
201 Words
After April found out that her partner was cheating on her, her heart was shattered. It was the intimacy that her partner wants and she can't give it. The heartache made her numb, making herself promise to not fall again. And to mend her broken heart, she quit everything. Everything that will make her remember the pain her ex has caused. And while after, her decisions lead her to a new job where she became an exclusive writer, a new company that doesn't know her issues with her ex and a man named Kellan Blackthorn, the so-dark, tall and sexy CEO of Dark Pages publishing company who's absolutely following her anywhere. And that's not everything, because after being hired, she started dreaming. A dream where she was wildly intimate with someone. Can Kellan help and break down the walls that April made to herself with his enigmatic, sexy personality? Or will it go to be the man in April's dreams, where she was given pleasure wildly every night? All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permissions, excerpt in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. 
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