The Return

1405 Words
Walking to his office, Jesus sat down behind his desk and took a breath. He was here first at five o'clock in the morning. He worked for Swift Magazine, a popular magazine in the UK, and finding its way across the globe for men. Jesus was in charge of all social media posts, and branding Swift online. Touching base on things like men care, self-love, hinting at the topic for this week's dating advice column, and just being a steady hype man for making people want to talk about Swift.  Jesus booted up his computer and smiled seeing a picture of him, Roze, and Abigail on Abigail's wedding day sitting on the beach. He missed them a lot more than he originally thought he would. He knew he'd miss his friends, but it was crazy how much he missed them in general.  Sighing Jesus pulled himself together and got to work. By six o clock, some people trickled in, seven a couple of bunches, and by eight the office was buzzing with excitement. Pulling his headphones on, Jesus blocked it all out as he sent out tweets.  He was going on a 500k run and was trying to get a whole bunch of people to come out and show support for Swift and the cause which was donating to children's hospitals.  Looking up mid type, Jesus looked up at his floor boss and smiled at Jeffery, "Yeah?" Jeffery grinned, "Team meets up in five." Jesus grabbed his tablet and put his headphones around his neck. Walking behind Jeffery both made idle chit chat. But Jesus was a 19, single, homosexual American man and Jeffery was a 35, married, British man, with three kids. They had about as much in common as you could imagine.  Walking into the board room, Jesus stood in the back as board members and higher execs sat at the table. The head of the magazine, Tomas Fin came into the board room. Completely gorgeous, dressed immaculately and wearing his forever present scowl. He didn't look at them at first as he walked in with his three assistants and phone in hand.  But as he stood large and in charge in front of the room he looked around. "I want this month's issue to wow me. It's almost Christmas and I want festive, jolly, togetherness, give me ideas for this month's issue."  Walking off everyone began throwing out their pitches. Talking about the issues main focus like: The guy's guide to what to pack for Christmas Holiday. They also showcased already pitched stories fully typed. Tomas nodded as he turned and looked at Jesus. "And our Social Media broadcast?"  Jesus grinned, "I'm not pepping up holiday spirit yet since it's still a couple of days for the first to hit. But once it does I'll throw in some hashtag Christmas goals. Find ways to link our articles to our tweets like what to pack for Christmas or what to buy their girlfriend."  Tomas nodded and pointed at Jesus and admitted, "I like where your head's at Jesus, tell me what are you pepping up right now if not Christmas?" Jesus shrugged, "There is a 500k run. I've been tweeting about it none stop, it's to raise money for sick kids and I linked it when the article from this month. About men taking care of themselves, staying in shape."  Tomas hummed impress, "Excellent work."  Looking to one of the writers, Tomas asked, "And where are we on our advice column? We've been down for months!" Hank Solar winced, "Sir I've been writing the columns but-." Tomas looked at Hank angrily, "And I told you they were all crap!"  Hank paled as he swallowed his next words. Tomas glared at Hank as he looked to one of his assistance, "What time is it?" The young girl nervously checked her watch and whispered, "9:09, sir." Tomas turned red in the cheeks, "Damn it you had me shouting before noon, damn you Hank!"  Hank looked like he wanted the ground to swallow whole. Exhaling Tomas rolled his shoulders as he looked around the room. When he looked at Jesus he smiled a little, "Jesus you're the only one in this room that constantly makes me happy. You are going to write the column from now on."  Hank's eyes widened, "Sir with all due respect he's not even a writer! Besides he's never done an assignment like this before!"  Tomas looked at Hank and then snapped his finger to have his phone replaced by his tablet. "Hank I don't remember you being the boss here." Hank was now the same color as milk, "Oh no sir-." Tomas waved him off, "I know you were hoping to impress me but let me be frank. You suck at trying to write the advice column and trying to keep forcing it is pissin' me off. So since you're too incompetent to hire someone who can, Jesus will try his hand at it."  Hank's jaw clenched as he loudly said,  "Well sir you mustn't know but Rivera is gay! How's he gonna help a bloke with his girl if he's never had one!" A couple of people laughed at that. While every member on the board stiffened hearing the possible lawsuit.  But Jesus started to laugh making everyone look at him surprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-." Laughing again Jesus coughed as he looked at Hank trying hard not to smirk in the stupid idiots face. "I would say in response to my sexuality being a problem is actually the opposite."  Looking around Jesus said, "Me liking men means I know what could make a woman mad at a guy, or why they wouldn't be interested in a certain type." Looking at Hank, Jesus shrugged, "Like an egomaniac who has to make up for his dick size by bullying others like he's in high school. No one will want to fuck him on his power ranger sheets."  Everyone watched Hank turn beet red as Tomas laughed in his face. Everyone tried not to meet Hank's eyes and as he sank lower into his seat Tomas kept chuckling as he said, "Well then Jesus, I can wait to see what you send me."  Jesus nodded and left out the board room feeling elated. Going back into his office Jesus watch Hank stalk by, stopping seeing him and scowled in disgust. Since getting here the shit colored hair man with his slight beer gut was always coming at Jesus sideways.  But Jesus wasn't scared nor intimidated. Waggling four fingers girlishly at him, Jesus watched Hank scoff in disgust before storming off. Laughing he spent the next two hours pouring himself into his work before going to his favorite cafe a couple of blocks away.  Eating a chocolate eclair with his coffee, Jesus started to ask the passing barista for another when one was sat down. "Thanks." Glancing up, Jesus kept the pleased smile on his face. Jamie sat down across from him and, "That was bloody amazing. How you stood up to Hank."  Jesus shrugged, "Nothing new, I just didn't want that prick trying to bully me out of a good job opportunity." Jamie grinned taking a sip of his black coffee, "Good on you babe, so tonight my place or yours?"  Jesus immediately wanted to say neither. "Oh I don't know Jamie I had a lot work before but now I have twice as much." Jamie frowned, "Come on luv, you told me tonight three nights ago. I want to cuddle with my man and watch a couple of movies. No work talk, no getting up and leaving. Can we just spend the night in bliss?"  Jesus relented feeling guilty, "Yeah sure." Jamie walked with Jesus back to work, pulling him into a kiss, Jesus froze halfway when he could have sworn he saw a ghost.  But when he looked across the busy street and saw no one. Jamie looked in that direction and when he didn't see anything odd he asked, "Everything okay?" Jesus told him yes because he thought it was just a figment of his imagination. When he first got to London he kept thinking he saw him.  But he knew it was just his mind searching for something he didn't need. Jesus got home at six o clock, walking up the concrete steps to his flat Jesus smelt a familiar smell. Felt a familiar presence.  Before he could turn around, a hard figure pressed against him making him gasp out, "What are you doing here?" Chuckling Sven leaned into Jesus' ear, "We have unfinished business pet." 
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