I Want Her

1196 Words
Mario Price I stare at her body moving so seductively. Her eyes were closed so she didn't see the guys leering at her with promises of five minute sex. She started to dance with some other girls and they were all a sight to see. But I wanted her. I was in a private room upstairs with some friends and they all came up next to me. "Who are you eye rapping?" Looking at Andrew's subtle way of saying I was being weird I just rolled my eyes at him and went back to my love seat. The stripper in front of me didn't please me like she should have, instead she just made me want to go home. Looking over I saw Thad watching me with narrowed eyes. "You sure you okay bro? You want to borrow Annalise for a second?" Looking down at the little doe eyed sweetheart who had once looked at Thad like he was a god stare at the ground with a blank face and dark eyes. "I'm good man. It's been a long day and I'm not in the mood." Thad nodded but I could see he was still stressing over my answer. But I didn't owe him shit. Thad was actually starting to scare me and not a lot of things scared me. Looking over I saw the beautiful blonde girl sitting at the bar sitting alone again seeming to have crawled back into her shell. That won't due, she needed to get her sexy ass back up and start dancing. Swallowing hard I reached for my drink and downed it and half a second. Picking up a piece of ice I popped it in my mouth. Maybe that will cool me down. I might as well as poured the whole bucket on my lap because when my eyes found the girl again she was pulling her dress down a little. I could see her clearly, she was right there. Thad seeing my eyes trained on someone said, "You see something down there you like man?" Nodding I said, "I think so." Thad nodded and said, "Well be careful my man. Whoever you see is only on level one." Nodding I got up, "I'll see y'all later." As I was walking I heard someone hit Thad and follow behind me. No shock that it was my bestfriend Erwin. Erwin smiled at me and whispered, "Don't let him scare you from whoever is down there. Thad's cynical and sometimes rude without meaning to be. You should at least see if you can get her to consider it." Nodding I went downstairs and when I saw she hadn't moved I decided, why not. Sitting not to far from her I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She was beautiful with her ash blonde hair and hazel eyes. Looking down and around like I was just curious about the venue I ducked when she looked up. I looked back at her when I saw she had looked away and was blushing. Grinning I moved closer and decided to just go for it. "Hello." Ashlyn "Hello." Looking over at the husky tone I shivered and spoke back to the god like man. "Hello." The guy smiled and I knew if he didn't go away I would rape him. He was gorgeous with his golden complexion and light blue eyes. He's hair was pulled up into a high top not which was so sexy. Looking away I couldn't help but curse my shy nature. Because of it I couldn't leave a douche bag who treated me like nothing, I only had two best friends, and then there is this problem I'm having right now. I couldn't flirt to save my life. Shivering again when he got closer I couldn't even process why I was acting this way. I mean all he was doing was invading my personal space yet something about him, his scent, his warmth, his something was so sexy it was driving me berserk. Looking up at him I whispered, "I'm Ashlyn." The god smirked at me, "Hi Ashlyn, I'm Mario." Nodding we sat side by side in silence. That is until some chick spilt her very cold drink on me and then stand in between us. As I was wiping myself up I saw her friends chuckling and cheering her on. The girl turned to Mario and said, "Hey honey, you want to come on over with me?" I winced when she opened her mouth, her voice was like nails on a chalk board. Not pleasant. Not to mention she stank of booze, weed, and cheap perfume. Looking at Mario I saw he looked close to vomiting so I did the sensible thing. I grabbed her by the hair and slung her ass by her cheap weave. "Good bye slut." The woman started to say something but the bartender said, "Hey! I will call security." Watching the slut run off in her too high heels I looked at Mario, "You okay?" Mario nodded, "Yeah, thanks. You don't look like a fighter." Laughing breathlessly I said, "I'm not. My dad taught me hand to hand combat though when I was a kid. Somethings stuck." Mario looked at me and said, "So what do you do darling?" I bit my bottom lip and said, "I'm a baker." I waited for the negative comments. I waited for him to say something grotesque but he was cool. Instead he said, "Cool. I can cook but cakes? I'm done for. I tried to bake once for my momma and I burned it so bad my dad forbid me from the kitchen." Laughing I said, "Oh? Well maybe you're good at other things." Mario leaned into me, "Maybe I am." Smiling at him shyly at what he was implying I changed the subject, "So what do you do?" Mario shrugged, "I'm a CEO." Nodding I commented, "That must be boring. And a headache when you think about it." Mario looked at me, "Yeah but it has it's perks." Nodding I assumed he meant a company car and a corner office with a view. Looking around I saw a couple heading into an elevator. "I didn't know this club had more floors." Mario smirked and said, "You don't even seem like you want to be here." Explaining to him why I am here and still here Mario nodded, "I understand that. It was smart of you to let him go." Looking at Mario I said, "And why's that?" Mario shrugged, "Because you wouldn't have grabbed my attention if you'd have left with that tool. He would have pissed you off and you would have been gone." Nodding in agreement I said, "True. So there's another reason to be happy I'm single. Thanks for that." Mario smirked and said, "Can I show you something?" I was about to say no, tell him that I wasn't into him or anything he wanted to show me. But Mario was nice, smart, and gorgeous. If I don't go I'll probably hate myself later. So I nodded and when he held out the crook of his elbow I took it.
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