Story By Jajaka


Solo vs. Squad (Sang Dewa Game)
Updated at Jan 21, 2023, 23:41
Satria, siswa SMA yang melampiaskan kekesalannya dengan memainkan game Mythical World RPG hingga mendapatkan julukan sang dewa game saking hebatnya. Dia bersama siswa sekolah yang selalu membullynya selama dua tahun lebih ini tiba-tiba saja terdampar di dunia game Mythical RPG. Baru saja dia terdampar, Satria kembali dikhianati oleh teman sekolahnya. Kini di dunia yang asing ini hanya satu hal saja keinginannya, yakni membalaskan dendamnya di dunia nyata, meski begitu dia tetap tidak gegabah sebab dia belum tahu siapa dan apa tujuan orang dibalik keberadaannya di dunia game tersebut. #Isekai #Game #RPG #Fantasy #Action #Overpower
Mythical World RPG
Updated at Jan 9, 2023, 23:21
Satria, a high school student who vents his frustration by playing the Mythical World RPG game, has earned the nickname the god of games because he is so great. He and his school friends, who have always bullied him for more than two years, are suddenly stranded in the world of the Mythical RPG game. Just as he was stranded, Satria was again betrayed by his schoolmates. Now in this foreign world, he only wants one thing, namely to take revenge in the real world. Even so, he is still not rash because he doesn't know who and what the purpose of the person behind his existence in the game world is. #Isekai #Game #RPG #Fantasy #Action #Overpower