
1867 Words
‘We meet the people we’re supposed to when the time is right.’ -Alyson Noel Ember Watching my soulmate shift so he could talk with me was eye-opening. It had been a really long time since I had watched a wolf shift up close. It sounded like it hurt to have all those bones break just to let a being out or put it back inside. Why would they go through that every time in order to fight? His body was very muscular and he looked like he took care of himself even though he had scars all over his body from battles. This told me that he had been a warrior for a while. I did get a good view of him before he pulled his clothes back on. I’m not sure if he was always that modest or if he was just trying to be modest in front of me and the others. From what I know of wolves they didn’t care for clothing because they would come off when they shifted anyways. He turned towards me when he was dressed in his loose white long sleeve shirt and black pants. He had a sword tied around his waist that I didn’t notice when I saw him. That's when I noticed a guy with him. He must be my soulmate's friend. Then I remembered that my mate had a large black and gray wolf making him an Alpha so the guy that was with him must be his Beta. I stepped up to him and held his gaze before offering him my hand to shake. He smiled and took my hand. I felt this warm tingling sensation when we touched and it made me smile softly. Soulmate bonds were amazing from what I had heard and I was going to get that experience. Not many of us did anymore because of the war that was raging. "I'm Ember," I told him. "It's amazing to finally meet you, Ember. I'm Alpha Killian of the Nightshade Pack," he said in a strong deep voice. "Killian," I said softly and I saw his smile brighten. He had an amazing smile that made me happier to see in a time of war. But that's really all we knew, was war. We released each other's hands and I looked at the man beside Killian. "This is my Beta, Reginald," Killian told me. I held my hand out to him and he shook it. He was shorter than Killian, darker and bald. It wasn’t a bad look on him though. "It's good to meet you," I said. He bowed his head slightly and said, "the pleasure is mine. That display of power saved us, so thank you." I smiled softly and nodded my head. I turned back to Killian who was watching me intently. I motioned for my friends to join me and introduced him to each of them then Bastet as he sat close to my feet. "How on earth is this going to work with me and a pack of wolves?" Bastet asked. "I don't know yet. We will figure it out." "They better not try to eat me!" "No one is going to be eating you, Bast," I told him while shaking my head. I looked up to see Killian and Reginald looking at me like I was crazy. That was a look I got way too often. I had a special bond with Bastet that I had a hard time explaining to others. Not all witches or Elementals talked with their familiars. "Bastet and I talk. It's a little similar to your pack link," I explained. They nodded their heads in understanding. Maybe they would understand it better than the others would. Melody, River and Sandy went back to the fortress while I still stood there in the field with Killian, Reginald and Bast. "Would you want to come with me and be part of my pack? Be the Luna that serves my people at my side?" Killian asked. The way he asked it gave me goosebumps and I found that to be a strange reaction. I wasn’t used to reacting to someone. "Who am I to fight destiny?" I asked with a smile. He smiled at that answer. "The only thing is I will have to postpone it for a little while," I said, making his smile fade quickly. "Why is that?" he asked in concern. "I need to find someone to take my place. I was training to take Amarantha's place as High Priestess," I explained to him. "Oh," he said with a nod then continued with, "I will let you find the next person to take her place. Would it be acceptable to come to see you in the meantime?" "Yes, of course." "Good. I now need to go have a conversation with Amarantha about that offer on an alliance," he told me. I nodded my head and said, "I should probably put clothes on too." "Yeah. That might be a good idea," he said while looking me over. I snickered before we turned towards the coven fortress. Bast ran ahead of me while I walked beside Killian. We entered the fortress and Amarantha was there waiting for us with her owl, Marsh, on her shoulder. She was like a grandmother to me. She had raised my mother here at the coven years ago after my mother was found abandoned in the forest. She then helped raise me after my father was killed and then my mother years later. "That was dangerous, Ember," she said with a disciplinary look. "I had it under control," I reassured her. "It's not your control I'm worried about, it’s your strength," she told me. That statement made me realize that she was trying to hide me from the enemy based on my power ability. But why? I would never turn sides. Or was it me being this powerful that would make me a target? I took a deep breath and nodded my head then looked at Killian. He was looking at me softly before he turned to Amarantha. "Thank you for allowing me to help here today," Killian told her. She nodded her head and said, "thank you for lending a hand. I would like to see you tomorrow afternoon for another meeting about a possible alliance." He smiled and said, "I'll be here." He turned to me and said, "I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled and nodded my head, "I'll see you then." He turned to leave and I watched him. His Beta Reginald walked at his side as they left the fortress and headed back to their pack. I hope they don’t encounter any trouble on their way back home. I turned back to Amarantha and said, "I'm going to change." "Meet me in my office once you're done." “Yes ma’am.” I walked back through the corridors and into my room to find everyone there waiting for me. Bast jumped up on my bed and started cleaning himself again as I went to grab my clothes out. I went back into the bathroom and shed Rivers’ shirt then pulled on a thin-strapped black dovetail lace dress. I went back into our room and handed River his shirt back. "Do you want to tell me why that wolf growled at me?" he asked. "He's my soulmate and showing signs of possessiveness," I told him. "Oh, wow," Sandy said with big eyes and a happy smile. "That's great that you found him," Melody told me in her calm demeanor. "It is but he's an Alpha meaning you will have to leave," Sandy said. "I know," I huffed. "It's curious that you would end up with a wolf as your mother did," River said. "That I can agree with. Now, I have a meeting to get to with Amarantha. I will see the three of you later," I told them. I turned to leave and Bast jumped down off my bed to follow me. We left the room and headed straight for the high priestess’s office. The door was closed so I knocked on it and waited. "Come in," I heard Amarantha on the other side. I opened the large wooden door and stepped inside. Bast came in with me and sat down in one of the chairs. I sat in the one beside him after closing the door. "What was that about with Alpha Killian?" Amarantha asked me. "He's my soulmate," I told her. "So you are to be with a wolf too," she said, referring to my parent’s bond. I nodded my head and waited for her to speak further. "Is there anything that you're not telling me about Ember?" she asked in suspicion. Shit! "No ma'am. What would I be hiding?" I asked in a calm and even voice. "Possibly having a wolf yourself. You are a half-breed after all so it might happen," she suggested. "No. I can assure you that I'm just an Elemental." It was unheard of for a half-breed being able to possess a wolf and magic. If that happened that person would be considered an abomination and killed. Even though we live in a supernatural world, some were closed-minded. "Alright. Anyway, we have other matters to discuss," Amarantha said. "Yes. Like how those forces got through our defensive spells again. How did they know they were there and how to undo them?" I asked. "I don't know and that's what we need to find out." I sat there and nodded my head then said, "We might have a traitor amongst us." "That's what I fear. See what you can find out." "I will," I said with a nod. We sat there in silence for a moment before she said, "I'm guessing you will be leaving with Killian soon also." I nodded my head and said, "I wanted to find someone to take my place first." She nodded and said, "you've always been responsible. That's what makes you a good leader and it will serve you well as the Luna of the Nightshade Pack." I smiled and told her, "I'm going to take my time leaving if I can help it. Since I don't know him yet I want to learn about him while I'm still here." "Make him court you a little?" she asked. "Yes." "Smart but you know you always have a place here no matter what." "I know. I'm going to go make my rounds and talk with everyone." "Alright. Let me know if you find anything or have a suspicious feeling about someone." "Always." I got up from my seat and started to leave. Bast got up from his chair and hurried after me. We walked down the halls and soon walked out into the courtyard once more. I watched as everyone cleaned up from the battle and got back to their day. It was now time for me to visit each group of the coven members, to see what they knew and what they didn’t know. Even possibly talk to them about taking my place as the next in line for the job of High Priestess. This was going to be a busy morning.
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