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PLEASURE ISLAND #1 PROLOGUE “What?” That was the first thing that slipped off my lips, my gaze assessing Mrs. Klein’s stern face. I could not have possibly heard her right or maybe this was all some prank show for the TV. It had to be a prank, right?   “You want that executive producer post, right?” she pushed the reading glasses down the bridge of her nose, to spear me with her piercing gaze.   “Yes but-“I started rather defensively but she was quick to cut me off.   “Get Kaden to run the show in our station by the end of the summer. You’ve only got three weeks, dear,” She repeated her earlier statement, unknowingly making me angry. I fucking hated that name and that man himself.   “But can’t we get somebody else on the show?” I questioned desperately. I wanted that job and heck, I had been busting my ass off too much for the past three years to get to this position for me to lose it because of that jerk.   “ Jasmine Wells,” her sharp dark eyes pinned on my face,” If I have to point out, the various reasons as to why we need Kaden to run that show, then I don’t think you should be working with us anymore,”   “Um…what if I could get someone just as…famous to run the show? Um…Franco Davis is a world famous YouTuber and I even heard Rowan might be getting into TV while still keeping his acting job. Those are just examples of A-listers,” On one hand, was the post I had worked so hard to be considered for and on the other hand…well, there was Kaden. The twenty five year old pop star, making women wanna kiss his feet just so they could have a selfie with him and even annoyingly enough he just had to have the biggest fandom in the world.   “Miss Wells, do you want this post or not? We’ve still got other potential candidates like…Patricia,”   “I’ll get Kaden on the show,” I replied quickly, cussing my tongue immediately. I’d rather endure Kaden than have Patricia flaunt the executive producer post on my face. I’m pretty sure she would never let me breathe in peace.   “I’m glad we agree on that Miss Wells,”   “Well, if I really want to get that post, I have no choice in this, do I?” I sighed. This was a bad idea and I knew it from the bottom most part of my heart. Mainly because, my anger on Kaden had never really disappeared.   “A woman has to do what she got do to get somewhere Jasmine. So, according to our sources, Kaden will be on holiday at Palis Island and coincidentally you are going on holiday too. Use this time well dear. Now off you go,” she said dismissively.   “Yes Ma’am,” I walked out of my boss’s office, my heart still beating slightly fast and all the rage I had suppressed inside me over Kaden, came back as a rush.   “Did you get fired?” Lucy questioned the moment I walked back into my office.   “Nope but apparently we are going to spend our very much deserved holiday in Palis Island,” I dropped the bomb.   “Wait, like pleasure Island? “She questioned. Yeah, pleasure Island. It was like Las Vegas with an extra addition of all kinks and pleasure anyone could ever dream of. Well, that what I heard but I had never really been there myself.   “That would be the one,” I sighed.   “Why are we going to that Island? Wait, don’t tell me you finally want to explore, “she wiggled her eyebrows mischievously.   “No Lucy,” I took a deep breath, “We are going there because Kaden will be there and I’m supposed to convince him to run the morning show after summer,”   “Kaden? Like your ex-best friend Kaden? Like the Kaden?” She questioned.
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