Story By Goluckycharm


Just a random writer passing by from Nervana.
Legendary Academy: The Strongest of All
Updated at Aug 31, 2021, 12:45
"Too much love and power can kill you." Laurice Fireilline Gwyneth Apostle. A cold-blooded woman who never knew what love is. She knew everyone, but no one knows her. She knew everything, but she won't tell. She knew her death awaits her, she knew she's going to die in the hands of the man who truly loved her. But she faced it, knowing her medicine became her poisonous drug. She got drunk with his love, and died. Their love had cause her to get killed. Everyone knows about their story. Even mortals won't get away with it. Everyone in the Legendary Academy, where the death and resurrection of magic happened. A place where you would dream to exist.
Luminous Academy: The Intellectual
Updated at Aug 7, 2021, 06:34
Lucy Cardova's not an ordinary girl, that's what she thought she was. With her knowledge and intellect, neither did she knew she's beyond that. One incident changed her life and brought her to another side of the world. The world of magic and deep wisdom. Traditional and is sophisticated. The world of Immortals and Supernatural Beings. The world where she truly belonged. Meanwhile, the world where she used to live in is a world where everyone's lies seem to be the truth. The world of modernization and liberation. The world in the midst of death because of the mortals' own mistake. The world she thought she belonged. If you are willing to know the truth about the legend of the two worlds? Will you be able to take the risk to know? Unveil the lies in Luminous Academy. The school of magic and intellect. Once you enter, fantasies will drown you.