The Not so Great Escape

783 Words
I head to the woods to make sure no one sees me, knowing after I  get off the territory I should be good. so while I’m in the woods I run the best I could, I’m not the best runner but I’m even worst since my body still feels weak, my neck is stinging with pain, the running motion being too much for it, but I can’t stop I have to keep going.  After running for a while and my body is slowly stopping, I’m finding it hard to lift my feet off the ground, so I decide to stop just for a little minute, a break won’t hurt.  But as I’m leaning against a tree trying to slow my breath, I hear something. I jolt up thinking I’d been caught expecting the alpha to be there.  But... how would he be in front of me? as I stare ahead I hear it again, whispering, but I can’t hear what they’re saying with the sound of my heart beating in my ears from running.  Something doesn’t feel right, I have a feeling in my chest that made me feel sick, and then I see something ahead moving behind a tree-like it didn’t want me to see it.  Like it was waiting for me to keep going, and the next thing I knew, the sound of paws hitting the ground with force was booming thru the trees.  It wasn’t coming from in front of me but behind me and before I knew it there was a big black wolf with icy blue eyes in front of me. He changes and I stare at my naked mate in front of me with a look of anger on his face.  a few pack warriors in their wolf forms come up behind him to form a circle around us giving me no way to escape. After I’m dragged back to the packhouse Shylar takes me upstairs after calling for the Doc to come to check on me. As we’re waiting Shylar says, “why did you run from me, why are you trying to leave me, you’re still sick, why would you risk it. I get that I hurt you but I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to do.”  I just ignore him and pretend like I don’t even see him. I can’t take hearing this right now, I mean what does he mean leave him, he left me first, and to say he doesn’t understand why.  My body is too exhausted for feelings right now, if I let my anger take over I just might pass out from the exhaustion, so I just ignore it. The Doc comes and checks me out, saying that I took a lot out of my body that it didn’t have and all I did is made my recovery time longer.  The doc gave me some pain meds and told me to rest. I lay down after the doc leaves, feeling drained, my eyes felt so heavy I couldn’t keep them open. The next morning I awake to an empty room, no alpha in sight so I decide to take a much-needed shower, seeing as I haven’t bathed since the night of the Alpha ceremony and I was in need of a long one.  After I get out of the shower I see a pack member in the room. I’ve seen him around but we’ve never interacted before, but why is he here. He had dark brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. He looks Hispanic  He turns to see what I’m guessing is the confused look on my face and introduces himself as “ Eliah Rodriguez ”. He says, “ the Alpha assigned me to protect you, so where ever you go I go, I am to stay by your side at all times." “ so basically you’re here to make sure I don’t go anywhere” I write. Knowing the answer. he says “ well, yes and I’m to inform you that you’re not allowed out of the house."   I instantly got pissed because I do not need a chaperone, and after everything he’s done, now he wants to keep me under lock and key like I’m the most precious thing to him, but where were these feelings when we first meet or when he left me to get beat.  So I continue to the closet to get dried off and changed. When I come out Eliah’s still there so I write on my note pad “ could you at least wait outside in the hall”. He says “No sorry, the Alpha wants me to keep eyes on you at all times.”
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