Chapter 1

788 Words
Aura was left alone in the darkness of the strange alley, hiding from the group of men who tried to attack her. A few minutes ago, everything was just fine. Aura was on her way back home after the part-time job at the bar, but soon she saw the very same group of men who were drooling over her at the bar following her. Her gut told her that they were dangerous. She fastened her pace, and they never gave up on chasing her. They surrounded her quickly and started to misbehave with her. She hardly got away from their hands and was running directionless. Another problem was that she ran in the opposite direction she had to go. It was almost midnight and she was in an unknown abandoned alley. Her body was weak from running and bruised by the creeps who tried to attack her. As she heard them coming closer, she hardly breathed and cursed her fate. Is this how my life is going to end?? There is no way I am going to live after if something bad happens to me… I will die, but before that, I will kill at least one of them for sure…   This all happened because of her mom, Amber... If her mom was like a normal mother who cared for her child, then nothing would have happened. She could only wish. Her mom was very selfish enough to send her daughter to work in a bar for easy money. She never went for a job, but she sent Aura for part-time jobs. Before that, they survived with the help of her friends. But Aura was different from her Mother. She loved Amber and was selfless in taking care of her drunk mother. On the opposite, Amber never cared about her hard work or thought about how Aura makes money. Without thinking about anything, she spends Aura's money on drinks and occasional trips too. But Aura never hated her mom for not caring for her. She was thankful that at least she even had a namesake. Otherwise, she would be an orphan.  Aura was used to the threats when she was at the bar, from strangers and creeps who wanted to have a taste of her. Even though she was almost eighteen, she was a beauty with blessed curvaceous assets, which caused more trouble for her. Aura was taken aback by the thoughts as she heard the footsteps. She prayed for them to get away from her soon as they could not find her hiding place. She is not a coward, she can fight, but she knows if she faces them alone now, with the manly strength they have, she will be taken down easily... Aura heard their footsteps going afar from her, and she went out without making a noise. But right then, a strong arm came from behind and in no time others appeared too. It was like they were toying with her like a cat playing with a rat. Aura struggled with the man, before she could move out of his grip, others came lurking at her.  The largest among them came forward,  "Hey sweet cheeks, you thought we were that stupid??" He grinned. Aura hates this kind of man, who thinks women are so weak. In a quick movement, her knee landed exactly on his treasure and he fell back in pain. She smirked at the reaction. But she was rewarded with a slap from the other guy next to her. Before she could make a move, two men kept her captive from both sides. The guy who hit her was about to do it again. She closed her eyes, ready to deal with the pain. But it never came, but all she heard was a loud thud. When she opened her eyes, she saw the creep who was about to hit her fall on his back. And there was a mysteriously handsome guy in front of her, standing protectively. She could read the terror in those creeping faces. Before they could get away, her saviour beat them at an inhuman speed... Aura watched him with wide eyes... And when they ran away, he got close to her… That is when she noticed his eyes, they were glowing ... And as he came closer to her and she froze there in shock… He leaned into her neck and took a whiff of her scent, then closed his eyes as if he was trying to control himself... She felt her body temperature drop due to his closeness... Then her eyes were hooked on his thin lips and the two silver fangs coming out of them… What the….!!   A vampire !! And the darkness overpowered her senses...
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