of flashback-   I hug my pillow. "I want to roll over and just go to sleep so this whole fucking day goes away." I sigh.   But I know I can't. After what happened today, I had to invite the guys over so we can fix this. Matt's my beta and Brandon is my third. We can't have any bad blood between us.   'You know, I like me a feisty girl.' Lucien says   "What?" I ask confused.   'May. She's feisty.' He says   I groan putting the pillow on my face and biting into it, feeling annoyed.   "You say this crap just to annoy me you asshole." I growl at him   He starts laughing.   I decide to get up and get something to eat before the guys get here. When I get to the kitchen, I find my parents on a full-on make-out session with my dad groping my mom's breasts.    … I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling completely defeated at this point. A loud sigh that states 'I give up' comes out of me. And Lucien is in the back of my head fucking laughing.   They quickly separate but of course, is not because they care if I see them. Our kind has no problem with PDA. And it's not like I haven't caught them in a worst way before.   The image that was seared into my brain when I was twelve starts to surface. My parents, naked, banging in the woods. Five months, I stopped going for runs in the woods for five freaking months!   "Hey, honey." My mom says taking me out of my thoughts. "Heard you had an eventful day today."   "I wouldn't call it eventful but yea, you could say that." I say to her sighing again   "It's all part of being an Alpha, baby boy." She says with a smile full of sympathy.   I look at my dad with a smirk. "You know, there are small children living here. Maybe you should leave the PDA for when you're alone in your room."   My dad gives me a pointed look. "Do you have a mate yet?" He asks with a stern voice.   "Nope." I say grabbing a grape and throwing it in my mouth.   "Well then, when you do have a mate, then you get to talk to me about PDA. Let's see how easy it is for you to keep your hands off of her."   I roll my eyes and my mom giggles.   My dad kisses my mom and is about to head out for another Alpha meeting, something about rogues again, but before he leaves, he stops and looks at me. "I already dealt with Brandon." He says with a serious tone in his voice   I immediately feel my body tense up. "What was his punishment?" I ask cautiously.   "I went easy on him." He says and with that, I relax.   "But only because this was the first time he's ever hurt a human." That's all he says before turning around and leaving.   "Here you go, sweetheart." My mom hands me a plate with a sandwich.    "Thanks, mom." I say kissing her on the cheek. I start eating, and my mom starts talking.   "You know, your dad isn't going to give you the Alpha title without a mate."   "I know mom, he's told me many times."   "Is Lucien really not interested in anyone yet?" She asks with a curious look.   "Nope." I say    '... Really?' I hear Lucien ask.    My eyebrow races up. 'What is that supposed to mean, Lucien?' I ask him.   He is quiet for a few seconds '... You're dumb.' He says.   I roll my eyes and just ignore him.   "Ok honey, well, I hope Lucien chooses someone soon. You look stressed out and it is certainly because you haven't found a mate yet." She says while sipping her coffee.   "How so?" I ask starting to get annoyed at being pressured. "Lots of other wolves don't find their mate until later on, and it's not a problem for them."   "Yea, but you're an Alpha. Everything about you is enhanced, your senses, your needs, your anger. An Alpha needs a mate sooner than other werewolves. Alphas without mates are dangerous, especially if they are running a pack." She says rubbing my back.   I don't argue with her because she's right, my mood has been getting worst lately.   She kisses me on the head and leaves me with my thoughts as silence fills the room.   'Seriously you're an idiot.' Lucien speaks after a while.   'What the hell! What did I do now!?' I growl at him but he doesn't respond.   I hear the guys outside so I get up to greet them. I look at them thinking I'm going to find them with angry faces and giving each other death stares but no, they are laughing and punching each other playfully. I give a sigh of relief.    "Was up motha fukaaa!" Jason says in a really high pitched voice that makes me cringe.   We all start laughing like idiots, and then I see it... Brandon has a bald spot the size of a small fist. I bend over laughing like a maniac.    Brandon's face turns red. "Yea, the Alpha told me that as punishment, I can't cover or shave my head until it grows out." He says embarrassed, looking down and scratching the corner of his mouth.   The three of us lose it, now we are all kneeling on the floor laughing with tears in our eyes.    "Serves you right asshole!" Matt says lying on the ground.   This just made the whole shitty day worth it.   --------------------    May POV   It's around 11 o'clock at night. It's really quiet. Tensions are high.   There is a loud noise and there's a Red Demon behind him.    "Aaaaaahhh!!" Micah screams like a girl and starts to hyperventilate.    I'm laughing my ass off while Greg tries to calm him down.    We've been watching horror movies for about five hours now.  First, we watched The Nun, then The Conjuring, then we took a break for Micah's sake, and now we are watching Insidious. The three of us are cuddling together on the couch under a blanket with Micah in the middle so we can give him 'moral support'.   I'm glad we did this, it helps distract us from everything that happened today.   Matt left hours ago to go to the packhouse. He's probably doing damage control over the mess I made. Jackson came by right after we got home from school when he heard what had happened. He wanted to make sure that we were okay.    Thinking back, when Brandon slammed me on my shoulder, I should have immediately reacted grabbing Micah and Greg and running off. But I didn't, I stood there like an idiot and my friend and my brother got hurt. And then my stupid ass thought I could go all "Xena Warrior Princess" on Brandon's ass, though I'm pretty sure Xena would have given him an actual fight, unlike the crap I did. All I had to show for my little stunt was a hand full of hair.   "AAAAHHHHH!" Micah screams to another jump scare.    "Hahahaha!!" I start laughing.    "Babe, you need to calm down." Greg tells Micah.   "CALM DOWN! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Micah yells.  Another jump scare happens and Micah chokes on his spit when he couldn't properly scream.    "Hahahahahaha!" I slide down from the couch laughing as he coughs.  He gives me a look of pure hate while Greg pats his back.   We finally calm down after a few minutes. The evil me is waiting for another jump scare so I can laugh at Micah again but then, there's a loud knock on the front door. We all jump and my heart almost comes out of my throat. I rush to the front door that is located in the foyer, away from the living room, and look through the peephole.    (Blond hair?...)   "Jason?" I say to myself. "What?"   I open the door cautiously. He's looking down with a bored expression. He looks up at me when he notices me and stares me up and down, his eyes darkening a bit. I suddenly realize that I'm wearing a low-cut sweater that shows my stomach and very short pajama pants with my hair up in a bun.    Micah, Greg, and Matt don't bat an eye when I wear stuff like this so I tend to forget that other people won't act the same. I'm embarrassed and can feel my face start to heat up.    (Shit!)    The look that he's giving me is making me panic. I'm about to shut the door on his face but I think he knows what I'm about to do and speaks before I can act.    "Your brother got wasted." That is the only thing he says.   My embarrassment goes away immediately and annoyance takes its place.    "Aw dammit!" I curse out loud.    We have more resistance to this kind of stuff, so it takes a lot of drinks to get our kind drunk.    (How the hell did this happen?)   Jason steps back and heads back to the car. I see Colton helping Matt up the front stairs, with Matt's arm around Colton's neck. Colton looks up at me and stops for a second and, to my dread, stares me up and down too.    (Dammit!) I say in my head.    My face starts heating up again. I immediately lower my gaze from his, not because I'm shy or scared but because that's how you give an Alpha respect. Though I am a little scared of him, I will admit. Only those he allows can call him by his name, like his close friends and people like Bianca, but that's probably because he screws her.   "Alpha." I say lowering my head a bit.    He starts walking. "We played a drinking game and Matt kept losing." He says getting closer.    (Dammit Matt!)  I take Matt from him and Matt starts slurping nonsense. I start walking inside and turn to close the door but Colton is already inside and closing it behind him.    My mind fries, it goes blank. He comes closer and grabs Matt from the other side and helps me support him. I'm sure he could support him all by himself but I'm not letting him deal with my stupid brother by himself. We start walking up the stairs in silence.    "AAAAAAHHHH! Micah screams in the background sounding more like a dying animal this time. That makes us stop in our tracks.    "The hell was that?!" Colton asks with a scrunched-up face.    I look at him and start to laugh so hard, almost letting Matt go. I finally calm down and look back at Colton and he is just staring at me wide-eyed with his beautiful green eyes like it's the first time he's ever heard anyone laughing before.    (Crap!)    Embarrassed, I clear my throat and lower my gaze. "It was my friend Micah." I say to him in a calm tone.    I can feel him just staring at me. He doesn't say anything else and we start walking up the stairs again.    We make it to Matt's room and lay him down in his bed. Colton immediately turns around and starts to leave while I try to make Matt comfortable. I'm putting the comforter over Matt when I feel someone staring at me. I look behind me and I see Colton standing there, a hand on each side of the doorway just staring at me. He has a weird look in his eyes, and all I can think of is how gorgeous he is. Those beautiful green eyes and that perfect sculpted body.    (Uh!)    I lower my eyes and look back at Matt when I realize I've been staring. He gives a very low growl and I hear him walk away.   I'm stunned. 'Did he just growl at us?' I ask Hera.    'Yes.' She says with a whimper.    'Did we do something wrong?' I ask her, but she doesn't answer.    I know she's just as puzzled as I am. If my heart didn't come out of my throat before, it sure as hell did now because what the hell was that!   I sit on Matt's bed for a few minutes still shocked and thinking.   (Was I rude? Was he waiting for a thank you?)   "Shit! Maybe I should have thanked him."   (Goddess! The last thing I want to do is be on the Alpha's bad side.)   Up until now, he's just ignored me. I've annoyed him a couple of times but no big deal.    (What do I do now?)   Anger rises in me. I get up looking at Matt.    "I'm blaming you for this, you jackass!" I say pointing a finger at him.   I lift my leg and kick him in the balls. He stirs a bit, his hand goes to his crutch, and his face morphs into a painful look but he's too out of it for it to register yet.   "You'll be feeling that in the morning." I say with a satisfied smirk.   That might have been a bit too harsh, but I'll be damned if the Alpha has it out for me tomorrow because of him. 
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