Chapter No.1

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Christopher Knight:- " Christopher, where are you my, little baby?" I heard mom call for me from the living room while I was getting ready for my graduation ceremony. I was finally getting graduated from the Harvard University today holding the Business Finance degree and I can't be more excited about anything. "This is not the day to be most excited about, you stupid human. The best day of our life will be when we will find our mate who is currently nowhere to be found." my wolf Christos said in my mind. "Shut up! We will find her when the time is right. We are in no rush, right? Patience, my animal friend. Patience." I tell my wolf " Now, please stay out of my head for a few hours. I need a degree to hold in my hand." " Hey, little bro. What are you doing? Mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs." I heard my elder brother Zediab said while banging on my door. " Coming, brother. Where is, Angie?" I asked opening the door " She promised me something before leaving." " Always ask for your sister. Can't you see your brother is also standing over here who happens to be the twin of your sister. So, tell me what do you need and I will get you that." Zediab asked holding Genevie’s hands who was continuously trying to get herself free and run. My niece keeps Zediab on his toes all the time. " Besides, Angelina is at her palace at the moment. Some urgent issue raised which is why she has to leave but she asked me to tell you that no matter what she will be there at your graduation ceremony on time." he informs me when mom and dad came upstairs and when mom saw me all dressed up in a black dress pant and white silk button down shirt that she bought for me the other day, she lets out a gasp and reached for me. " Awww, my little baby grew up. You look handsome, my son." mom complimented pinching on my cheek. " Dad, please tell mom to stop calling me little baby. I am all grown up." I whined at dad who chuckles and shrugged his shoulder. " You want an angry witch chasing you son? I don't think so." dad said patting my shoulder " You are all grown up and in upcoming Sunday you will be having your alpha ceremony and after that you will be acting as the CFO of the Knight Industries." I was looking here and there searching for my sister-in-law this time. " Who are you looking for?" Zed asked with a grin. " Where is Victoria? And Raymond?" I ask getting down on my knees in front of Genevie and smiled. She smiled back and hugged me. Not to hug me but to whisper something in my ear. " Uncle Chris, I want to come with Uncle Jared in his car." she whispered. " Why? Because Jericho will be in there?" I asked with a grin " Don't worry. You know your Uncle Christopher always does what his niece asks for." I tell her with a wink and stood up. " Christopher Knight, I know what you are trying to do so don't. I can't handle one possessive father today when all I want to have is fun today and enjoy my best brother-in-law's graduation ceremony." I heard my sister-in-law's voice coming from the end of the corridor who was taking steps toward us holding Raymond by her ear in anger who was covered with black dust or maybe smoke. "Now,w hat did he do?" Zediab asked with groan " Please, don't tell me he tried to do some magic and failed." " Apparently, he does. Now, change him." she ordered her husband while pushing Raymond to her with a smile on her face " And, husband. Don't you dare use magic to get our son ready." " I don't need to, wife." Zediab replies with a wink and kissed her wife's lips " I love you although you have given me some really pain in the ass pair of twin." " Oh, please care to ask why was your son trying to do magic?" Victoria asked then turned around to give all of her attention to me " You look handsome, dear brother. All the girls are going to drool over my hot brother." " Hey, I am the only person you are allowe..." suddenly Zed let's out a scream of pain holding his shoulder making my eyes go wide. " Angelina! She is danger." I panicked " Mom, please we need to go. Angelina is in danger." " She will be fine, Christopher. You focus on your ceremony today or your sister will be pissed off." mom said to me placing her hand on my shoulder " She can handle everything." " B...But, mom. I didn't get my..." " Get your what?" mom asked with a raised brow " Please, don't tell me that sister of your didn't promised you something reckless or dangerous." this made everyone in the room chuckle because indeed it is Angelina Lillian Knight. The troublemaker of the house. " No, mom. I didn't get my good luck hug. You know whenever I am about to take biggest step of my life, I need my sister's hug because she is my Goodluck charm. I am nervous to go at the moment." " Don't worry, your sister will be there on time before you go up on the stage. You will get your good luck charm." dad informs me " And, son. You won't be calling your sister your good luck charm when you meet your mate in the future because then your mate will become all of your charms and strength." " No, never! Angelina will always be my number one lucky charm because since I was six she promised to protect me always and be my charm and I know my sister never breaks her promise." I stated confidently " I am not going out of the house until she comes…" I wasn't able to finish the sentence when a portal opened in the corridor and stepped out my wounded sister Angelina who was bleeding from several places. " Angie!" I went running to her scared and supported her " Angie, what happened to you? Are you alright? Why aren't you healing?" " Hey, my little brother. You look hot. How many girls hearts are you planning to break today?" she asked ignoring my questions " And, yes.I will always fufill my promises to my little brother that I made so here I am." she said and hugged me tight and kissed on my cheek " Listen, Christopher. I need to head back to the palace but before that I want you to do one thing for me." " What?" she asked. " Stop Rose from portaling into the palace today. It's her graduation ceremony too so I want her to enjoy, just like I want you to enjoy. Don't worry about me. I will be fine. So, what if I can't be there at the graduation ceremony with you. Every one of our family is going to be there to clap and cheer for you. I will make it up to you later for this. Right now, I need to get back. Goodbye." with that said she portal back to the palace. I turned around to look at my family and asked. " What are you guys hiding from me?" I asked them " Why weren't you worried for Angelina a single bit?" " It's nothing. Just some coven matters that are getting out of the hands but don’t' worry. Your sister can handle it." dad informs and I can sense a lie in there but decided to let it go for now because right now I need to keep my best friend Rose engaged so that she don't portal into the palace.
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