Horatio, King of Werewolves Pt. 2

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{Amelia's P.O.V}     I met the King, I thought to myself as I made my way down the stairs. He was so handsome. His body so muscular, his height, his shoulders, his face. I had never seen a man as handsome as the king. I hoped that he looked at my breasts; after all, I purposely pulled down my dress so I could grab his attention.    After meeting the King, I went to my father who had the audacity to call my name just as I was about to flirt with his Majesty.     "Amelia, what were you doing up there?" my father asked me.     "I met his Majesty Father," I replied as I gave him a small bow.     "And, were you a respectful daughter?" he asked with his condescending tone.     "Of course Father," I replied. I was not lying, I was very respectful to the King. I'm not stupid. But I also couldn't help but imagine being in his arms at the same time. Those arms of his, I could only fantasize what it would be like to be held by those arms.     "Good. Given that you have already met him, I feel that it is my duty to tell you, Amelia..." he began to say taking me out of the trance. Damn him.     "What is it, Father?" I asked him.     "You will be marrying the King."     Excuse me, what was that now? Marry the King?     "Father? What in the bloody hell...."     "That is my word and it is final. You will marry the King when you become 21, do you understand me!?" he yelled a whisper in my ear so's not to cause a scene. I nodded my head.     As I said, I was already fantasizing about being with the King, but marriage, at 21? Was he insane? What in the bloody hell? Out of pure frustration, I wandered across the dance floor and found two double doors that led into the palace garden. I decided to get some fresh air. I sit on the edge of the fountain and saw the faint moonlight glisten across the water. Too bad that the full moon was covered by the clouds. It would be beautiful. I then hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see him...     "Your Majesty," I say attempting another curtsy. He held out his hand signaling that it was not necessary. His eyes met mine and I give him a confused look; however, his eyes were filled with lust and desire. I didn't know if the was darkness playing tricks on me, but it almost seemed as if his eyes glowed red and gold.     "Amelia, may I ask you a question?" he asks while walking to me. My heart beating faster the closer he comes. Why is he so gorgeous?     "My King, you do not need my permission," I replied trying to smile.     "Are you represented by a man?" Was this guy serious? Did he just bloody ask me that?     "No your Majesty, I am not old enough yet. I am only 19 years of age. Father has told me that when I turn 21, he will find me a suiter." I responded. Obviously lying out of my teeth since I was already promised to him. I only hoped that he was even somewhat interested in me.     "I was told that you will be 20 in the coming months," he said while standing next to me. A small breeze flowed by and I could seem to take it in. The veins in his neck visible to my eyes. Is it wrong that I just wanted to jump on him and kiss his neck? I pictured him having his way with me. Fucking me as if I was the only woman on this earth. Our bodies tangled together in passionate lovemaking. My screaming for more. I honestly wondered how good he was. Mother always told me that men are not pure, not as women, especially the King. Rumor had it, he was sleeping with a new woman every week after he turned 18. It kind of made me sick knowing how many women straddled him or sucked on his cock. I'm sure all of these women were hoping they could be queen one day.     "Yes, I will be 20 in two months, your Majesty," I respond to him.     "Tell me, Amelia, have you ever considered that you may become Queen?" my eyes widened in shock. What in the bloody hell?     "I do not understand..." I replied acting as if I didn't already know. Was he aware of what my father was planning?     "I want you to be my queen Amelia," he said to me as he softly grabbed my shoulders to bring me closer to him. My face almost became buried in his neck, I could feel his muscles contract. I imagined us together in pure passionate lovemaking again. His rock hard royal cock thrusting in out of me as I start to orgasm and call his name.     "Me?" I responded.     "Yes, you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon, so tender yet so sexy at the same time." He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. I could feel my cheeks become warm as lust and desire filled my mind again. Bloody hell, I wish he would have his way with me.     "Your Majesty..." I said looking down to see if I could measure the size of his penis. I honestly wondered how big it was. He lifted my chin to meet his eyes. Our lips merely inch apart. He gave me a strange look.    "Remove your shoes." He commanded me. Without hesitation I did. His voice when he commanded me made my brain turn to mush. I dropped several centimeters and I found that I barely met his chest. I could feel his heart racing. Did he fancy me?     He lifted my chin again, and I felt his lips brush across me. I took this opportunity and tightened my arms around his waist hoping he would not push me away. I could see him thinking about something. I didn't know what it was, but I sure hoped it was us together. Him fucking me into pure bliss and orgasms as high as the sky. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. His lips were strong yet soft. I opened my mouth giving him permission to use his tongue, but he pushed me away and I gasped in shock. Did I make a horrible mistake?     "I'm sorry your Majesty, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't..." I said panicking. I seriously thought he was going to have me executed for what I had done.     "There is no need for apologies Amelia, I actually quite enjoyed that," he said with a smug look on his face. "I tell you, Amelia, if you were my queen, I would have my way with you, and by the kiss you just gave, I doubt that you would protest," he smiled as he brought me close to him again. I couldn't help but blush. "I stopped because I am a gentleman, you are not my queen yet, and I cannot defile you. As my future bride, I will wait until the night of our wedding. As King, I claim you as mine and no one is allowed to touch you. I will address the Parliament that you are my betrothed."     I nodded without testament. The King fancied me and wanted me to be his bride. This is what he wanted, unbeknownst to him that Father has already arranged this. He turned to walk away and I could feel it in my heart, I was already falling for his Majesty. That kiss and his testament to our marriage and how he wanted me only made my heart flutter. I had butterflies and I knew this was only one thing … Love.     "ARGHHHHHH!!!!" I hear a scream. I turned and to see the King in agony.     "YOUR MAJESTY!!!" I call out to him as I run to his side. But he stops me. I look at him and I freeze in fear. His body was changing, he started to grow black fur, claws and his eyes, his eyes began to glow red like fire and his irises shined a bright gold. What was happening to him? He begins to stand and he towers over me, almost four times his normal height.     "AHHHHHH!!!!" I scream in fear as he growls at me. I feel my heart grow faint and my head becomes dizzy. --------------------------     "Amelia?" I hear a familiar voice. I open my eyes and I see the King by my side. I look at him and realize that he is completely naked. I blush and panic. Did he? Did we? Did I?    I look down and see that I am fully clothed.     "Amelia?" He calls to me again. I look into his eyes and all I see is remorse and guilt.     "What happened? Where are we?" I ask him. Realizing that we are in a cave of some sort.  He couldn't meet my eye. Images of the night before began to hit me like a ton of bricks. Our kiss talks of our marriage and then him. I remember him changing into a monster and everything going dark.     "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed in fear not knowing what was going to happen. His eyes widened and I could see how hurt he was with my words. Why wasn't I dead?     "Amelia, please.." he tried to protest. I was afraid, my brain told me to be afraid, but why did my heart still yearn for him. He is a monster. How could a man, become ... become ... a wolf? Why didn't he kill me?     "Why am I alive?" I asked him sternly. "What in the bloody hell is going on? WHAT ARE YOU!?!" I screamed as tears filled my eyes. Could the man I've fallen for be some kind of monster.     "You're alive because I kept you alive," he responded with sincerity. Did he not want to hurt me? "I don't know what is going on. I'm just as afraid as you are." I could see that he wasn't lying.     "What are you?" I asked again scooting a little closer.     "I don't know...." He said. I looked at him and believed that he truly didn't know. "Amelia, please do not fear me, I would never harm you." He said as he attempted to caress my cheek. I unknowingly pulled away and could see how much that hurt his feelings.     "I need to go home your Majesty," I calmly said to him.     "Please, call me Horatio, I'm no King..." He said as he got up to go outside into the sun. Seeing his naked body sent tingles up my spine. His body was so muscular and near perfect. The muscles defining his back, his legs, shoulders, arms, and his abdomen. A perfect eight pack with the V line framing his pelvis. I saw a glimpse of him as he walked and all I could say was 'bloody hell that's big.'      He turned to face me, and I could see his eyes widen. I realized I had said it out loud and he heard me. He looked down at himself and smiled. Cocky wanker. I said making sure it was in my mind.         "Please Horatio, we need to go back." I pleaded as I walked towards him. Bloody hell his body was so sexy.     "How can I?" I heard him reply "I'M A MONSTER!" he yelled as he grabbed my shoulders. The pain from his grasp made me yell out in pain.     "You're hurting me!" I exclaimed as I tried to break his grip.     "Amelia! I'm so sorry..." he said as he let me go. I looked into his eyes and saw it wasn't on purpose. What had my love become? Why was he strong? It wasn't because he was fit like a warrior, it was more than that. Could what had happened last night be the cause?     "Horatio, we need to go back," I said holding his hand. I looked him over and saw no trace of fur or claws. His eyes, were hazel and mesmerizing. What happened to the red and gold? I thought to myself.     "How can I go back, I am fairly certain that the people of my kingdom know what I have become," he says squeezing my hand.     "I doubt that my King, we were alone in the garden when you ….." I started thinking again about what happened. "...when you changed." I completed my statement.     "My mother knows, I could hear her thoughts as I ran away with you in my arms," he said while frowning.     "She will know what to do then," I say while holding on this arm. "But first, we need to find you some clothes. The King should not be wandering around completely nude. That's not proper." I say with a smile while trying to look him over without it being obvious.     We begin our journey back to the palace. I have Horatio hide behind a tree line when I see a small farm on the road. I see clothing hanging on a fence. I slowly sneak to the fence and pull down a shirt and pants for his majesty to wear. They seem that they would fit him nicely.     "Your Majesty, here you go..." I said handing him the clothing.     "Please, call me Horatio. I would think as my future bride you can at least call me by my name." He said as he received the clothing.     Bloody hell, I had forgotten about that. Did I still want to though? But then again, if Father doesn't know what the King has become, I will still be forced to marry. The question was, could I? Could I be the queen to someone like him, someone who could easily kill anyone with his sharp claws and teeth? I didn't want to imagine it. In my heart, I still had feelings for him.     "Let's go..." I hear him say after he's fully dressed. The clothing seems to fit him quite nicely and it showed his physique. -----------------------  We arrive back at the palace gate, and hear a guard exclaim "THE KING! THE KING HAS RETURNED! LADY AMELIA AS WELL!!" shortly thereafter, the gate starts the rise and we walk hand in hand. Why was I not afraid of him? Why did I feel safe even knowing what he was? or wasn't?     "Amelia!" I hear my name in unison as father and mother rush in to hug me.     "My King!" exclaims the queen she rushes past us to embrace his majesty.     "Your Majesty, how did you find my daughter? She was taken by that.... by that... by that beast!" my father says. That word 'beast', hurt my heart. To hear Father call my love beast. But that's what he was, why did it affect me so?     I turn around to see Horatio in his mother's embrace unable to answer. But then I see it in his eyes that he wanted to tell everyone. What would happen to our arrangement? What would happen to him? To us? To the Kingdom? ----------------------- {Horatio's P.O.V} I didn't know what to think I paced back and forth in my bedroom. What was I to do? How would I tell my entire Kingdom that I was a monster? What did I become? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     Unfortunately, there is nothing after this. The last part of this scribe has been torn off, and these are the only two scribes in existence that talk about Horatio. The only two remaining I should say. However, legend has it that Horatio did indeed tell his Kingdom of his new powers. Along with speed, strength, ability to heal rapidly. and telepathy, Horatio came to learn of his immortality, and with newfound power, he used his werewolf venom to turn Amelia, locking in her youthful beauty. Horatio was the first werewolf ever discovered. Amelia bore him many children, and his pureblooded heirs reigned for centuries.     You might be wondering what happened to his Majesty, his bride, and their Kingdom. According to legend, Horatio was betrayed by his top general, Cyrus, the first person Horatio turned after turning Amelia. For centuries, Cyrus followed Horatio and trained his army of elite werewolves. Slowly, over time, Cyrus was said to fall in love with Amelia. He plotted against Horatio and killed him in his sleep one night around 1765. Cyrus took Amelia as his own, even though it was by force. He raped her continuously until she bore him a son. Once the child was born, Amelia fell into a deep depression and eventually hanged herself sometime in the early 1800s. At least that's what the stories say.      After her death, it is said that Cyrus ordered the death of all purebloods in order to reap the world of Horatio's bloodline. Only Cyrus' bloodline was to reign supreme, for all eternity. Thinking that he succeeded, Cyrus became the new King of werewolves. Anyone that defied him was sentenced to death. However, about a century after his reign, when the DNA of werewolves became tainted, a new threat emerged... Wolfsbane. A small purple flower that could be used to poison a werewolf. Cyrus did not heed this warning and ignored this new threat. Thinking that because he was turned by Horatio, he believed that he had no weaknesses. He was highly mistaken.     It is said that only purebloods, direct descendants of Horatio were immune to this small yet powerful poison. Although this could never be proven, Cyrus refused to allow anyone that potentially had pureblooded DNA in their blood to survive. All those related by blood or marriage of Horatio's bloodline were ordered to be executed. His genealogy to be completely wiped out.     Not long after this new law was passed, a witch found Cyrus and told him of a child, a young girl who would be said to be the final pureblood of Horatio's bloodline. A werewolf so powerful that once she came into her powers she would reign supreme and that not even he could stop her. However, she left out one small detail... When this child would be born. After hearing of this child, the prophecy, Cyrus order any and all female children to be slaughtered upon birth. Any mothers that defied this would die with her young. Cyrus' greed for power turned him into a mad man. So much that his followers began to leave him. Unbeknownst to him, there was a survivor of Horatio's bloodline that he missed during his rampage of executions. She was with child when she left his kingdom. Her name was Astrid, a great granddaughter of Horatio.      In secret, she bore a daughter and when she was born, Astrid saw her eyes and realized that this child was truly special. Her eyes glowed red with gold in her irises, just like that of Horatio. Astrid names her daughter to honor their queen, Amelia. Born on the 23rd day of May 1987.  I am Amelia. I am the prophecy.
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