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HI, Welcome To Cassydoll books. This chapter is a brief introductory to everyone who has clicked on this book. Thank you for giving this book a chance. Before we begin, I want to bring to your attention that this is a LGBT Paranormal romance, specifically werewolves book. Every event that would take place in this book is solely on fiction and my imagination. The characters and places in this book have no relation to real-life events. This story would contain slightly 10% sexual and Mature Contents involving two men, so if you are uncomfortable with reading such scenes, I would place a warning on any chapter that would have such scenes so that you can skip. The story does not and will not follow the typical standard of werewolf rule. A few things might be different or addressed differently. While you read, please don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section. My readers' opinion is important to me, as they are the reason I write. If you're new to my page, click on Author's name to follow me. There is a FB, and WhatsApp group created for my readers to interact and discuss their favourite characters and their favourite Cassy doll book or to ask questions and interact with me. If you would like to join Search for "Lily-Star Universe." on Facebook or send me a DM on any of my socials so I can add you to the Group FB; Author Cassydoll. IG; @Official_cassydoll. Once again: Welcome Lovely lilies to Cassydoll books. LOVE YOU CASSY CARES XoXo
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