
1169 Words
I stayed here in the veranda of our mansion, after cleaning myself from the bloody fight I was involved, thinking about what happened earlier... I didn't expect that my family would be in danger even at my watch. I leaned my back on the railings and look at the mesmerizing sky at night. Stars are so bright, as well as the moon that gives dim to the lonely streets. "Sister, can I talk to you?" My brother asked as he grimaced the way towards my place. "What is it that you want us to talk about, brother?" I asked when he gets to reach my direction. "It was the thing that you don't want us to know, are you hiding something again?" His eyes are suspecting as well as his suspicions dodge me, for he was actually right. He only knows that I rescued my family from the trouble. Nothing more than that, nor less from that. "How was brother Spencer?" I brought him home, unconscious. And I still don't know the details of how they ended up getting kidnapped. "He's resting now, still unconscious. But I'm sure that idiot won't die." I chuckled at his statement, knowing my brothers are like cats and dogs. They might be seeing their selves as enemies, they still slept in the same room. "I found out that mother fvcker was behind the trouble, don't you have plans of telling me these?" his firm voice flowed through my veins. It's undeniably scary, how did he know? I didn't mention that to him, because I know... He won't like to know about it. But he just found out... Even without me, telling him. I'm troubled. Hiding secrets from him, was nonsense. He's always like this, won't easily believe my statements as long as I proved it right. "I do it on purpose, I was just worried of you and the family. I'm also scared, that you might be in trouble because of me..." "Well, if it's me who you will ask? I don't want this situation, your revenge and search for the killer who killed our sister will only put us in danger!" He raised his voice a bit loud, I can even feel his rage. Yet, I just stayed silent. I have no right to demand, for I was also wrong. Things happened now, because of me. I deserve his wrath. "If I can convince you about that, I already did. But you're such a hard-headed one. You don't listen! Now, our lives are in danger! How will you resolve this? Hmm?" His fists clenched, his Adams apple moved as well as his jaw tightened. "Nate told me what happened, Keihzza. And that was beyond my expectations! I knew these would happen from the start, but I tried to trust you!" Pain is inside him, evident also in the outside. Even his voice creaked. I know... I had wronged, I also thought that I could handle it lightly because of my position. Seymour is a tease mother fvcker! He desires for my position, and he's willing to do everything he sees right just to stole my position of being the highest ranked Empress. He was my right-hand person back then, but he betrayed me because of that desire to aim. Now, he began to side enemies who he sees can help him through the process and it's a pain in the as's. If that'll happen, I don't know what I can do to him. I want to kill him so bad, but I cannot. Because what he just did to us was unjustifiable. I still need him, especially that the gangster's clan I raided years ago, begins to rise from downfall. "I'm sorry for being selfish brother, but I just can't help it. Every night is terrifying. I couldn't sleep well. I can't live my life well. What happened to Keihzzara always haunt me in my dreams. Causes me to have nightmares..." I sigh and turned to look at the night sky again. "I'm sorry, if I bragged the family in this mess. I promise... I will resolve this." I will make a way to resolve this and will take them away from the trouble I belonged. No matter what. "How about Spencer?" He asked, ignoring my statement. "Let just let him know, brother..." This might be insane, but I think brother Spencer has the right to know. He was being involved, and that will also help him aware with the further situations we will face. Which surprised him at a time. I can't judge him for that. Before he could speak, I refrain from talking. "I will also ask our grandparents to go back home at our house in Korea. It's safer for them if they are there from a far." I turned to him to label his vision. His expression made me see how shocked he was. "Away from danger that comes from my trouble, Gramps need it for he has an illness," "W-what!?" He uttered, raising his voice for a bit. "A-are you out of your mind Keihzza?!" He's really that angry huh? I look at my brother calmly, like I was giving him something meaningful through the way of my gaze. "But, how will you convince him? We all know that he's not the kind of easy-going man. In order for him to do that favor, you will also offer him the bait that he likes to accept in exchange of your favor." He has the point. Gramps was like that. "That's why I prepare something to offer that he can't ever resist." "What do you mean?" His eyes are asking, confused. "I will marry Drake. I will do what he wants me to do." This is the ugliest decision I ever made. My pride and dignity as a woman are at stake. But does it matter? I may hate that man so much, but I don't have a choice. Our grandparents are much more important than myself. If that makes him agree, then I won't be hesitant to pursue it. He shook his head in disagreement. He can't seem to believe it. "That's the craziest decision I ever heard," "I know..." I trailed and lean my back on the railings again. Crossing my arms. "I do." "A-are you that greedy?! You know we can find any solutions from that! You don't even know what you were saying! No, I can't allow that!" He reprimanded me. Even if he doesn't want it, "Yeah..." I couldn't afford to change my decision. That's the least thing that I couldn't change. "I'm sure with it, brother. For you, for us." He turned his back on me, holding his head. Controlling his temper. Well, who wouldn't be mad? I'm just his Brat Sister who always gives him a pain in the as's. "Do I still know you?" Hopelessly, he asked as if he does not know me anymore, "Are you still the sister I know?" Without further a do, he left me here.
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