He Doesn't Give Up Easy

1137 Words
Jesus laid in bed with Jamie feeling shaken. He had barely slept a wink last night, all he could think of was last night.  He turned and shoved Sven back. Looking at his...ex? Ex-dom? Jesus didn't know what to classify Sven. Shaking, Jesus looked around, "What are you doing here?" Sven looked at Jesus frowning, his beautiful blue eyes the brightest thing in the dark. "What am I doing here? Do you think I know anyone else in England?"  Jesus shrugged as he got on his defense, "I don't know who you know or where. I meant why the hell are you creeping around my apartment?" Sven frowned as he stalked to him, "I need you to watch that tone. I'm itching to bend that ass over and turn it a pretty red right now."  Jesus instantly got hot, his honey eyes turning dark with lust as he remembered getting spankings. Liking it when Sven spanked him hard and fucked him hard. Jesus licked his lips nervously, "I can't do this right now. You need to leave."  Jesus tried to run into his apartment, but Sven grabbed his arms, his hard dick pressing into Jesus' ass. "Why? Is your little boyfriend coming over?" Jesus gasped looking at Sven mortified, "How do you know about him?"  Sven smirked cockily and Jesus groaned, "So you were there this afternoon." Sven suddenly frowned deadly, "Yes, and I didn't like what I saw." Jesus shook his head, "Well then you shouldn't have come. I...I really like Jamie. Please go."  Sven refused as he mockingly tossed out, "You really like Jamie? But do you cum as hard for him like you did for me?"  Jesus jumped from the memory as his alarm blared. It was six-thirty, and he needed to get up to get his Friday started. After taking a shower, he made breakfast, and just as he was sitting the plates down, Jamie came stumbling out sleep heavy.  "Mornin' baby," He mumbled kissing Jesus. Jesus ended the kiss fast, he felt awkward for some reason. Maybe because last night after he got rid of Sven, he had to entertain his tired boyfriend. Who came over with the intention of doing more than cuddling. Jesus had been keyed up and thought Jamie would notice, but instead he basically ran to the bedroom.  Jesus had of course deterred Jamie from sex when his sweet boyfriend started off with soft kisses and gentle caresses. Jesus should have been turned on and ready to get his ass pounded.  But lately he couldn't even pretend to be remotely excited for it.  Not because Jamie was bad in bed. More like he didn't know how to do anything to entice his boyfriend into wanting him so badly it didn't matter where they were or who could see.  Jamie was instead a plan everything out, blushing when it was mentioned, shy lover who took things slow and did Jesus in one position all night. On their side, with Jesus legs in the air, pumping into his ass like a child poking their crush.  On his knees with Jamie humping him like a thirteen-year-old boy fucking a pillow.  Jesus honestly couldn't reach an orgasm with Jamie. He had to finish himself later, letting Jamie believe he had done something. It may be wrong in some way, boosting his boyfriend's head and lying to cover the truth.  But Jesus didn't have it in him to tell Jamie his dick game was weak. It was probably because he had an insatiable appetite for sex that could no longer be met. And he was being starved. "You okay baby?" Jamie asked suddenly sitting his kindle down, "You seem a mile away this morning?" Jesus looked at him and smiled softly, "I'm fine, just a little tired. Ready for this weekend." Jamie grinned as he looked at Jesus, "Did you start on your advice column assignment?"  Jesus swallowed hard, "No, I um, I just couldn't even think of anything last night. But I'll get all three knocked out before the meeting this morning." Jamie grinned, "You're working so hard, maybe we should take a trip."  Jesus perked up, "Trip?" Jamie looked at Jesus slyly, "Yeah my parents and siblings are doing this thing up the road at the cabin. I think you'd really like it. It's right one the lake, peaceful enough to get some rest." Jesus immediately deflated, "Ummmm, I'll see." Jamie frowned getting annoyed with Jesus' basic answer, "Come on luv," Jesus looked at Jamie confused.  "We sleep together, we've been dating for almost six months. But I have yet to hear a thing about your family, go to yours for a holiday or a birthday. And even crazier, my family is right here and you refuse to meet them."  Jesus clenched his jaw, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was so important I get their stamp of approval." He started to stalk off but Jamie grabbed Jesus held him close, "It's not a stamp of approval," He assured his boyfriend stroking his boyfriend's hair as he pulled Jesus into his lap.  "It's my parents trying to show they don't care." Jesus looked at him and Jamie smiled a little, "My parents have made their mission to let me know, boy or girl, that they don't care. They just want me to be happy, and they know I'm with you. The longest relationship I've been in with a guy before."  Jesus smiled a little, "I'm honored." Jamie grinned before he sobered up and seriously said, "I really like you Jesus. I feel like we might have something special, but I need you to meet me halfway. Can you do that?"  Jesus bit his bottom lip. Could he?  Sven roughly pushed Jesus against his door, "I don't care about you having that little boy sniffing around you. It's crystal clear he's the rebound and you were just wanting a boyfriend. But unfortunately for him, I know what you need."  Jesus panted shaking his head, "I can't, I don't...I don't want you anymore."  Sven scoffed at the blatant lie, "You do, I can feel how badly you want me to fuck you. I should," Sven's large hand stroked Jesus through his jeans, "Right here on your porch where everyone can see you taking my dick in your ass like a good little pet. Begging me for more."  Jesus met the Icelandic blue eyes shaking, "I have a boyfriend." Sven scoffed, his mouth coming too close to Jesus, "Yeah, but you need a dominant." Jesus' lips parted as Sven leaned closer, their lips close and he was sure he was going to break.  Jesus looked at Jamie afraid, "Yeah, I can do that." Or at least he prayed he could. "But until you can admit that, I'll wait." Pulling back Sven smirked, "We'll be in touch." Watching him go, Jesus' breath came out in unsteady pants. Looking down at his dick straining in his pants, Jesus knew he was in deep trouble. 
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