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Chapter One – Lonely   3 years 4 months later.   “Kids will you stop fighting over that infernal calculator, I mean really, of all the things to fight over” I shouted, it was half term from school and my son Steven aged 6 and his sister Robyn aged 5 were really going for it.  They were challenging each other constantly, and fighting over the smallest things, and at this moment it consisted of a calculator, Steven wanted it because he loved his sums and Robyn wanted it, well just because Steven had it.   I let out a sigh, and went to my kid’s standing before them, hands on hips and a face that said do not mess with me. “Okay, enough, both of you, Time out!” I said exasperated. I love my kids, but being a single Mum was a challenge at times, and this was definitely one of those times. I placed both kids on their respective naughty chairs and set the timers, 6 minuets for Steven 5 for Robyn. Then took a deep breath, to calm myself down.  Today was Wednesday, and on Friday they would head off to my Ex’s mother and father for the rest of the holidays giving me a week’s break.  Cameron my Ex-husband never really saw them much, but his parents were fantastic, and did so much for my kids, I could hardly complain. Generally, they would take them every other weekend, and for a few days during holiday time, sometimes, like this one, for a whole week.  I spent my days leading up to them leaving, desperate for the break, looking forward to having some me time, but within hours of them leaving, I missed them so much and felt nothing other than loneliness and wanting them back with me. I had moved back here over 3 years ago, and given I was on my own with the kids, I had no friends, just a kindly neighbour with a boy the same age as Robyn who would help out when she could. I had not had a night out, for years now, my parents were still working abroad, and so I was eternally single, much to the amusement and pity of the extended members of my family. As I grabbed 6 minutes of peace, my mind wandered to the conversation with My mum by phone this morning. “Helena, you do not have the kids you should really go to Gabby and Carls engagement party, you never go out, it will do you good” “Mum, please, I cannot stand being around all the comments you know this, If I hear one more time, ‘do you not have a man friend yet’ I will scream. On top of that there is the looks of pity which are worse than and smirks from those who think themselves high and mighty because they are still married, plus I have better things to do with my money!” this was not my first conversation like this with Mum.  I knew she just wanted me to have some fun, to enjoy the freedom, but honestly it caused me nothing but heartache, as I was made to feel less than human because I had the audacity to be still single.  Never by my loving parents, but definitely by the extended family of aunts uncles and cousins. “Your Dad said you have to go Helena, and not to worry about what people think, we have put £300 in your bank, go buy yourself some clothes, and do NOT spend it on the kids, they have enough, it is for you and only you, then go out with your head held high”. I knew I was fighting a losing battle. “Mum, I do not want your money” I protested. “If I do not give you it now, then you will get it when I am dead, and yes you do, when was the last time you spent anything on yourself?”  Now there was a question, my wardrobe consisted of cheap leggings, a couple of t-shirts and jumpers, one dress, two pairs of tights both with holes in the toes, and a black skirt and white shirt, yeah to get some new clothes would be good. “Actually, we have put another 100 in, get your hair done as well” I heard my dad shout in the back ground. “That is to much money, please, I feel bad now!” I protested again. I did not like taking from my parents, especially not for me, but I had yet to find work, it was difficult given having the kids and no childcare, however I was hopeful for something soon, now both were in school. I sighed, in defeat, I guess I was going to the infernal engagement party on Saturday night. “Okay, thank you” I said not wanting to be ungrateful, but I would have preferred to have been spending Saturday night on my own, with a cup of hot chocolate and Netflix.   Time out was finished, and I reassured I loved each child, and they both said Sorry, and so we were back to them playing.  They were getting picked up at 10 am on Friday morning, so I would shop for clothes, and make up then, and I had already booked a Hair appointment at 9 am Saturday. Well, if I was going, at least I would look good.  After a few more scuffles, and adventurous bath time which consisted of the kids booting off because it was over and they wanted 5 more minutes, when I wanted them out, and in bed. After winning that small war of wills, I finally came downstairs and relaxed. I decided to go have a look at just what make up I needed, for this dreaded night out. Make up well that was a luxury I could ill afford and so very rarely wore any, and what little I had was scraping the bottom of the barrel.  I sat down at my dressing table and looked into the mirror. My long brown wavy hair was frizzy at the moment due to running around all day, even the pony tail had failed to tame it a little bit, and I looked tired, my brown eyes surrounded by big black circles.  I had been known as the good-looking girl when I was younger, and in the cold light of day, I had been, not that I really thought much about it, but now I just looked depressed, stressed and dowdy. I sighed, at only 27 I felt older than my age, however, I still had a youthful skin, and was often taken for a little younger, many people thinking Robyn was my younger sister rather than my daughter.   She was my double, and a little firecracker, Steven was the quiet, very intelligent member of the family, he was, Cameron’s mini me in looks, but thankfully not in personality, Steven was a good, nice kid, and even at only 6 years old my boy was my rock. Even if he did fight with his sister over a dam calculator! Just as I thought, I needed everything from concealer to foundation, eyeshadow to lipstick, there was nothing of use in this draw. Given my lovely kind parents had given me £400 in total, I would treat myself to some new underwear as well, because my knicker draw consisted of old knickers with holes between the fabric and elastic waist band, they were not what you would call ‘pulling pants’, not that I pulled anyway, I had not done the dirty for over 3 years, more like four years, my focus was on being a good Mum, rather than getting some action, that lets face it a trip to the back of Anne Summers could sort for me, if I ever had any spare cash to purchase a battery operated boyfriend! Mostly I was too exhausted by the end of the day to give sex much thought. Sat here, knowing that I had to go to the party, that infernal dread of the “Boyfriend” or lack of conversation was playing around in my mind.  I know people think they are being friendly, but honestly it was nothing more than cruel torcher, making me feel like I was worthless, and unwanted. Did I regret leaving Cameron, hell no, that was the best decision of my life, but was I lonely, dam yes, I had to admit, I was, but I had chosen my path, and this was it for me, my kids came first, and being single was not something I wanted to be concerned about, or even reminded of. I headed into the bath for a long soak, trying to relax about this whole situation, but the boyfriend dread was never far from my mind, and it was really starting to upset me now, why did I ever say I would go to this thing! Getting out of the bath, I headed online, to look at some dress Ideas for Saturday, I had no idea what was or was not fashionable at the moment, when suddenly a pop up was in the corner of my screen.  I went to click off it, but then I saw what it was “Rent a Date, the professional Male Escort company” with a picture of a young man, looking all suave In a black suit and white shirt, that stopped me in my tracks, as I looked, maybe it was the answer to my problems, rent a boyfriend for this dam party, Oh don’t be stupid, I said giving my head a shake, and clicked the X at the top to close it.  Rather than it close, it expanded the pop up and lead me to a website, just my luck, probably a dam virus, I thought, however what I saw did catch my eye. Are you feeling sick of explaining why you are single? Do you need a male escort for the night? We can help, for just £100 our professional escort will act as your partner and chase those single blues away. I mean, really, my head was shouting yes to each question, but let’s be honest, I was seriously thinking of hiring some jiggalo to play pretend No! I was not that desperate just yet! I closed the site, and huffing went to sleep.
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