Story By Alcione02


Alcione is pronounced as Al-zion Stary/Dreame writer since June 2018 Full-time writer with 23 stories, and more to come. Kpop lover I love reading and writing stories as much as I love food. That\'s a fact✅ Reading took me to places, eras and even made me feel giddy like a teenager girl. Writing helps me express what I feel. I can become whoever and whatever I want. And since people round the globe appreciates my work, it definitely warms my heart and it gave me the will to write more and better stories. Follow me on my IG acct: alcione02.dreame Like my FB page: Alcione02. Dreame
Captured Princess
Updated at Jul 26, 2024, 05:00
Joining a medical mission is a normal thing for Shanaia. Growing up with both parents who are doctors, naturally, she also wanted to heal and help those who are in need. Going to a medical mission, to a secluded village no big deal. But being chosen as a bride of an entity, so old that the locals consider it a legend is something else. Captured and taken to a world beyond imagination, Shanaia has to find a way back to her world. But before that, she also has to survive days with her captor; a handsome and charismatic man with black eyes. Spending days with such a man ignited feelings within Shanaia’s heart. Is it Stockholm Syndrome or mate pull?
Fire and Desire
Updated at Jan 31, 2024, 03:02
Philip waited for his mate to come, but he didn’t expect her to be an infant and the daughter of the twin princes that made his life hell because of all the pranks played on him. But still, he cherished her as she was his. Lysandra thought Philip was like a knight in shining armor from fairy tales. She fell in love with him almost instantly. She thought they had a perfect relationship until the fates messed up with them, leading them to separate paths of pain and suffering. Reunited in a foreign land, will they rekindle their love? What if there is someone else? And what if there is a new threat to the supernatural world?
Husband for Hire: Andres Santillan; the Valiant Baker
Updated at Jun 25, 2023, 04:25
Aya is a workaholic and career-oriented woman and only focuses on her work. She is twenty-nine but she still does not have a husband or even a boyfriend. In fact, Aya's life was sad; she was no social life at all. High school reunion; others are excited about this occasion because it is an opportunity to see and talk to old friends. But to Aya, this is the occasion she avoids the most. She knew she’ll be the laughingstock of their batch since she was not married, and cannot even present a boyfriend. And add to that, it looks like her grandfather is hell-bent on finding her a husband of his choice; an old family tradition that she wishes to escape once and for all. So how can she go to the said reunion without being looked down on and made fun of? How can she free herself from the old family tradition that decides her fate? The answer... RnJ Services It’s an agency where you can hire a man to pose as a husband or boyfriend for the right amount. Desperate because of her situation, Aya hired one. And as if fate is playing a joke on her, the man assigned to her was Andres, the cocky yet charming baker just across the street where she lives. What if the husband who was assigned to her can make her boring life exciting? What if feelings grow between them? What about the agency’s rules? NO FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE HUSBAND
His Destined Mate
Updated at Feb 14, 2023, 01:48
#DreameLoveStoryContest The story revolves around Zander; from the time he was a boy, growing up and dealing with family issues. How did he take it after her sister died and brought it back to life with no memories of her life? What about his life when he was sent to Italy to become a teacher and take care of their family business? What will he do when he met a beautiful tour guide and found out that she is his mate? Of course, he’ll do everything to win her heart. But what if his mate turned out to be one of his students? A struggle. Not only that they had to hide their relationship, but the truth about her identity is also drawing a huge gap between them. And to make the situation even worse, demons attack and search for him. Can Zander take care of all that’s happening around him? Will he be able to fully claim what’s his?
Seekers of the Crypt; the Lost Artifact
Updated at Aug 18, 2022, 05:00
After finding out that her uncle went missing in one of his expeditions, Garie received a tip from an anonymous sender. It was a clue of the whereabouts of the legendary missing artifact that their family has been after for years, along with her uncle’s photo. To find her uncle, she has to follow the clue and embark on a thrilling and dangerous exploration in Iran. With the help of her friends and the other members of the Seeker families and the sinister character that they met along the way; they went into a tomb under the scorching desert, to find the missing team and the artifact. But will they succeed? Are the knowledge and abilities they have enough for them to survive? Who is the sinister character that joined them? Is there someone pulling the strings and planned everything?
Bodyguard's Secret
Updated at Jan 29, 2022, 00:50
Girl Power - Rebirth of the heroine Writing Contest She went from a human in the past to a modern-day reaper turned mafia consigliere. He’s an independent successful businessman turned mafia boss. Things happened, and it brought the consigliere and new the boss to work together; at the same time threats arise. But what if this threat turns the reaper consigliere into a bodyguard? What if they began to fall for each other? And what of their past intertwined as well? To kill or to protect?
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 10:11
COMING SOON After a huge fire that broke in a huge facility, the secrets performed within the facility were buried deep; forgotten. Years passed and a detective was investigating a frequent kidnapping that has been happening in his district. Upon investigating, he met a beautiful pre-school teacher and fell in love with her at first sight. But when one of her students got abducted, she got dragged into the investigation. When murders were added to the case the detective was investigating, secrets connected to the burned facility started resurfacing, and found its connection to different people, including him. What is the truth buried in that facility? Who is behind the abductions and murder? What are these people’s connections to each other and the facility? What are their secrets?
Immortal Elements; the Continuation
Updated at Oct 19, 2021, 04:25
COMING SOON Adjusting to the life of adulthood, the Baganis are all busy with their careers; with little chances of missions, they slowly gotten used to loving their normal lives. But as they are living normally, an unexpected thing happened. The fifth Bagani was revealed, and to add to that, another engkantao seemed to find the beauty of the Bagani of Fire exquisite. And when they thought that they finally got the taste of peace, another for arises and threatens the lives of many innocents. So now the Baganis have to work as one once again and save the Sangkatauhan.
The Princess and the Two Dukes
Updated at Sep 10, 2021, 03:20
#RoyalRomanceWritingContest Zari is the second in line to throne of the Royal family that governs vampires, and shifters. She never thought she’ll meet her pair when she went back to the past for their mission. If it isn’t complicated enough that they are in the past, there isn’t just one but two of them! One was reserved, and one was confused. Now that she’s back in the present time, she wonders if they are alive. As a whole new world opens its doors and new threat arises, a mission brought her to an unknown territory. Will she see them again? What if they are not the same Dukes she knew in the past? Will she be able to reconnect with her mates, or will she choose to follow her heart?
Once and Again
Updated at Jun 20, 2021, 23:29
He's the popular jock, she's the smart student council president. Both from different groups of school society. Eirick is the school team's quarterback. He's pretty popular that guys wants to be like him, girls loves him. You might see him with different girls every week, but his heart belongs to someone. The popular jock is secretly in love with a girl who is way out of his league. Rafi is the school's student council president and a consistent top student. She's quite beautiful but chose not to flaunt it. She doesn't associate herself with the wrong crowd, and just hang out with her best friends. And she's secretly has a crush on a boy, that is way out of her league. Can this two different individual be able to meet in the middle or will they drift away from each other.
Jewel of my Heart
Updated at Jun 13, 2021, 00:42
Dranz is an uptight and serious student body president of their school and the heir to a billion dollar company. He's a very busy person who juggle his time in school and training for their family's company. He doesn't even have time for dating girls. That was until he met Max. Max is the philanthropist heiress of a multi million Spanish empire. After three years of studying abroad, she is back with her family. On her welcome home party, she bumped on Dranz, literally. That moment sparked something between the two of them. Will they be able to stop themselves from falling for each other other and let find it's way, or will they let their responsibilities and dreams drift them apart?
Saving the Hybrid's Past
Updated at May 15, 2021, 01:15
When the Queen suddenly fell ill, the whole family, pack and coven got alarmed. She’s an invincible Queen, and to suddenly fell ill is really suspicious. With the help of Amara, they found out what’s wrong. The Queen’s past is in danger, making her present and future in danger. Now it’s up to her equally powerful grandchildren to save the past to save the present and future. What’s in the past that needs to be saved? Queen Camilla IX and Alpha King Lucian.
Stubborn Princess
Updated at Jan 31, 2021, 05:28
Calie, is the youngest of the royal siblings. She grew up sheltered and protected by the kingdom, for she possesses a gift, rather dangerous if it falls to the hands of the wrong person. She wanted to be free and independent. So when she met her human mate, she left her home to be with him. But not everything is a happy ending. Her mate died, leaving her broken with their son. Years have passed, while on vacation, a handsome young man, an alpha wolf claimed her as his mate. Will she give him a chance? Will she give herself another chance in love? Or this will only bring more heartache? And what if a huge threat arises while on vacation?
Black Beast
Updated at Dec 16, 2020, 01:46
Mason Nighthowl is the rightful Alpha King, but he was robbed of his birthright. He was betrayed by his own twin brother, stealing not only his throne, but his wife as well. Cast as the forgotten prisoner of the Howling Labyrinth, Mason wishes to be freed from his prison. And on the hundredth night of his imprisonment, a human with sorceress blood stumbled upon the imprisoned king, freeing him from his prison. And somehow, since then their lives are now intertwined. Is Mason ready to uncover the secrets around him? Will he be able to take back what is his? Take back everything that belongs to the black Beast.
Obsidian Cavalier
Updated at Nov 27, 2020, 04:14
Humans and shifters have gone missing from Harred Kingdom, so the kingdom’s own council seek the help of Aragon’s infamous Shadow Knights. The twins, Damon and Diana Krueger being shifters and from the said Kingdom was sent for the mission. They were sent to investigate the disappearances, but while doing their job memories of their painful childhood came back to haunt them as their former family member showed up. Secrets were unraveled and the answers to the mysteries of the disappearances are already within reach. Everything is starting to come to light if only Diana had not gone missing. Being kidnapped is one problem, but being rescued by a man that infuriate her and made her heart skipped a beat at the same time is another. Who is this man? Who is her knight in black armor? Can she finish her first mission as a Shadow Knight?
A Love To Kill
Updated at Nov 18, 2020, 20:55
Jenna’s junior year was a nightmare. She had a stalker that did unimaginable things. She went through something that no woman should have gone through. She was raped. Now on her senior year, she wishes for a memorable one. Ever heard of ‘Be careful what you wish for’? Because in the middle of her senior year Jenna began to receive bloody roses, with a note saying... A Love to Kill....
Immortal Elements
Updated at Sep 22, 2020, 08:10
Lambanas exist. Elves exist. Diwatas exist and other creatures exist too. Some are nice and peace loving creatures. But some are naughty and loves to cause mischief. What will happen if an ancient, powerful creature of pure evil awoken from it's slumber, and begun wrecking havoc everywhere? Who can stop them? Four powerful elements. Four powerful engkantao of their generation. The Bagani.
Princes of Mischief
Updated at Sep 19, 2020, 02:07
Lykos and Lynox. They were known as the princes of mischief. They are certified party animals, prank masters and known for simply having fun. But as they age, they finaly realize that their antics are taking them nowhere. They have to do something to make a name for themselves. So they left America in a mission from the council. Upon success, it landed them the reign over the European continent, as high alphas. Since then, they were looked up to. Some feared them, many respects them, and some despises them. Women throw themselves at their feet. But not once they entertained them. Like their siblings, they vowed to wait for their mate. Mate. The only person the moon goddess created just for them. But what if the moon goddess has given them one mate to share? Not really a problem. But what if this mate is as stubborn as a mule? Big problem! Especially if she's human. Or is she?
White Devil (completed)
Updated at Jul 22, 2020, 02:23
Jimena Aragon. She is believed to be the most powerful vampire to ever lived. Why? She is a vampire royalty, and she has blood of a powerful sorceress running through her veins. She is a young protege , who is the king's most prized possession. An heir to the throne. But then the greedy council want the vampire kingdom for themselves, and they see Jimena as a child who doesn't deserve such privilege. So, what did they do? They hired assassins to kill her, and the king. Hundreds of years passed, the council ruled the vampire kingdom with greed and instilled fear to every person under their reign. The king and the name Jimena was now nothing but a bedtime story. Jaimee Zaragosa A human girl who works for a vampire noble house. A weak yet headstrong human who openly opposes the council. Does the council see her as a threat or a scrumptious meal? What will happen when a series of murders causes a stir in an already troubled kingdom? Who is responsible for all those murders? People can only say two words. White Devil
A Royal Memory
Updated at Apr 6, 2019, 03:46
A girl with no past, and uncertain future. That's Marie. She has no memories of her past nor her own identity. Her only clue was a gold ring with the name Marie on it.   Then there comes Nathan. A charming and sweet young millionaire who stole Marie's heart. He was Marie's knight in shinning armor, and she was Nathan's angel. They were happy and in love.   They might have been perfect for each other, but it's not what Nathan's best friend thinks. Alexander thought the pair is just living in their own made up world. That they ignore all the factors that slowly tearing them apart.   Will Marie and Nathan last forever? Or will Alexander be right, that the pair is not just meant to be? Will Marie's memories come back? Who is Marie anyway? Are their lives actually intertwined from the very start?
Rejected Prince
Updated at Dec 16, 2018, 08:00
Creon, the calm and collected prince. Unlike his other siblings, he liked being in the infirmary, learning things as he grow up. He became a doctor. For both humans and supernatural beings. He chose the profession even if he's next in line to be the High Alpha of north and south America. He likes being in the sidelines, while his siblings fought wars. With momentary peace around them, he joined in a quest to enhance his knowledge in medical field and healing. He's also out for a mission. To find a rare plant that can counter act the effect of the moonwalker bite. He also live with humans and form an unlikely alliance. In this journey, will he find love? Or heartache?
Hybrid Prince
Updated at Jun 29, 2018, 17:00
Alex and Zab grew up together as brother and sister. They love each other, and always have each other's back.   What will happen to Alex if when he turned 16, he found out that he's quite different from the rest of the pack and coven. And to make matters worst, he is falling in love with his sister, and turned out to be his mate.   Two years later..   A night of passion, And a morning of pain and hurt.   What will happen to a 16 year old Zab when she woke up marked and mated to her brother who disappeared the next day. And to make it more difficult, she is carrying the next heir to the throne. Will the couple be reunited once again?
Billionaire's Master and Secretary
Updated at Jun 28, 2018, 17:00
Arion Knight is a successful billionaire at the age of 30. He's at the top of his game. People fear him, women desires him.   But one unfortunate night left him in a dark alley lying on his own blood with gun shot wounds. Just as he's about to close his eyes, the most beautiful woman he's ever seen in his life appeared and knelt beside him, and whispered in his ear..      " I'll help you, if you'll help me. "   Without any thought, he nodded. To his surprise, that woman bit down his neck.   The next time he woke up,everything's different. He's stronger, faster, his eyes turned gold and he has fangs!   What happened to him and what will happen now? Who is his savior that made him even more fearful for everyone else.
Alpha's Hybrid Mate
Updated at Jun 23, 2018, 03:12
Alpha Liam Stanford- High Alpha of the largest and strongest pack in both North and South American continent. At the age of 28 , he hasn't found his mate yet. He's a player and he's losing his hope in finding her. That was until Camilla Castillejo came to town. Camilla Castillejo- the new girl in town. Unknown to everyone, she's not new in town. She lived in that town way before the wolf pack resided there. the truth is, she's a 900 year old vampire, but a pure blood vampire-lycan hybrid. The strongest of her kind. Now that Camilla and Liam found each other , will they be happy? What if threats arises and come between them?