Story By Swaram


Hello Everyone!! Writing has always been my passion and a longtime dream. Please make sure to follow me on Faceb00k for more updates. "SwaRam" now has an Author page. You can search for my FB page as SwaRam in case the link does not work. Also, find me on Instagram
A Wrong Divorce
Updated at Jul 18, 2024, 22:27
"Who are you?" Elijah asked, looking irritated with my presence. I stared at Elijah at an utter loss for words. Did the accident mess up his memory? "I-I'm Lily.." I stammered, "..your wife.." "Wife?" He spat and quickly withdrew his hand from under my hold as if it burnt his skin to be touched by me. "Y-Yes.." I nod. "We are married.." "That's impossible.." His voice raised a scale higher and before I could even react to his outburst a knife was pressed against my throat. "Tell me who the fuck you are or I will fucking kill you right here.." My vision was clouded with horror. This man in front of me wasn't the Elijah who loved me. He had completely lost his mind because my Elijah would never, NEVER threaten me with a knife pointed at me. "Elijah. Please." I held his wrist, desperately trying to keep the knife away from my carotid. More than my safety, I was worried about the little life inside me. I couldn't let harm come its way. Just then, Elijah's grandfather and the former Capo, Kent Maranzano entered the VIP ward. "What is going on here?" "Grandfather.." Elijah's hold on the knife loosened and I used the chance to create a safe distance between us. That's when realization filled in me. He recognized Kent. Was it just me then? How is it possible? "Who is she?" He pointed at me but his eyes held Kent's gaze. Kent seemed puzzled by Elijah's question but he recovered from it quickly unlike me. "She's your wife, Elijah. Don't you remember her?" "No.." He breathed, his voice was almost inaudible. "Elijah.." Kent sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, "You should rest. We can discuss everything else later.." "I want this woman out of here.." HE barked. Kent stopped in his tracks and motioned at me to leave Elijah alone. Tears prickled the back of my eyes as I followed him out of the room. I kept turning back at Elijah to see even the slightest recognition in his eyes for me but nothing. His eyes which were usually brimming with love for me seemed like two bottom less pit of blackholes.
Second Chance After the Divorce
Updated at May 17, 2024, 01:38
Amelia is now divorced and lives in California, away from her family and friends just so she doesn’t have to come face to face with Noah who now has a child with another woman. However, Amelia’s younger sister is getting married to Noah’s best friend, Ron. This time Amelia can’t avoid going back home. She expects Noah to be married to Tory with whom he had a child right after they divorced. The child is a slap to her face since she had been trying to have a child with him for three years while they were married. However, things are not as she expected and after repeated encounters with Noah, she gets to know He is as madly in love with her as he ever was but will Amelia be ready to love him back after all the pain, betrayal, and trauma she went through? Is his love worth it all again?
Loveless Marriage - My Second Wife Has A Baby
Updated at Feb 18, 2024, 22:39
Ithal: I have always been in love with Aadhan. However, when I found out that he doesn’t feel the same for me and married another woman he loves, I had no choice but to move on. I agreed to marry the guy my parents chose for me but life, as unpredictable as it can be, throws me back into Aadhan’s life. I’d given up hopes of a happily ever after when I was asked to marry Aadhi who is still haunted by the memories of his first wife but I’m tired of being ignored by men and this time I am determined to take what is mine, even if I know his heart would never be mine. Aadhan: I only saw her as a giddy, infatuated girl however, when my life turns upside down, I have no choice left but to marry her. Yes, maybe I desire her physically but she’s not what my heart really craves. She’s just a replacement. An obligation. Where I am prideful and aloof, she’s humble and kindhearted. Where I am temperamental and moody, she’s patient and mature. Where I am a heartless bastard, she’s forgiving. But how long will she hold on to this relationship that I see as nothing more than a liability and burden?
Secret Baby with the CEO
Updated at Jan 7, 2024, 08:24
It was supposed to be one night. Isabella did not want anything more than just one night with a hot, painfully gorgeous stranger. However, the hot stranger from that night turned out to be the CEO of a client company she was working for. And if she thought he wouldn't remember her, she was wrong because she had anchored herself so deep inside Ledger's soul that there was no going back.
A Promise Forever
Updated at Aug 31, 2023, 05:12
“Don’t grow up, Ela. Wait for me to grow up so that you can marry me one day..” I remember telling him, undoubtedly with a soft blush painted on my otherwise pale cheeks. I don’t remember when I exactly fell in love with him but it was on my sixth birthday when I decided to confess my love for him in front of everyone. The people scattered around us burst into a fit of laughter, making me wonder what was so funny in my heartfelt words. “Mini, you can’t marry Ela. He’s like your elder brother..” It was my mom, Roja who spoke with a slight glint of amusement playing in her eyes. “I have Aadi for an elder brother, amma. I don’t need another one..” My voice came out all pouty. I was on the verge of crying at the thought that my parents want me to see my Ila as a brother when I didn’t want to. Although I was only six I was clever enough to know that you are not supposed to marry your brother and since the day I found that out, I made up my mind that Ila is not my brother. In fact, I never considered him my brother even though my parents adopted him as theirs after his biological mother's death. When he saw my tearful brown-grey heterochromatic eyes, then nineteen years old Ila pulled me near him and ruffled my hair playfully. By that time, the elders were back to the boring conversation that was keeping them busy before. “Hey Mini, don’t cry..” He whispered and wiped my tears with the pad of his rough thumb as he would usually do when he sees me crying and then whispered so lowly that only I could hear him, “I will wait for you to grow up so that we can marry someday, okay?” “Really?” I asked in a chirpy tone and he nodded. “You promise to marry no one else?” He chuckled again, “Yes, I promise. I will marry no other woman..” His voice sounded so very promising to my six-year-old self but now I am old enough to understand that it was just a fake promise he made to me to make me stop crying. However, the promise he made to me that day caused an instant warmth to seep through my tiny body and I can feel it even to this day. Even after twelve years since that night, I am holding on to his words when he doesn’t even remember making that promise to me.
A marriage for revenge
Updated at Jul 31, 2023, 22:12
Five years after accusing and insulting Vinodh of something he didn\'t do and being successful in hiding from him, Ananya doesn\'t expect to meet him again as the CEO of the company where she works as an employee. After what she did to him, will she ever be able to look into him without the guilt stabbing into her heart, will she be able to put back all the hearts she broke and mend the relationships she ruined? Is it right to judge a person by their past mistakes? "Should I do to you what you accused of me, darling?" He growled into my ear bringing goosebumps all over my skin. No. No. I panicked when I looked down to find myself wedged between the hard wall and his harder chest in a compromising position. "V-Vinodh.." I whimpered, "P-Please let me go.." "Let you go?" He sniggered but there was no humor in it, "but this is what you wanted, right?" He leaned closer if that was even possible. The smell of hard liquor made me scrunch my face in disgust. When did he start drinking? I didn\'t know my sick obsessive love had given rise to a deathly monster. "You have two days\' time to sign the marriage certificate.." He added menacingly, his eyes openly displaying the hatred he has been penting up for me all these years. If he had said these words a few years ago I would have been on cloud nine but not anymore when I knew the only reason he wanted to marry me was for.. REVENGE A marriage for revenge.
Pregnant with Ex-husband's baby
Updated at Apr 11, 2022, 01:44
I stare down at the three sticks that sat on the counter, all of them telling the same thing- PREGNANT. I wasn’t shocked but I was definitely horrified. We are still in our mid-twenties and Kavin is just beginning his carrier in cricket. There is also this small part of me that is secretly celebrating this news. A Baby! I am going to be a mom and Kavin a dad. Nothing can be more joyous than this but how in the hell am I going to tell him? And how is he going to react? A baby would change everything in our lives and how are we going to cope with it? My heart rate begins to shoot up, hearing the opening and closing of the door to our bedroom. “Nithi, I’m back..” “Just a minute..” I quickly hide the white sticks into one of the shelves and splash water on my face several times, so to remove the tension written all over it. “Good morning..” I try to act cool as I walked out of the bathroom. “You are up early today..” He remarks looking everywhere but me. I perch on the edge of the bed and begin to play with my fingers nervously, “Yeah, couldn’t sleep for any longer..” He hums, “Nithi, listen, I have something to tell you. I have been trying to tell you this for a while now but I didn't know how..” My heart rate spikes up at the seriousness of his tone. “Really?” I clear my throat, “I too have something to tell you..” “Oh, what is it?” He asks, sitting with me on the bed. “No, you go first..” I say with shrug. “Uhmm, Nithi, this is really important..” He begins, “Please understand, I do care about you a lot..” “I know..” I smile at him encouragingly. “..but you also know that we don’t love each other..” I watch him swallow before continuing, “..I tried to fall in love with you but I never could. I mean, I never felt the spark and thrill that people talk about when they are in love. Have you experienced that with me?” 'Yes, a thousand times.', I want to tell him but I don’t, like the million other things I haven’t told him. So he adds, “No, right? Even I have never felt that connection.. with you..” His emphasis on the last word which gets my undivided attention to him. “What do you mean, Kavin?” I snap my eyes at him. He hesitates slightly but adds anyway, “Uhmm, I love someone, Nithi..” At this moment, I know, it's over between us. The tears automatically start flowing down my face but I wipe them before he could see them. I shake my head, “But we are married, Kavin..” I breathe out. “I thought we were doing fine..” “I don’t know about you but I am not, Nithi. I am anything but fine in this arranged marriage that sometimes makes me feel suffocated..” That’s it, I get up from the bed and ball my fists tightly. “So, what do you want to do now?” “D-Divorce..” He suggests coolly. I nod, looking over at Kavin who is as torn up as I am. “Okay, if that’s what you want..” *** After being hurt by the only man she ever loved, Kavin- her first love, her ex-husband, father of her child and now a famous cricketer, Nithila has moved on with her life and all she has is her two-year-old daughter. However when she thinks hiding the secret about their child from Kavin is her only problem, destiny throws them both at crossroads, where they are left to make crucial life decisions concerning their daughter’s health. Note: This is my first book set in India, the country where I live. I am dedicating this book to all my Indian readers and friends. I hope you guys like it.
Arranged to Marry Her Ex-Billionaire Lover
Updated at Dec 22, 2021, 06:42
“You?” Jinn gritted. More than shock, it was rage that he felt by her presence. When he was starting to believe that he had left his painful and tormenting past behind, fate brought that one person in front of his eyes who connected him to that very past. DAHLIA! The name alone was enough to plant a typhoon into his head, create havoc in his peaceful life. “Jinn?” Dahlia never imagined that she would ever meet him again in this life and definitely not as her fiancé. “We all know that she is very beautiful but stop staring at her and put that ring on her finger already..” Jinn’s grandmother jabbed him from behind as he stood frozen, more like assessing the woman in front of him with his passive and scheming eyes. “I knew you were shameless but I didn’t know you would stoop so low for money..” He spat venom in the form of words at Dahlia. “But this time it will be you who will suffer. You will regret ever coming back into my life again..” Dahlia’s body shivered to witness the resolution and determination that shone in his marble blue eyes. If only she had a choice and if she wasn’t in dire need of money, she would have called off the wedding right then and there. After all, it wasn’t new to her. She had done it once before and she could do it again easily but she decided she will not and jutted out her chin in the air. “Let’s see..” She responded to him challengingly. **** This is a spinoff to IT’S ALWAYS YOU but can be read as a stand-alone. This book is entering the 'fall for a billionaire' contest under the theme '#Redeem Ex's love'. I hope you will support me as you have done always. Redeem Ex's Love - Fall For A Billionaire Writing Contest
Rose and Thorns
Updated at Oct 26, 2021, 03:49
Rumors of Victor Gonzalo's death spread like wildfire among the mafia world. Their enemies are lurking out, waiting for the right moment to strike and bring down the most powerful Mafia family, The Gonzalos. Victor’s death only meant, their family’s brutal end, which Ricardo, his father and the mafia Boss would never let happen. Ricardo is successful in finding the perfect replacement for Victor, who is none other than his own twin brother Alberto who lives as Alan Brown in Las Vegas. He is a successful doctor and the chairman of Alan hospitals, a renowned chain of hospitals in the country. His happy and simple life style is turned upside down when he has to pretend as Victor back in Columbia where he meets his brother’s beautiful but broken wife, Jazmine. No one is supposed to know of the real Victor’s death, not even his wife. Starting to live with Jazmine as her husband’s replacement, Alan gets to know that she was abused and beaten by Victor. Alan wants something for the first time in his life and that’s his brother’s wife. She was like a broken vase with few pieces missing but he would carve out his own pieces to complete her. Jazmine’s once cruel and animalistic husband is now a perfect gentleman. For the first time in four years, he makes her feel loved. His love is pure and divine unlike before but deep inside she knows something is wrong. When she madly and deeply falls in love with him, the real Victor is back. He comes to claim what is his, causing chaos and destruction along the way. Warning: This story contains mature scenes and violence. Read at your own risk.
It's Always You
Updated at Jul 23, 2021, 11:20
Due to her rough past experience, Alana desperately tries to save her best friend Mia from heartbreaks when she is attracted to the smart and devilishly handsome Zayn. Trying to stand tall as a wall between Zayn and Mia, she begins to crumble brick by brick when Zayn begins to seep through the thick walls of her heart. He sees past her scars and nurses her wounds. Alana struggles to keep away from him for the sake of her friendship but finds it impossible. Soon she finds herself falling incredibly hard for Zayn for reasons she herself doesn’t know. In the process, she keeps layers of secrets from Mia. Alana is pulled into a heap of troubles, betrayal and heartbreaks when her best friend finds about their relationship and tries to recover from it. *** All of a sudden Alana felt like her legs grew weak and looked absolutely tongue-tied. Just then she heard Zayn’s voice behind her, “Babe, who is it at the doo..” He stopped shut when he came out of the room to see Alana’s friends, staring at her as if they were going to kill her. “Mia..” Alana whispered when she finally found her voice back. “I can explain..” “What do you want to explain? That you are screwing the guy I love, behind my back?” Mia seethed furiously. “Mia I know you are mad at me right now but please listen first..” Alana tried to pull Mia and Audrey inside the house but Mia jerked her hands off her. “I didn’t believe when Tanya told me about you but you turned out to be a complete bitch. I came here fearing for your safety and this is what I get in return? How could you do this to me? Huh? Tell me..” Her voice was an octave high.
The Billionaire's Second Wife
Updated at Jan 3, 2021, 12:52
Ella is a medical student who has lived her whole life being hated by her family members. She takes a drastic step to marry Justin Reynolds, a billionaire when her father and step-mother forbid her from attending college. She thinks her new life would be filled with love and happiness but little did she know that she was going to marry a man who was still hopelessly in love with his dead wife. She accepts her fate, like she had always done and instead of sulking over it, she tries to show love and affection to Bobby, her two year old step-son, who is in desperate need of a mother’s warmth and care. Justin is a broken man who thinks Ella would never be able to love his son like Andrea, his wife did. He strongly believes that a step mother could never replace the child's birth mother however, when he witnesses the bond shared between Bobby and Ella, he feels a mysterious attraction for Ella. Justin and Ella eventually fall in love but only to experience heartbreak once Andrea’s sister, Rachel plots against them. She knows some of the deepest and darkest secrets of her dead sister which she uses against Justin to claim Bobby’s legal custody, forcing him to choose between his wife and son.
His lost love
Updated at Oct 31, 2020, 10:57
Star crossed lovers are not always star crossed because of the fault in their stars. Mostly, it is the fault in the society. Ashton James Schwimmer is every girl's dream: Handsome, rich and excellently brilliant. He is the only heir to Schwimmer group of companies. Girls are ready to throw themselves at his footsteps but he has his eyes only on Katherine, the new girl at school. Katherine Pearl Earnshaw is a hopeful young school girl, who is orphaned at the age of three. Her extraordinary brilliance lands her in Richmond High school with a scholarship. That's where she meets Ashton James Schwimmer. He changes the way she looks at life and makes her believe in love. Heartbreak comes when Callie, Ashton's best friend starts to plot ways against the couple. Their love is put to test and when everything falls apart, they end up divorcing each other. After enduring betrayal of false friendship, Ashton is grief-stricken until he meets Katherine again after three years, rekindling the spark and passion that they both thought was lost. Will he be able to gain her trust and a second chance to prove his love for her?
A Lifetime Ago
Updated at Sep 30, 2020, 11:37
BLURB: Timandra, a young woman working a night shift in an old museum, mysteriously travels back in time. She has lost all her memories of her present life once she lands herself in the past and wanders around as a lost soul until she is captured by the royal guards of the crown prince, Ragnar. History knows him for a pathetic excuse of a Prince and a weak politician, who was murdered by his own uncles and their sons for their greed for the throne. People in the present call him a coward who couldn’t save himself from his enemies. But in the past, Ragnar was loved by his people for being a great warrior and a brave prince, contrasting the historic representation in the present. He is very strong and is nick named as ‘The Ghost’ on a battlefield for his swift actions while fighting his enemies. The only way by which he could have been defeated would be by betrayal. Timandra's birth itself was intended to change the past and rewrite history by saving Ragnar from the evil clutches of his relatives, who want to dethrone him. In this short journey, they both fall in love with each other but fate has other plans for them.
Doomed to love you
Updated at Aug 18, 2020, 23:30
Samantha Cooper is a kind hearted, ambitious and bright soul living with her parents and elder brother. Benjamin is an arrogant, short tempered, blood thirsty mafia. What happens when he seeks revenge against Samantha and her family for the crime that they are not guilty of.? After years of torture, rape and abuse, when he learns that she is not to be blamed, will he start to love her? Will she be able to forgive him for destroying her beautiful life that she once had? “ Take your filthy hand of my sister. You are all going to pay for what that bastard brother of yours has done to my Benny.” He pointed his long finger at me. “You. You are going to suffer the same fate as her. No one can save you from me.” He spit venom through his words and turned away. I fell down on the floor sobbing loudly. ‘Jon what have you gotten us into?’