Story By Veeislove


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Forever Mine *Virginia*
Updated at Sep 19, 2024, 17:34
Virginia I always hear people say that everything happens for a reason and that things will always work out the way they are meant to, but lately my life is a disaster. I have no idea how to make things better, especially now after I decide to participate in a pregnancy game my crazy sister decided all of us should play. What's the point of being wealthy, and being a part of a famous family, when the one person you love and want the most is the one thing you can't have? My high school sweetheart broke up with me after an accident ruined his baseball career. He dropped out of college and returned home, leaving me behind to complete the goals we made together, alone. As heartbroken as I am, I keep going with my life. I feel so alone and have no clue what I am doing. I feel like I lost a limb when I lost him, but he says he needs to figure things out. Guess he didn't love me the same way I loved him. I let him go and focus on myself instead. My goal is to have my own makeup business. I want to be the best makeup artist in the world, but there's one little problem that might put a hold on everything now. Finding out I am pregnant was not in my plans. Everything is even more complicated for me now. I need to wait for the perfect time to tell the father and see where things go from there on. I know we are both on different paths now. Yes, they keep crossing, but he has made it very clear where he stands. I just have no clue what is about to happen when he finds out about my pregnancy. Beckham Having your whole life planned for you and then losing it all really changes you. I always feel angry. I know I have taken it all out on the one person who means the most to me, and it isn't fair. My mom and close friends are really pushing for me to get help, go speak to someone about it all. I don't know what to do. I thought I had it all. The perfect girl, a career, I was at the school of my dreams, I had the perfect life, now I have nothing. I left the girl I love because I had nothing to offer her. I didn't feel good enough, and she deserves the best, so why is it that even though we are separated, and I am back home giving this firefighters job a chance, and she is away in college, we still find our way back to each other? I can't get enough of her. It's as if she is engraved into me. I come to the realization that she and I are just meant to be together. I loved her since the moment I laid eyes on her. Now I need to figure out a way to make it all up to her. To prove myself and show her that we are meant to be together. She has been, is, and will be forever mine.
Dodging You (Outlaws MC)
Updated at Aug 25, 2024, 16:05
Taking my kids and running away from my husband is all I could do to keep us all safe. He hurt me plenty of times. Finding out he got his assistant pregnant was the last straw. I ran away to a small town. I never had planned to meet someone else, especially a biker. I came from a good family. I couldn't mess up and always had to be perfect, but where did that get you? Abused and in danger. I couldn't take it anymore and I refused to have my children grow up in that life. I don't care if my family disowns me. Now my main focus is to survive.
The Hole
Updated at Jun 4, 2024, 16:59
I have been searching for my mate for years. I have searched all around the world. My beta and I come across a place that looks to be an all woman's etiquette school. We soon learn that this place is no real school.
BE MINE Blondie & The Bodyguard *Alabama and Jeremiah*
Updated at Apr 23, 2024, 18:49
Alabama Tall, dark, handsome and extremely rich. A little too goofy, but serious when he needs to be. Overbearing, possessive and arrogant are many words to describe him. He can have any woman, yet he is all up on me. He won't leave me alone. If I was looking for a boyfriend, he would be perfect. Well, I am not looking, and I am not interested in him, or anyone. Or that is what I keep telling myself. Returning home after being gone to the military for years has been hard. I returned home to pure chaos and so many babies. I love my niece and nephews, and although I used to think that seeing my sister's babies would hurt, because of my missing little piece, they are actually helping me heal in so many ways. My life has changed a lot. I am used to being alone and only worrying about myself. So when my sister's annoying best friend seems to be all around me all the time, it is a big change. It worries me. He tells me he wants me and that he knows I want him, but I want no-one. I want to be left alone. Traveling the world and helping people was all I wanted to do, yet now I have found myself living on a farm my family decided we needed. Being hurt and betrayed by the two people who meant the most to you does that to you. I can no longer trust anyone besides family, but suddenly feeling like someone cares about you and like you aren't so alone feels good, right. I wouldn't want to ruin his life with all my baggage, but he takes everything I throw at him and always seems unbothered. I realize that all I do is think of him. Jeremiah O'Connor is becoming the center of my world. I suddenly don't know if I can continue to push him away. Especially when all I want to do is give in to him. Jeremiah When the girl I have never been able to get over returns home after being away for years, I decide that this time I will not miss my opportunity. She is a grown woman now, more beautiful than ever. She has a smart mouth and doesn't take my sh!t. She fights me back on everything, and she won't lie down and let me have my way. She won't give in to me and I love that about her. I don't care how long I have to chase her, or what I have to do, but she will Be Mine.
Updated at Jan 31, 2024, 19:05
Being a famous rock star doesn't stop my life from being a huge mess. I am a single mother. I had my daughter as a teenager. I take it back, I am not a single mother. My best friend stepped up when my daughter's dad stepped out, and didnt want anything to do with her. He is her daddy. He helps me with everything Austyn. But even that comes with a whole lot of drama and problems that I would love to put behind me already. I have the most amazing family who helps and supports me in everything. The only thing that is not going good is my love life. Being in love with the one person you can never have is hard. He chose someone else over me and I just had to accept it. Trying to live my life and give my daughter the best life is hard when there is a stalker after me and I have no idea if he is out to hurt me. Then there's the people who murdered my mother. If there is one thing I promised I would do is take them down. They will pay for what they did. I am young and all I want to do is begin to finally live my life. I will begin to date and go out and have fun. I have worked and studied since I turned 18 and I think it is about time I begin to enjoy all of my achievements. For now I will just live my life and continue to be me, Dallas...with all the drama...
Stay Forever
Updated at Sep 30, 2023, 15:46
Living in foster homes my whole life and being mistreated was horrible. Luckily no-one was ever able to hurt me because I had my best friend Holden to defend me. When I turned 13 I was placed in the same home he was in. He was 14. I remember every single beating he took for me. When our foster parents would come home drunk out of their minds, Holden would hide me so the man wouldn\'t hurt me like he had hurt girls who lived here before me. The worst day of my life was when Holden turned 18 and had to leave the home. He promised to be near by and would continue to protect me, but that was not possible as he was not living in the home anymore. Everything came crashing down one night when my foster parents came home drunk and the man tried getting in my room. I had locked the door and put my dresser in front of the door and it gave me enough time to jump out of the window and run.
Always Mine *Cali and James*
Updated at Aug 9, 2023, 19:25
I have been in love with James Thomas my whole life. Our mother\'s were best friends growing up so we both grew up together. Too bad he only sees me as his best friend. James is the biggest player around. I on the other hand was cheated on by the only boyfriend I have ever had. He claimed to come from a very religious family and couldn\'t have intercourse before marriage, but he cheated on me and got the other woman pregnant, so I ended that. When he asked me to be his girlfriend I thought that I would finally get over James, but being in that relationship just proved to me how much I truly love James. I guess I never really let my ex in, but in a way that is good cause he was letting someone else in. Good riddence Too bad that James doesn\'t see me as a woman and he doesn\'t want to settle down which is what I want. I want my own family.. Now how do I navigate life? Rebuilding my bakery that burned to the ground. Going back to school. Helping Dallas with her daughter so she can focus on her tour and music career. She is also in school. Also helping dad and being here for Virginia and now meeting my new sister Ella. My life is all over the place, but at the end of the day I have my family and that is all that matters. If I have to love James from a distance, then I will do so. Maybe one day I will get the courage to tell him how I truly feel or maybe one day I will find someone to help me move on. Whatever comes first I will be ready. I just wish I wasn\'t so lonely. That gives me an idea. Maybe I can convince him for us to be best friends with benefits. James loves s3x, so I am sure he won\'t turn down this idea. He is experienced. I am not, maybe this will help boost my confidence and I can move on and find a great man.
Second Chances
Updated at Jul 2, 2023, 14:44
My parents love each other so much and always talk to my siblings and I about the mate bond. How I should respect it and how your goddess given mate is the most important thing for a wolf. That is why watching my mate return home with a pregnant she wolf made me not only lose trust in everyone, but more so in the mate bond. How could my parents speak so highly of something that clearly meant nothing to the person who should be mine. They expect me to sit around and try to make it work with my mate and play step mommy, but I have other plans. Right before leaving to train in the Alpha Academy to get away from my mate and the mother of his pup and all of the drama they showed up with, I met another wolf who helps me heal. We become great friends and can\'t figure out why we are so attracted to each other. Getting kicked out of the Academy means I have to return home early, but I arrive to a huge surprise. With mail requesting my older brother\'s presence at the Lycan castle. The curse put on our family members many years ago means that he is the last male that can take over as King, but with all of the problems going on back home, everything gets complicated for everyone.
ONLY MINE *Ella and Elias*
Updated at Jun 1, 2023, 16:06
Ella\'s life changed when she receives the devastating phone call that her mother was in an accident and has passed away. She calls the one friend she has and sells everything and moves away to a new town to start over. Elias is a single father and struggling to balance his home life and work life. His wife passed away and had no-one else to help him. Trying to give his daughter a routine and balance his hectic life, he meets Ella\'s and hires her as his daughter\'s babysitter. What happens when Ella moves in with Elias and little Evelyn? Elias shouldn\'t feel things for his daughter\'s babysitter, but the attraction is out of this world. What happens when one trip with Elias turns her whole world upside down. Everything she always knew suddenly changes and she is now thrown into this new life.
Mistaking You (Outlaws MC)
Updated at Mar 31, 2023, 14:17
Getting attacked changed me. I always had my guard up and didn't allow people near me so easily. Eventually, I became tired of being alone, and one night, I decided to let my guard down. Who knew that day would change my life completely. I left my previous life behind. Being lied to and used by someone who I thought I loved, wasn't a good feeling, and I refused to stay in a place surrounded with people who can look at me and lie to my face. I transferred over to a new chapter in a town where my old college friends live. I wanted to start over. I just didn't expect to meet her. Only for me to realize that she is just like everyone else. She lied to me too. How could this happen? Everything felt so real. My whole world comes crashing down when I realize my biggest mistake.
Blended Families
Updated at Jan 29, 2023, 09:27
After a tragedy strikes the Lacey home, how will they learn to cope and deal with it? With their inner demons and all of the aftermath left behind? They meet a pack of wolves that helps them heal of course.
Hurt Mak/Mike's Book
Updated at Dec 9, 2022, 07:23
Makayla All I have ever wanted was a simple life. My bakery and the man I have been in love with since I was 5 years old. Michael Hurt, I am hurt that I was lied to. The one female I trusted lied and now I return home from college, trying to lick my wounds and I realize how lucky I am to have my family support me even though I have been as aśśhole to them.
Updated at Oct 25, 2022, 16:46
I run to tell him that I am pregnant with his child when I see him bringing his new bride home. I have loved him my whole life, but he always made sure to let me know we were just friends with benefits. We have lived next door to each other our whole lives and I swore he loved me the same way I love him, but I guess I was wrong. 2 kids later and he still wants nothing to do with me. All I am good for to him is a fun night. He doesn\'t even want anything to do with our kids. I need to forget him. I go to the bar in the middle of town and get drunk. A man sits next to me and buys me a drink. "Want to have some fun beautiful?" He asks me. I nod. He flashes a little bag and tells me to follow him. I am now too deep in. I left my kids with my parents. I got fired from my job. I lost my house and I lost my car because I couldn\'t afford to pay it anymore. My life is shit and the only thing that makes me feel better are the drugs. They make me forget the disgusting vision of him with his perfect little family while my kids and I just got thrown to the side. But it is okay because these little pills make me forget everything.
Burned (book 5)
Updated at Oct 1, 2022, 15:51
I stand there and watch someone else claim my boyfriend as her mate. It turns out that the man I have been in love with ever since I can remember is not my mate. I turn around and walk away hoping to close this chapter of my life, but I am carrying his child so what happens next? Follow the story of Amelia and Miles who will go through heartache and a huge loss that will knock both of their worlds apart, but they grow from it and become the amazing people they are meant to be whether it is together or apart.
And Then She Was Gone (book 4)
Updated at Sep 3, 2022, 23:16
15 years ago the Stone family was in a terrible car accident that ended up with them losing one of their triplet daughters, Alexis. She was swept away by water. Luckily someone found her before anything could happen to her. What happens when she finds out who she really is. When she realizes that her whole life was a lie. The mother she thought she loved and knew was never her mother at all. Follow the story that includes all of the Stone children as adults. They go through love and heartbreak, loss and alot of ups and downs and betrayal from the ones who should love them the most. They have been searching for their long lost daughter/sister for years. What happens when they finally find her?
It's Always Going To Be You (book 3)
Updated at Aug 4, 2022, 22:37
After catching his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend, Tyler must accept the fact that the girl he thought was his mate is nothing but a liar trying to get the status of Queen. Now he has to open his eyes and realize that his mate had been right Infront of him the whole time. He has to get it together and be there to help her when danger comes knocking at her door. He is a part of a human/werewolf motorcycle club that will help him in the end. Follow the story of Tyler and Angel along with their crazy, but loving family.
It Was Always You (book 2)
Updated at Jun 28, 2022, 12:48
What happens when Vivi walks in to find her boyfriend in bed with the last person she could have ever thought? The ultimate betrayal. Continue following the gang through their ups and downs. The kids grow up and start their own relationships. Life gets hard when a revelation the family witch made years ago becomes true and the family starts suffering. One gets left with a baby, mates reject each other, true love finds each other and worse of all death. Follow this big crazy family and all of the ups and downs they will have to go through to find their happy endings.
It's Always Been You (Book 1)
Updated at Apr 28, 2022, 18:54
On her 18th birthday Nicole loses her grandmother, the woman who has raised her since she was 4. She also meets her mate the same day. They spend 30 days together cause that's all he has left before his Alpha training begins. Their last day together, his pack gets attacked by rogues and he doesn't get to say goodbye to her and tell her who he truly is. She doesn't see him anymore after that. She then finds out she is pregnant and gets kicked out of her house. She grows and takes care of her baby on her own. She makes her own way. The Alpha to her pack feels protective over her and he helps her and they slowly fall for each other. Eventually her mate returns but nothing is the same. Rejections are made and second chances happen in the most unexpected people. She later finds out she is a princess. The living daughter to the Alpha King of werewolves who has been searching for his kids for years. The mother they believed was dead is very much alive and has been with their father, the Alpha King this whole time.