
Queen of the Alphas

kickass heroine
magical world
supernature earth

Males have always been the alphas of werewolf packs. That is, until Christina came.

Storming into the Hound pack, Christina claimed the title of Alpha. The first female Alpha in history. But her story does not end there. It is only the beginning of her conquest. To rule over all the werewolves as the queen of Alphas.

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Against the Alpha
Alpha. This is the title given to the strongest of the pack. A werewolf of incomparable strength. Who stands at the peak of all the other werewolves. Stronger. Faster. His senses the sharpest. All of these things are possessed by a single werewolf. The apex predator. The undeniable ruler.   Hence, whoever this person is, he would always have the respect of the whole pack. With everyone doing his biding without any question. After all, opposing the alpha means that a werewolf is ready to face him in a duel. And this has never gone well for any rebels in the past. An alpha can take down ten werewolves all by himself. Maybe even more than that. But the highest record in history is the said number. This being achieved by the bloodline of the strongest alpha, Azed. Since this historical event occurred, nobody has ever dared oppose an alpha…   Until that day. Gerald stood in the left side of the arena. A circular space that is made for duels between werewolves in his pack. Normally, it is used in festivities. With male members of the pack competing in the annual tournament to see where they stand in the rankings. But that wasn’t the case at that moment. On the right side of the arena, a hooded figure stood. This person came to the pack’s territory in broad daylight, demanding a duel with the alpha right away. A wish that was granted because, an alpha can never back away from a challenge. This also being part of the rules that are being upheld. The other members of the pack are spread around the arena. All of them waiting in eager anticipation. Most of these have long since forgotten the last time that they witnessed a fight for the alpha’s position. That is why that moment was so precious to them. Something that they would not miss for the world and, something which was finally about to start. “Members of Hound, you have great luck!” Gerald began, his voice both thick and deep. “Today, you will witness a true duel against an alpha!” The crowd cheered and, some of the werewolves even howled. One could feel the heat pumping up from the excitement and the thrill. With Gerald also feeling this as well. He then looked at his enemy. A person of slender build, almost like this is a woman. But it would be impossible for a woman to challenge an alpha. It is not against the rules of course. But, since time immemorial, the female members of the pack have been subservient to their male counterparts. This being especially true once a female werewolf has been marked by her mate. Hence, making them the least likely to fight. Even to the point where there is no tournament held for the females to see who is the strongest. That is how lowly they are seen in Gerald’s pack and, in every other pack at that. “Before we begin, why don’t we ask our little contender here to take of his cloak? What do you guys say?” A resounding cheer came with this request. “Well, you heard my pack. Why don’t you take off that cloak of yours so that we can all see what we’re in for?” “Take it off!” A cheer began. “Take it off!” “Take it off!” The crowd continued chanting this. However, the hooded figure didn’t move for a couple of seconds. This made Gerald a bit irritated because, he has never experience someone so openly defy his order. It wouldn’t look good on his image and, his pride would be hurt. “It’s either you take that off yourself or I’ll rip your cloak along with your head.” Gerald threatened. “Choose wisely.” The crowd was still chanting the same three words. But the hooded figure still refused to listen. This roused Gerald to action. Making one step forward. But, this is all that he did because, the hooded figure finally did as told. Shocking everyone present that day.   Long and silky white hair. Eyes of pitch black that contrasts this. Lips of luscious red. The face of a female teen came out of the cloak and, as the whole disguise was taken off, there was no mistaking this anymore. She is as slender as any other woman in the pack. She wears a casual white shirt, matched with black pants and boots. On her waist is a strap for the sword that could be seen on her left side. Everyone observed. Everyone looked closely. It was almost as if everyone was looking at something that shouldn’t even exist. “A woman?” Gerald was baffled at that moment. “A woman requested a duel against the alpha?” “Why? Is it somehow against the rules?” The teen asked in an amused tone. Gerald is trapped. He can’t suddenly back out because the enemy is a girl. This would make him look bad to the whole of the pack. But at the same time, it didn’t feel right for him to be fighting one as well. Even the crowd was confused at that moment. All of the cheers were replaced by murmurs. With all the members of the pack being unsure what to make of the current situation. “Look, whatever pack you’re from and whoever alpha it is that set you up to this, I suggest you spill those things out now.” Gerald said, thinking that the whole thing is just a prank. “This is my own free will. I don’t have a master, nor do I have a pack…although…” The teen looked at the crowd and gave a cocky grin to Gerald. “Your pack doesn’t look half bad to lead.” Bloodlust came from Gerald right away. The crowd shuddered after they felt this. With the blue mana of their alpha coming out of his body. But the teen wasn’t even fazed by this. She stood her ground and looked at her opponent with the same cocky grin still plastered on her face. “You think that you can beat me? You think that you’re stronger than me?” Gerald’s voice was loud. It was as if he had a megaphone hidden in his throat. Making the earth rumble from the intensity that came from his voice.   “I have ruled over this pack for fifty years! Nobody has ever succeeded in dethroning me and even my own kin aren’t strong enough to take me down!” Gerald was beginning to shift to his wolf form. A beast standing at a solid seven feet in height. With eyes so sharp that it felt like it could cut you and, with his mana still overflowing from his body.   The werewolves from the crowd were already terrified. It was the first time that they saw Gerald look that serious. It was the first time that they felt the intense bloodlust that was coming from him. Gerald will kill the teen. There’s no mistaking this. Everyone in the crowd was already thinking about the poor death of the girl. They could already imagine Gerald gnawing on the girl’s flesh. And they will not be able to do anything to save this poor pup of a werewolf. Because they know that, if they step in, they might be the next victim.   “Morph right now child. I will teach you how to act in the face of real power.” Anyone would be trembling in fear at that moment. Even with Gerald’s glare not being directed to the crowd, they were already shivering. All of them at the edges of their seat. But not the teen who was facing him. No. She remained calm and, until that moment, the same grin was still on her face. “Morph? For you?” The teen said in an amused tone. “Please, don’t overestimate yourself old man.” Gerald howled. This time, it really felt like there was an earthquake. This being accompanied by a strong gust of wind that spread all around. With the leaves of the nearby trees rustling from the intensity of it.   “I will make an example out of you.” Gerald went to a pouncing position. “Nobody. Not a single soul will question my authority after this.”   Gerald prepared the spell he would use at that moment. His claws turned as sharp as a katana, and so did his fangs. His eyes were dimming out. Only focusing on the target at sight. His legs were strengthened. With enough power to make him reach his target in less than a second. Everything will be over swiftly. Gerald pitied the teen who didn’t know her place. But at the same time, he loathed her. So much so that he can’t allow her existence anymore. And in his mind, not even the shadow of this teen will be left. Not even a single strand of hair will desecrate the land of his pack. He will devour her whole and, with this thought in mind, Gerald made his leap. Nobody in the crowd was able to make out what happened. The movement of their alpha was so fast that, their eyes couldn’t catch on. They only heard a strong thud which was accompanied by another gust of wind. The earth shook once again and, everyone heard the earth below them break. But nobody ran away. They all wanted to see what came of the fight. And so, still at the edges of their seats, they waited for the dust to settle. But what they saw was the complete opposite of everything they expected.   Sitting on top of an unconscious wolf is the teen who emerged victorious.

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