Ditched at The Bar

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Ashlyn Issac I stared at Logan's back with shock. He was leaving with Amber and didn't look back at me as he left. Swiveling around in my chair I didn't even cry. Its been over between me and Logan for awhile now. I guess we were both just to...comfortable to end it. Or at least that's what I thought. But I'm moving too fast and I'm probably confusing the shit out of you guys. Let's jump back six hours and see if I can catch you guys up. At one o clock this afternoon my boyfriend of 5 years had walked into my bakery and had declared we were going out tonight. Now the fool in me had thought he was talking about a romantic dinner but after I had agreed and promised to go Logan had dropped the bomb on me we were going to the new club Kink on main. He heard the party scene was hot and the drinks were amazing. Now I don't know why I was shocked that Logan was wanting to take me somewhere to get me drunk and stupid but I was. For the past four months romance was the last thing on his mind. He would always say he didn't want to go to a restaurant because they were too stuffy. He preferred diners or clubs. But the truth was he was tired of spending money on me when he knew he wouldn't be getting nothing from me. Now I could have just told him I didn't want to go. But if I did he would have just been a dick and pulled the whole, "you promised me you'd go tactic." So I said screw it and got off work, feet and back aching like crazy, and came home and got dolled up. I liked dressing up and even though I was a little self conscious about some parts of my body I learned early in life that if I didn't embrace and love me no one would. So I highlighted what I loved about my body and cleverly hid what I didn't. By the time I was done it was just approaching seven. Now if I had begged Logan to take me out to a nice restaurant he would have been an hour late picking me up. That's if he didn't blow me off with the lie that he was busy. I of course would then go out without him which would piss him off further. But we're off track! Like I was saying earlier if this was a romantic dinner date Logan would have been late but tonight he was right on time. I had slid on a black mini dress and some red bottom black pumps. As I was fluffing out my curls Logan let himself in and then stopped dead. Logan evaluated my outfit and shook his head. I could see him through the mirror and I knew he wanted me to. He thought it would make me change or feel unconfident and fish for a compliment in him. But I wanted neither. Logan was a dick and wanted to tell me my outfit was too risque. That I didn't look good. But I did. I know I did. Logan just wanted to take a shot at my confidence. Not going to happen. He'd tried before and I had been confident enough to call him on his shit then, and I would call him on his shit now. But Logan was silent and had grabbed me by the hand and had dragged me out the door. When we got to the club Logan had been loud and happy. He was buying shot after shot and soon we ran into a friend of his at the office who was hanging out with a couple of women I'd seen around the office. They were all nice but Logan force feeding my shots was keeping us from having a decent discussion. When a girl had asked me what my Bakery was called I had started to tell her only for Logan to try and force another shot down my throat. "Come on babe loosen up!" Logan hollered in my ear. Pushing him off me I said, " I am loose but I don't need to be that," I said pointing to a girl dancing on a table, barefoot, swinging her panties in her hand. Logan rolled his eyes, "Cause your not bold enough." He challenged. This is the cliché part of the book where I take ten or fifteen shots and then go and dance with the drunk and obnoxious girl. But I wasn't a cliché girl. Instead I said goodbye to the girls and walked to the bar. Getting me a fruity drink that was low percent alcohol I sipped it slowly as I leaned against my pounding head. Looking around the club I noticed that the sensual atmosphere was actually nice, it was just the jerk I was here with ruining it. Sipping the drink again I almost chocked when I was roughly turned around. Logan stood there with blood shot eyes and slurred, "Look you frigid, stiff, bitch. You have one more chance to lay down and give me what I want or I swear to god I'm done." Rolling my eyes I said, "Logan we need to go home, you're drunk." Getting red in the face Logan snarled, "Fine, I'm leaving with Amber. She likes me and I like her. Not to mention she's not some prude who will tease and leave." Not saying a word I watched as Logan stomped to the door and grab the poor young girl who works at the hospital out the door. I knew Amber from the bakery. She would come in and buy scones for her fellow nurses. She was about my age, twenty four, and I'm sure by the time Logan gets down tearing her down she'll be miserable. And so here I was sitting at the bar of a club I didn't even want to come to. Logan was my ride so now I have to find another one. Great. I started to stand and leave but then a song came on with a hypnotic beat. I loved to dance but Logan hated it said he felt stupid. He looked stupid to be honest, standing their with a constipated look while fist pumping and gyrating like he was having a seizure. But he wasn't here tonight. I was, I was alone and he couldn't drag down my fun right now. Walking to the floor I moved my hips and raised my arms over my head as I danced twirling around I closed my eyes and moved with a beat.
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