CH 3: Alleyway Fights

2000 Words
"Sara." Joshua's sister. I greeted her with a fake smile as I stood up to hug her. She is one of the reasons I could never marry Joshua. She is too bold when she makes her opinions and disdain known to the world. "What are you doing home? Joshua didn't mention anything about you both visiting." She held both my hands in front of us, her long acrylic nails making me uncomfortable as they almost dug into my palms. "It's just me-" "You're not getting tired of my brother already, are you?" She interrupted and tried to joke, but I know it was her way of fishing for information. She must know he was going to propose. "Never that." I laughed. "I just needed some time away from campus. The pressure of it being my last year was getting to me, and I wanted some time with my brothers. So please, keep my playing hooky between us, you know my father likes to monopolize me when I'm home." We laughed and said goodbye, and when I sat down, I was reminded that soon I would have to give Joshua an answer. In my heart I know I am not in love with him. I do care for him, but he is everything my father wants, he is nothing to what I need. He is sweet, and he treats me well. But there is no fun. No laughter. He thinks my jokes can be childish, or that I'm 'too much'. I am loud, I am sometimes the life of the party with our friends, and he tries to tame me. He wants an obedient wife, but I'm nothing like what Joshua wants. I don't even think he loves me. I think he is fulfilling an obligation to his family since our fathers know each other. I don't want a marriage built on obligation. I want passion. I want to be in love. "Everything okay?" Jeremiah asked. "I don't want to marry Joshua." I held back tears. "But I don't want to disappoint father." My biggest worry in life is to hear my father say he is disappointed in me. After we lost our mother years ago, he has really cracked down on us. He hasn't been the same. He's so distant. The announcer came on before my brothers could say anything, and I was grateful. I don't want to turn into an emotional mess infront of all these people. The man in the center of the fighting ring introduced Marcus James first, people clapped and others booed him. Then he announced Ezra, and my brothers and I stood up clapping. He looked at us immediately and I could see he was concerned about me. I wiped the one tear that escaped, shook off this feeling, and put a big smile on my face. The rules were given, and they bumped fists. The fight was starting. Joel predicted six rounds, Jeremiah said four, but none of us could ever guess that Ezra would take down Marcus James, four time heavy weight champion, the first thirty seconds of round one. There was no dancing around the ring or trying to guess each other's stratergy, Ezra went in for the kill with a lethal combination of shots that ended with a knockout. The crowd was mixed between shocked, angry, and exhilerated. My brothers were freaking out, Jeremiah didn't even know how much he had won yet, and though Ezra should have been celebrating his victory with his best friend, he checked on me. Ezra walked over to the ropes, and Jeremiah went in for a hug, but he only looked at me as he embraced my brother. "Are you okay? Why the hell are you crying?" "It's nothing. Congratulations, Ezra. I'm happy to not be out three hundred grand." I smiled. He thought about it for a minute and shook his head. "Well played. So there was no bet for his belt." "Oh, no. That was definitely part of the bet." I smiled. I walked over to Marcus James' corner. "Surprising fight, Mr. James." He looked at me disappointed and angry as his manager threw a small towel over his head. I know he didn't want to face the crowd. "I won't take the belt in front of everyone. When you or your manager is ready, he can give it to Ezra when no one is around." He nodded his head and said nothing. I returned to my brothers and they looked at me surprised. "What? I'm not cruel to embarass him like that after he just lost in the quickest time ever in his fighting career." "You told him to give it to me?" Ezra looked surprised. "Well, yeah. It's your victory, not mine." I smiled. "I figured it is the least you can have since you won't legally have the title you deserve. You are now the heavy weight champion of the world, Mr. Ezra Gonzalez." I've never really seen Ezra smile until that moment. A smirk, yes. Maybe even a sly twitch in the corner of his mouth. But this was a full smile that touched his eyes. "Well the night ended quicker than anyone of us could have guessed, what shall we do with the time?" He looked at all of us. "I, for one, am not ready to call it a night." Ezra went to the back to change and grab his things. Jeremiah went with a guy to arrange their winnings, and I cannot wait to see his face when they say how much they won. Ezra's odds were not the best so the payout should be amazing! Joel watched me carefully as we went to the car, I can tell he has something to say but he was chewing on his tongue. I finally pushed him to just say it, and he surprised me. "Sister, I adore you. I just want what is best for you." He shrugged as we stood in front of the car, and people that left the event were still talking about the fight all around us as they drove away. "Ezra isn't a bad man. He just isn't the kind of man we want you involved with. But I know you, you're going to do it anyway aren't you?" I sighed and hung my head. "I don't know." I said sadly. Even though I joke about wanting just a good fuck, I know myself. I could never just have sex with him and it never mean something more. I looked up at my brother and wiped away the stray tears that ran down my face before I could stop them. "I care for him. I always have but, if I get involved with him, I'll ruin everything. His life, my heart. We may have this chemistry between us, but it can never happen. It's doomed." "Plus, don't you think you are a better woman than to cheat on Joshua? I know you are not in love with the poor fucker, but you should respect yourself enough to not break a commitment." I hate when he is right. I opened my mouth to say something, but some giggling behind me distracted me. I turned to see the blonde from earlier on Jeremiah's arm and her friend trailing behind Ezra, but he showed no interest. "Not his type." He smiled. "Don't worry." "Not my place to worry about what he does." I sighed. As hard as this was, I had to stay away from Ezra. "You boys go enjoy the night, I can get one of drivers to come get me. Michael, he likes me so if I say I'm not home, then he won't open his mouth." "Who's Michael?" Ezra growled when he walked up and caught the end of our conversation. I explained, and he seemed annoyed. "Why would you worry about getting picked up when we could take you home if that is what you wanted?" "Because we're already in the city. Doesn't make since to take me to the loft, and then drive back." I shrugged it off. I also didn't want to be anywhere near him right now because the way he is looking at me, it's doing things to my body, and worse my heart. "It's not a big deal, I'll call Michael and see you guys in the morning." Before I could even look for his contact, Ezra took my phone from my hands without looking at me. "If it is okay with you, I can drive your sister back to your place and meet up with you later? Jeremiah can ride with Joel, and the girls-" He looked at them and shrugged. "They’re not my problem." Jeremiah didn't care, he was too interested in the blonde. Joel looked worried and wanted to say 'no' but instead he nodded his head. "Straight home." Then he looked at Ezra with an intense glare. "We will see you later." I know my brother, and that was definitely not a request. I tried to object, but it only made things look more suspicious that I was making it a big deal. I tried to explain that I didn't want to ruin his night, that he should celebrate, but it was decided. Ezra was taking me back to my brothers' loft. They left in Joel's Ferrari, and the girls followed behind them in a Bentley. Now it made me nervous to think about the things that I will hear tonight if they all go back to the loft. Ezra walked me to his car. It's just as beautiful as when he finished fixing it up. A black nineteen sixty-seven Chevrolet Impala, with the original rims. "I can't believe you have my dream car. I think you did it on purpose to tease me." I joked. I carefully ran my fingertips across the hood as I was walking over to the passenger side. He opened my door for me, and the stupid thirteen year old in me felt giddy. "Thanks.” He got into the driver's seat and started her up. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. "Marcus said to drive to the side to get the belt." We headed around that way, and in my gut I knew my brothers should have came as well. I was proven right when Mr. James was waiting with his manager and a couple of body guards. "Stay in the car." "Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes, grabbed the hidden handgun from the door and put it in the waistband by my lower back. I looked at the sore loser and shook my head, then climbed out of the car. "Marcus, this isn't wise." I warned. "This-" I gestured around to the situation, "Doesn't change that you lost tonight." "So, the bet was for your little boyfriend?" He spat out. "I wonder how daddy feels about his little princess slutting it up with the help." "Probably just how you felt when you found your wife fucking the accountant. How cliche." I shrugged. "It’s not smart to make enemies with my family. You lost, so honor the bet. You can hand over the belt, or I'll fucking take it." He tossed his head back and laughed. It echoed in between the deserted allys. "You?" He looked at me up and down as if I wasn't anyone who should be feared. His mistake. "Have it your way." I quickly pulled the gun from my waistband, and shot the guards in their legs. The guard closest to me tried to lunge for me, but I hit him across the face with the end of the gun knocking him down. Then, I held him down with my heel at his throat while Ezra disarmed the others. "Now, where were we?" I smirked. Ezra smiled at me when he came to stand by my side. “I forgot how hot you are when you fight.” He whispered close to my ear. "Such a turn on."
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