
My Little mate

Fantastic Life Writing Contest
YA Fiction Writing Contest
Writing Academy
Supreme Me Fiction Writing Contest

Cole is the alpha of the strongest and most fears pack the red moon pack. He has everything he wanted in his life; good looks, fame, wealth and strength. But the one thing that he wanted most was not there with him and that is his mate. He has been finding his mate for 10 years when he becomes 16 years old have his first shift but still failed to find her. And that thing makes a grumpier and easily annoyed person. He almost lost every hope to find her and give up on her and he take that frustration out on Everyone he gets his hands on. Everyone in his pack was scared of him even his own family is scared of him because of his hot temper and easily; getting angry issues. One day he goes for a run and on the way while returning from the run he smells the most intoxicating smell in the world. Mate, Mate, " the beast inside him said when his eyes meet with the baby's eyes and his whole world come to stop and his whole world comes up's and down. What happens when a two years old baby is the mate of alpha of the strongest pack. Follow them on their journey to know what happens after that. Read the book to know the after story.

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The baby
(Cole P.O.V) I was sitting in my office doing my office work when suddenly my wolf started nagging me to let him out and to go for a run. “What’s wrong with you? Dude?” I ask him. “Let me out cole,” he said while growling at me. “Okay, I will let you out but let me finish this file first after that I will let you out and we will go for a run okay?” I ask. “No, let me out you asshole, now I want to be out now,” he demands while growling at me. “Fine,” I said with a sigh and walk out of my office to the forest and let my Wolf Roy take control over my body. We run for an hour and we were returning back to pack the house when an intoxicating smell of chocolate and strawberry hit us and stop us in our way. Roy started jumping in excitement while wagging his tail furiously and follow the smell which leads us to the end of the forest and to the highway. “What are you doing Roy? We can’t go there like this, we will expose ourselves and our kind putting us all in danger,” I said to him. “Mate! Smell Mate! Want to go to mate” he said excitement. “Okay let shift first and give me control then we will go there,” I said and he gives me my control back. We walk behind the tree where we have kept our clothes and shift then get dressed. I inhale the smell and follow it to see a car was crashed with a tree and Roy whined seeming the scene in front of us. “Hurt! Mate is Hurt!” Roy said whining. “Calm down maybe moon goddess not be so cruel with us to take our mate whom we haven’t even met,” I said to him and we walk to the car and that is when we hear a baby cry. I open the door of the passenger side of the car to see a woman holding a baby girl in her arms and the baby was about to fall. I don’t know why but I take her in my arms before she falls down and that is when my black eyes met with her beautiful ocean blue eyes and I get lost in her eyes. As soon as our eyes met she stopped crying and smile at me. She screeches her tiny hands and touches my face It feels like an electricity flow all over my body. “Mate! We found our mate!” Roy said jumping up and down in my head and giving me a headache. I sigh. * Realy moon goddess a baby. A fucking two-year baby is my mate,* I thought while looking up in the sky. And Roy growl at me. “Don’t think like that you stupid human, you should found yourself lucky you will her first in everything, you will be the first to see her walk, first to hear her talk, first to make her yours, first-” Roy was about to continue but I stopped him growling at him because I know very well where his thought was going. I look down at her and I can’t help but smile at her. Suddenly she sneezes making me chuckle. “Looks like someone is getting cold, let’s go home and take a hot bath before you get a cold,” I said to her making her giggle. I kissed her head and held her close to my chest to keep her warm and walk back to the packhouse. I was about to enter the pack, house when I heard a familiar voice and stop in my way. “Hey, cole where were you? I have looked all over the house for you and even tried to contact you through mind link but you also had blocked it,” My best friend and beta of my pack Zane said to me and I turn to look at him. “Is that a baby you holding? When did you find a luna and have a baby with her and where is she? why---” he was about to continue questioning me but I interrupted him. “Shut up dude! She is my mate!” I said to him while looking at her with a smile. “I don’t know you were that desperate for a mate that you kidnapped a baby from somewhere brother,” I heard my sister Stella said with a smirk. “I didn’t kidnap her Stella and I am telling the truth, SHE IS MY MATE,” I said to her while she was walking towards us in all sweat while glaring at her. “Enough!” I heard my father Mike shout at us. The only person who can make me scared to the core is my father. I turn to look at my parents walking towards us. “Go and drop her where you take her from,” my father commanded me in his alpha voice. “No, she is my mate and she is going to stay with us,” I said to him looking down at the ground. My father was about to say something but interrupted by one of our warriors Trevor. “I am really sorry to interrupt Ex- Alpha but Alpha cole was saying the truth she really is his mate. I can say that because I am her protector and she is my charge, I sense her today and go to find her but failed. When I reach the place where she was before I can’t find her and when I smell the scent of alpha cole there, I know that she will be there with alpha cole safe and sound and come back to the packhouse,” One of our warrior Trevor said to my father and I take a sigh of relief. “Okay then, it was fine with me, do you know any information about her backgrounds like her family or anything else? What if her parents try to find her?” my father asked. “You don’t have to worry about that dad, her parents died today in a car accident and that is how we were able to find her,” I said to my father and he looks at Trevor for confirmation and he nodded at him. I hate it when he doesn’t believe me. “But are you sure that she is our luna, she is a baby and a human,” Stella ask him. “Yes,” he said and she looks at father for a further explanation. “It is very rare for us to have a human mate but not impossible, moon goddess checks the strength, intelligence, and loyalty of a pack while giving a human mate to the alpha for some special reason,” dad explained. “So what are you planning to do with her?” My mother Rose, ask. “I would like to give her to a higher position couple to look after her like a warrior or something,” I said to them. “There is no need to do that, as her protector it was my duty to protect her and take care of her so I will do that as her uncle,” Trevor said to us and I nodded at him with a smile at my face. “Okay, then she is your responsibility from now but you will not give her bath or change her clothes I don’t want any other male to see her or touch her like that except me when she still a small baby, tell a female omega to do that,” I said to him and he nodded at me. “Possessive much,” Stella said and smirked at me and I glared at her. “Let’s go in it’s getting cold here and she getting cold too,” my mother said while looking at her with a warm smile and we walk inside. I ask Zara one of omega to give her a warm bath and go to the doctor to get her checked by the doctor Megha our pack doctor to make sure she is fine and she gets all the important vaccines. She takes her from my arms and as soon as she takes her from my arms walk out of the room with Trevor hot on her tail my wolf started whining at the loss of warm and I sign. *This is going to be a long journey* I thought and look at Zane. “Yes, I want to talk to you about something but not here let’s go to your office,” he said and we walk to my office. (A/N - Hey guys, I have put the whole book in editing, so I prefer you not read the book right now. I will let you know when I have done editing the book to read it and enjoy it. And to answer your question about its completion is it is not complete yet. It has gone into completion by mistake. I still have some chapters to update to complete it)    

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