First day of school: Part one

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KENDRA At the edge of the woods, Kendra smelt the most amazing scent. The water lilies. That was the scent. She felt drawn to it. Turning up her nose to sniff in more of the scent she walked further into the woods tracking the scent. The smell was acting elusive. The further she walked towards it the further it drifted away. But Kendra couldn't help wanting to know the source of the scent so she followed. She heard a twig snap by her right and turned in that direction. She caught sight of a long blonde hair and called out but got no response instead the female flee from her. She gave chase but never caught up with the person. Kendra sighed when she opened her eyes and realize it was just a dream. Why she is dreaming about some weird woman beats her but she has been having the dreams ever since she turned fifteen and it has been recurring more these past few days. Kendra rolled around on her huge ass king-size bed to look at the fancy alarm clock, a gift from her mother on her fifteenth birthday. It was a prank gift, and the irony of it was that Kendra has never needed the alarm to wake up. She was an early riser. The clock read five minutes before it is six am. The exact time her alarm was supposed to go off. This time she beat her alarm by five minutes. Kendra always keeps track of the time she woke up before her alarm goes off. Is fun for her. She got down from her bed, her feet falling on the pair of black fluffy bedroom slippers at the side of her made. She tightened the rope of her nightwear and turned to make her bed. Kendra hates messy beds and always dresses her bed whenever she gets up from it. She made her way into her bathroom to begin her morning ritual. Today was the first day of senior high for Kendra and she was looking forward to it. She might be the only one among her mates that is actually looking forward to going to school. Unlike her fellow teenagers, Kendra loves school and loves to study. Being the smartest in her school should have made her a nerd, but she was one of the most popular kids in the school and so didn't get bullied for being smart. And secondly, she was hot. She was taller than an average girl at five feet nine, with a slim athletic built that she honed through years of training with the pack warriors. Her hair was midnight dark tresses that fell in straight waves down her mid-back and her eyes were icy blue like the ocean, courtesy of her father. she had a well-sculpted oval-shaped face, high cheekbones with a chiseled jaw and the only flaw in the glowing perfection of beauty is the crooked nose which she sustained during one of her training sections. And the amount of time she spent outdoors because of training gave her skin a golden hue tan. Kendra closes her eyes to absorb the experience of the hot shower pouring over her head trailing down her long frame. One of her best times during the day is the time she spends in the shower, especially in the mornings. She enjoys it because it affords her the space and the tranquility to get lost in her thoughts. And this morning her thoughts were occupied by the dream she had last night. This is the third consecutive day she is having the dream. " What do you think it means? " She asked Azera her wolf. I am as clueless as you, her wolf responded. Kendra sighed. She hates mysteries, she always wants to know about the end Whenever she is watching moving with her family and the mystery is getting too much for her, she quickly fasts forwards the movie to the end just to know what happened. She is impatient like that and this tends to frustrate her family and that is why is prohibited for her to handle a remote when it is movie time. Kendra sighed again. Not solving the mystery of her dreams was making her frustrated. She got out of the shower and wrapped herself with her large ash towel. Kendra's best color is Ash, and that is why her room is painted ash with the ceiling spotting a very artistic design of spirals and exotic arts. When people walk into her room for the first time they get creeped out by the drawings on her ceiling but Kendra likes it. It makes it less boring when she has to stare at her ceiling, and Kendra does that a lot especially when she is trying to think. Kendra went to her closet and opened it. Everything is well arranged and categorized. Just like she hates a messy bed, Kendra can't tolerate clusters and loves to keep her things in order. Kendra's eyes went from her lines of tops to shirts then jeans and skirts trying to figure out what to wear. It was the first day of school and she needed to look her best. Kendra doesn't play with her appearance and always wants to appear at her best, after all, she was the most popular female in school she has to look the part. For this morning she decided to go with a white off-shoulder long sleeve cropped top that left her flat tummy with her belly ring visible. Tight skinny black jeans and white converse sports shoes. She left her hair wild and free and a little makeup on her face. Satisfied with her looks this morning she decided to make her way downstairs. When she picked up her black Gucci handbag off her collection her eyes caught the time on her alarm clock. It was seven am. That is why she wakes up early because she loves to take her time getting dressed. Downstairs her family was already up along with a few of the pack members having breakfast. She smiled at the ones in the common dining room before walking into the kitchen. " Wow, it smells nice in here, " she said making her way to her mother who was cooking at the stove. Though they have cooks that could do the cooking in the house her mother, the Luna of the pack loves cooking for her family. She kissed her mum on the cheeks before sitting down in one of the seats in the kitchen. " Are you ready? " Her mother asked with a huge grin on her face as she served me the pancakes she just made. " Ready for what? " Kendra returned distracted by the food in front of her. Kendra doesn't play with her breakfast. She can forgo any other meal but breakfast. Any day she doesn't get her breakfast she will be cranky all day. Kendra picked up the ketchup bottle and sprayed all her pancakes till they were dripping in them. She looked up to see my mother making a disgusting face at my food. " You were saying, " she reminded her, with a grin. It was funny how much her mother dislikes the way she eats her pancake telling her she was making a mess of a beautiful food. Her frown brightened out into a huge smile again. " I am saying your eighteenth birthday is in few days and you know what that means. " Before Kendra could answer a loud deep voice interrupted as two men made their way into the kitchen. " A huge ass celebration cause is not every day that the only daughter of the alpha of the Black moon pack comes off age, " Bronx muttered with a huge ass grin curving his face. Bronx was a tall huge man at the height of six feet six and the betta of the Black Moon pack. He and his family leave in the next building close to the packhouse. A two-story building. " And her mate, " another voice added. Kendra smiled at the familiar voice it was Cody her best friend. The beta son. He was tall like his father with shaggy blonde hair that looked like something the wind took a trip through, and twinkling grey eyes. Kendra sighed at the mention of a party. Her eighteenth birth day has been something she had been looking forward to since she was five and saw her parents interact with each other, the love they had with each other along with the other mate's pairs in the pack made Kendra long for the day she will meet her mate. She didn't want a party but knew it was useless protesting her words will only fall on deaf ears. She will let them have their fun, she thought as her mind took her to the more important thing that is finding her mate the next day. Every wolf that reaches the age of eighteen finds its mate the next day after its eighteenth birthday. Kendra wondered what her mate will look like if he was going to be from her pack or the neighboring packs. In White creek, her town there are four packs existing in it. The Black moon pack, which is her pack, are the smallest of the packs but the strongest. Then we have the Blue pack, the Gray moon pack, and then the Red moon pack. " Are you ready to leave? "_Cody asked snapping Kendra out of her thoughts. " Yeah, " Kendra said standing to her feet. They both walked out to the garage where her Black Lamborghini car was packed. Along with being the strongest pack, we are also the richest because of the various business investment our pack is involved in both in-town and out. Cody went to his red Ferrari car and drove out of the garage with me following him.
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